Title: Dependence of Ridge Formation on Trigger Azimuth
1Dependence of Ridge Formation on Trigger Azimuth
- Rudolph C. Hwa
- University of Oregon
Ridge Workshop Brookhaven National Lab September
22, 2008
2The study of high pT physics in heavy-ion
collisions --- the effect of medium on the
properties of jets.
Here, the reverse --- the effect of semihard jets
on the medium.
Intermediate pT physics 1.5 lt pT lt 6 GeV/c
The focus of this talk is on the ridge structure
in azimuthal angle at mid-rapidity in
particular, on the dependence on trigger
3Soft ridge in auto-correlation without triggers
integrates over ?1?2 , so it is insensitive to
the jet direction.
We do not consider the problem of long-range
rapidity correlation found by PHOBOS.
It is a different problem.
In pp collisions the correlation between
transverse-momenta (pT1-pT2) is due to a
mechanism different from that between
longitudinal-momenta (y1-y2), so they are
essentially unrelated.
4Correlation on the near side
Putschke, Quark Matter 2006
5STAR data on Correlations vs. Reaction Plane
Feng QM08
3ltpTtriglt4GeV/c, 20-60
Away-side Evolves from single- to
double-peak. Near-side Amplitude drops.
STAR Preliminary
6Four features about Ridges
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8P. Fachini, arXiv0808.3110
B/M1.7 up to pT11 GeV/c!
How is it to be explained by fragmentation?
9Hadronization by recombination
pT distributions of ? and p
104. Baryon/Meson ratio in the Ridge is higher
than in the Inclusive distribution
in recombination/coalescence model (Reco)
11What partons?
Thermal partons correlated to jets
Inverse slope T (for R) gt T (for inc.)
?T40-50 MeV/c
quark exp(-qT/T) hadron exp(-pT/T) RF
?(pT-?i qiT) ? T same for quarks and hadrons
12For pT,trig as low as 3 GeV/c, the semihard
parton is created not far from the surface
because of medium opacity.
1. Centrality dependence
Enhanced thermal partons are strongly dependent
on medium
13Partonic basis for ridge formation
14Trigger 3 lt pT lt 4 GeV/c Associated 1.5 lt
pT lt 2 GeV/c
Not hard enough for pQCD to be reliable, too
hard for hydrodynamics.
- Physical processes involve
- semihard parton propagating through dense
medium - energy loss due to soft emission induced by
medium - enhancement of thermal partons
- hydro flow and hadronization
- ridge formation above background
We have no reliable theoretical framework in
which to calculate all those subprocesses.
15Work done in collaboration with Charles Chiu
(University of Texas, Austin)
arXiv 0809.3018
16If not, then the effect of soft emission is
spread out over a range of surface area, thus the
ridge formation is weakened.
18Ridge particle distribution
19Quark Matter 2008 -- A. Feng (STAR)
Dependence on trigger azimuthal angle
20Ridge and Jet components are separated.
Ridge shapes in ?? are similar.
21 Jet and Ridge Yield
STAR Preliminary
3ltpTtriglt4, 1.5ltpTtriglt2.0 GeV/c
jet part, near-side ridge part, near-side
jet part, near-side ridge part, near-side
top 5
Ridge seem to decrease with fs . More
significant in 20-60 than top 5. Jet seem to
slightly increase with fs .
Strong near-side jet-medium interaction in
reaction plane, generating sizable ridge? Minimal
near-side jet-medium interaction perpendicular to
reaction plane?
22Yield per trigger
N encapsules all uncalculable effects of the soft
processes involved in the ridge formation, and is
not essential to the study of the ?s dependence.
Adjust N to fit overall normalization for top
5 relative normalization for 20-60 not
233ltpTtriglt4, 1.5ltpTtriglt2.0 GeV/c
Data Feng QM08
Vary t0 and ?
Chiu-Hwa (0809.3018)
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26?? distribution
?? ?-?s
Yield involves integration over ?
? --- degree of fluctuation of ? around ?
27Mid-Central v.s. Central Collisions Comparison
3ltpTtriglt4GeV/c 1.0ltpTassolt1.5GeV/c
STAR Preliminary
STAR Preliminary
top 5
- In 20-60, away-side evolves from single-peak
(fS 0) to double-peak (fS 90o). - In top 5, double peak show up at a smaller fS.
- At large fS, little difference between two
centrality bins.
29Dependence on ?
30- ?/2 lt ?s lt 0 right shift
0 lt ?s lt ?/2 left shift
? gt ?s
? lt ?s
?? ? ?-?s
310 lt ?s lt ?/2
32Ridge yield integrates over ??, so it is not
sensitive to the shifts in ?? for specific ?s.
The shifts are properties of the ?s-?
correlation, which can be tested directly by
experiment by use of a new measure.
We propose the inside-outside asymmetry function
33Asymmetry function
A(?s)0 along x y axes
34Inside-outside Asymmetry
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36 STAR data on ?s dependence
3ltpTtriglt4, 1.5ltpTtriglt2.0 GeV/c
37Why does the yield decrease as b decreases?
Fix ?S5 deg, study yield/trigger vs impact
parameter b.
So yield/trigger should decrease with decreasing
b, when ?S5 deg.
But not for all ?S
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40Yield averaged over all ?S has a dip at high Npart
41PHENIX data before Ridge is separated
Has always been a puzzle until now.
42Need further study
43Tangential jets should not lead to ridge formation
for any centrality
Should look for lack of ridge structure in events
triggered by dijets.
44STAR - Study of dijet events
primary trigger (T1)
jet-axis trigger (T2)
Courtesy of R .Hollis
Signal sit atop of a largely uncorrelated
- Barannikova ISMD 07 QM 08
45T1 pTgt5GeV/c T2 pTgt4GeV/c A pTgt1.5GeV/c
Shape Modifications
Barannikova ISMD-2007
- Centrality dependence
- Df projection no significant shape/yield
modifications - Dh projection no apparent ridge
ZYAM normalization
46T1 pTgt5GeV/c T2 pTgt4GeV/c A pTgt1.5GeV/c
Surface Effects
Barannikova ISMD-2007
- Number of triggers per event
- (per number of binary collisions)
- Single triggers and (all qualified) pairs behave
similar to inclusives
- If the triggers have tangential bias expect a
term related to the surface - Surface R2 Npart2/3
Surface R2 Npart2/3
From the Npart2/3 dependence, it can be inferred
that these dijets are mainly tangential jets.
STAR Preliminary
Shown are statistical errors only
47We predict that as pT1-pT2 increases, a ridge
will begin to develop.
48We have not used recombination explicitly, but
hadronization of thermal partons is based on it.
TS recombination is also suppressed if their
directions are not parallel --- for a different
reason Reco Function
SS recombination (i.e., fragmentation) would be
independent of ?, so there would be no ?s
The Correlated Emission Model (CEM) reproduces
the data on the ?s dependence of the ridge yield.
The main input is the correlation between the
directions of semihard parton and soft-parton
Predictions inside-outside asymmetry a dip in
centrality dependence at large Npart
development of ridge structure in dijet events