Title: Rapidity Asymmetry in d A Collisions
1Jet Tomography of Hot Dense Matter
Xin-Nian Wang Confinement 2003
2Medium Response Function
3Computed Tomography (CT)
Calibrated source
Jet Tomography Using Parton Jets
4Jets Beams of quarks and gluons
5EM Radiation
EM field carried by a fast moving electron
EM Radiation by scattering Interference between
initial and final state radiation
6Electron Tomography
Classical radiation of a point charge (Jackson,
7Two Limits
8LPM Effect
9Radiation in QCD Colors Make the Difference
10DIS off Nuclei
11Parton energy loss A twisted story
12HERMES data
in Au nuclei
13Expanding Medium
(GVW, GOW,Wiedemann)
14Single spectra in AA collisions
15Nuclear Modification Factor
16Single hadron suppression
17Di-hadron Spectra
18Suppression of away-side jet
19Azimuthal Anisotropy
Single hadron
20Azimuthal anisotropy II
21Partonic Energy Loss at RHIC
From RHIC data of AuAu Collisions
Initial Density about 30 times of that in a Cold
Au Nucleus
22Energy Loss Is Partonic!
Could it be caused by hadronic absorption or
23Parton Energy Loss
Same-side jet cone remains the same as in pp
PHENIX sees the same
Hadron rescattering will change the correlation
Between leading and sub-leading hadrons
24Energy Dependence
- Discovery of Jet Quenching proves that a strongly
interacting dense matter is formed Opaque to
jets - Jet quenching is caused by partonic energy loss
- Dense matter at RHIC is 30 times higher than cold
nuclei - Collective behavior Hydrodyamic limit
- It has to be QGP within QCD
- Jet tomography become useful and power tool for
studying properties of dense matter