Agenda Item The Role of Systems Engineering in Global Standardisation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Agenda Item The Role of Systems Engineering in Global Standardisation


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Title: Agenda Item The Role of Systems Engineering in Global Standardisation

The Role of Systems Engineering in
  • John Harauz
  • Prepared for IEEE CS SAB, 28 Mar 2008
  • For Computer Society Internal Use Only

The role of systems engineering in
globalstandardisation, Jon Holt Paul
McNeillis, 2006 (British Standards Institute
downloadable Paper).
  • Standards are an integral part of the work of
    engineers, but the technical and business systems
    in which standards are deployed are becoming ever
    more complex.
  • In applying standards, engineers and other
    professionals face decisions which may have
    consequences far beyond their immediate context
    in time, space and scope.
  • The rise of systems engineering demonstrates the
    commitment and capability of the engineering
    professional to tackle these issues.
  • The paper presents a logical extension of that
    work by demonstrating how the same systems
    engineering approaches are now being applied to
    the actual development of standards.
  • The benefits of using systems engineering in this
    context are set out on three levels
  • application to the development of single
  • to groups of inter-related standards
  • entire global standards making system.

  • In order to solve the problems mentioned above,
    the BSI have adopted the use of a process
    framework, or meta-model, that defines how any
    process (which encompasses standards) should be
  • A framework defines a set of views which, when
    consistent and read together, defines a complete
    model of a system. Many examples of such
    frameworks exist, such as Zachman, MODAF, etc.
  • The framework adopted by the BSI comprises seven
    basic views

  • Requirements view captures the requirements of
    the process and the stakeholders involved. The
    requirements view of the process framework is
    essential to the process model, as without the
    requirements, there is no means of process
    validation. In systems engineering terms, this
    view represents the output of applying classic
    requirements engineering processes.
  • Information view captures the artefacts
    (deliverables) that are produced and consumed by
    the process, and also shows the relationships
    between the artefacts. This view is essential for
    traceability of the standard. One of the selling
    points of a particular type of fast-track
    standard is that the stakeholders need only work
    towards compliance with that standard since it is
    mapped back to all relevant standards.

  • Stakeholder view captures the stakeholders
    involved in the process. Consideration of
    stakeholder interests and ways of involving them
    are perennial themes in standards development,
    and recent projects like the development of an
    ISO standard for Social Responsibility have
    raised the profile of this issue even further.
    The value of having a clear and transparent view
    of stakeholders and relating this back to their
    requirements has never been more important.
  • Process structure view captures the structure
    and terminology of the process forms the basis
    for any kind of mapping between different
    processes and standards, which is important when
    performing audits and assessments. Clearly when
    many sources are being used for information,
    there is going to be a lot of communication
    issues and this view aims to address these.

  • Process content view defines the content of a
    process in terms of the artefacts and activities
    that make up that process. The process content
    view forms the heart of the standard and may be
    thought of as the process library.
  • Process behavioural view defines the behaviour
    of the process how the activities are sequenced,
    the artefacts entering and leaving the activities
    and the stakeholders involved in the process.
    This is the view that most people associate with
    process modelling and is often compared to
    flowcharts or RACI tables.
  • Process instance view captures a sequence of
    processes and defines a scenario that can be used
    to validate the requirements of the process. This
    view shows how processes are executed to meet the
    original requirements.

Benefits of Extending Systems Engineering
Techniques to the Development of Standards
  • Complexity
  • Clarity of structure The resulting models make
    standards simpler by revealing their core
    structure and allow us to strip out unnecessary
  • Beyond templates Traditional standards writing
    techniques rely on the use of templates to give
    structure but there is the potential for text
    to baffle that structure and compromise it unless
    the concepts within it have been logically
    modelled and inter-related. UML modelling is a
    more rigorous tool to structure standards.
  • Understanding
  • Clearer requirements By adopting a requirements
    gathering and modelling approach the rationale
    behind the standard becomes explicit and
    traceable. This is invaluable in responding to
    enquiries, looking back at the logic after the
    original project has completed, and in making
    changes and updates as requirements change.
  • Congruence a well engineered standard is
    congruent in its scope, processes and aims.
    Systems engineering gives the ability to test,
    understand and validate that congruence and to
    correct it if it proves faulty.

Benefits of Extending Systems Engineering
Techniques to the Development of Standards
  • Communication
  • Visual communication can be more immediate than
    text and give the reader of a draft standard the
    ability to access a systems perspective on the
    standard at a glance. Models invite interaction
    and discussions in group situations. They can
    draw large groups of stakeholders into a
    productive development process that goes well
    beyond the usual committee facilitation. There is
    growing recognition of the need for high
    transparency in standards development projects
    and this approach offers a powerful new tool for
    communicating in traceable fashion precisely how
    stakeholder requirements are informing the
    development process.
  • The core deliverable of BSI Professional Services
    is the development of the fast track standard
    known as the Publicly Available Specification or
    PAS. This is, in effect, an industry standard,
    with stakeholder consultation, that can be
    generated in a relatively-short time period
    (around eight months) and that could potentially
    then form the basis for a full consensus British
    Standard. This entire systems modelling approach
    has been systematically adopted as the best
    practice methodology for developing PASs and has
    been applied across all sectors including
    software systems, new technologies like
    nanotechnology and regenerative medicine, and
    established sectors like food and retail.

Benefits at Group Level
  • Applying the approach at the group level brings
    all the established benefits of application at
    the single standard level but starts to bring in
    other benefits realised when a standard is
    developed as an integral part of a larger system.
    These benefits can be summarised once again
    against each of the three major development
  • Complexity the complexity of a group of
    standards can be grasped, analysed and reduced by
    the systematic application of systems engineering
    techniques like UML modelling.

Benefits at Group Level
  • Understanding The process of modelling a group
    of standards engages stakeholders in an
    examination of a standard as part of a wider
    system. The final result is not an isolated new
    item, that simply adds to the confusing quagmire
    of standards, but an integrated piece of the
    puzzle defined as much by its relationships to
    other standards as by the content itself.
  • Communication As with single standards
    projects, communications between members of the
    group are enhanced by this approach, but
    importantly the communication starts to spread to
    others outside of the immediate project in order
    to relate to standards and systems that are
    physically remote. This lays the foundations for
    significant interaction within the global
    standards making system.

Key Concept of Importance to CS
  • Mapping.
  • One of the selling points of the PAS is to enable
    the end users of the standard to have a single
    source of reference that will comply with all
    relevant standards.
  • The key to this is to be able to map from the PAS
    back to the source standards. These mappings can
    be rather complex and are hidden in the appendix
    of the PAS.
  • They are hidden for several reasons so that the
    end users will not get bogged down the detailed
    mapping because standards do change and evolve
    and so that when a new source standard appears or
    an existing one is changed then the main body of
    the PAS will remain robust and only the mappings
    will change.
  • In reality, like any other standard, the PAS will
    evolve over time and it is important that the PAS
    model can reflect this, but by keeping the
    mappings separate from the main body, the core
    standard will be as robust as possible.

Standards Quagmire
  • In the world of systems engineering, this problem
    of fragmentation is immediately apparent.
    Consider, for example, the plethora of systems
    engineering standards, such as ISO 15288, ISO
    15504, CMMI, EIA 632,EIA 742, IEEE 1220, Mil Std
    499, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 15000, INCOSE big
    book of knowledge, etc. Also, bear in mind that
    these standards are all international ones, and
    there are many, many more industry- and
    application-specific standards that relate to
    systems engineering.
  • By the very nature of complexity, there are many
    questions that arise from such a view. Some
    standards are derived from others, for example
    both IEEE 1220 and EIA 632 are derived form Mil
    Std 499. Some organisations favour particular
    standards, for example, the MoD in the UK have
    mandated the use of ISO 15288 on all project and
    also the use of MODAF how do these two relate
    together? How much time and effort should be put
    into standards compliance? Does the whole
    standard need to be met or just part of it?.

Standards Quagmire
  • Delays to market. Sometimes a disagreement or
    indecision concerning the release of a standard
    can impact the time to market a product. Take, as
    an example, the Sony PS3 which has been delayed
    for over 9 months. One of the main reasons for
    this is the lack of agreement over the Blue Ray
    standard that will be at the heart of the system.
    If Sony were to release the system and then not
    comply with the standard, then it would cost more
    money to recall, update and re-release than not
    to release.
  • Competition between standards. History is
    littered by examples of competing standards.
    Those people of a certain age will remember the
    classic VHS/Beta Max wars of the early 1980s.
    Consider also the format of writable DVDs (DVD-R,
    DVD-RW, DVD ) and so on.

A Complex Adaptive System
  • These kind of systems have increasingly been
    viewed through the metaphor of a global
  • This is seen as a very appropriate lens through
    which to see a complex, social system and by
    which to introduce a link to the existing body of
    work on complex adaptive systems CAS.
  • The theory of CASs describes the behaviour of
    simple biological systems in the natural world.
    With such complexity the system is far beyond the
    reach of any single project or single
    infrastructure to manage and control it in a
    moment in time.
  • The aim then must be to influence the system and
    introduce structural elements that encourage the
    emergence of patterns and trends that will be
    beneficial and useful to its stakeholders.
  • Before looking at how this works in detail the
    general pattern for the complexity evolution of
    standards is presented as three phases below
    Initial Emergence Divergence and then

A Complex Adaptive System - Emergence
  • Some of the problems that beset the standards
    making system are associated with the
    fragmentation of standards making efforts.
  • When a new field which may benefit from
    standardisation, for example risk management,
    comes to light many diverse standards making
    efforts spring up.
  • These efforts may represent the efforts of
    specific stakeholders to address their local
    issues from their perspectives and to offer
    practical tools for response.
  • This initial round of emergent standards is
    highly valuable to get the issue or product in
    focus and to provide tools to use in a timely and
    appropriate fashion.

A Complex Adaptive System - Divergence
  • Often after emergence, there occurs a second
    phase of divergence and proliferation where
    different standards abound and increase in
  • This takes place without clear consideration of
    the relationship of the new standards to either
    stakeholder requirements or to existing standards
  • Different standards may address the same issue
    but in different ways.
  • So standards may overlap, duplicate and possibly
    conflict. They may represent certain interests
    above others.
  • They may use different language to describe
    essentially the same things.
  • The legitimate interests and emphases underlying
    the original drive for standards, start to get
    tangled in an ever more complex web.
  • The impact on end-users then starts to become

A Complex Adaptive System - Divergence
  • Without any means of comparing standards
    end-users may make ill-informed choices.
  • They may risk following a standard which
    subsequently becomes obsolete for example in
    technology product standards there are many well
    known examples of standards wars where the losers
    and their adopters pay a heavy price.
  • They may start to face demand for compliance to
    multiple standards and see their costs increase.
    This goes against the original aims of such
    standards to empower those poorest stakeholders
    at the beginning of the supply chain by giving
    them a mechanism to demonstrate value associated
    with their products.
  • End users may uncover incompatible features of
    diverse standards as they struggle to achieve
    integration into a single coherent system for
    their organizations during practical

A Complex Adaptive System - Convergence
  • When the peak of complexity and proliferation is
    reached demand for convergence increases.
    End-users and other stakeholders start to talk
    about integration and standards makers about
    harmonisation. But how are these goals to be
  • The widespread adoption of systems engineering
    methods in the global standards making system.
    The key dynamic that systems engineering can
    influence can be thought of as self-organisation.
    Simple systems that self-organise show several
  • High surface structure
  • High energy and frequent interaction in the
  • Macro-structures influenced by micro-level

A Complex Adaptive System - Convergence
  • A systems approach can contribute to each of
    these characteristics
  • High surface structure can be developed through
    adopting a systematic set of structural features
    in standards such as UML modelling.
  • High energy and frequent interaction can be
    developed by adopting state of the art knowledge
    management approaches that search out existing
    and related standards and actively make
  • Macro-structures influenced by micro-level
    structures repeat cycles of interaction allow
    inter-related standards to develop, harmonise and
    transform into suites of standards that show
    convergence and consistency.

  • Systems engineering has value and application
    well beyond the bounds of traditional
    engineering. The complex human system of
    standards development is a great example of this.
  • Single standards can be developed using a robust
    design discipline that until now has been
  • Groups of standards can be inter-related and
    developed in an integrated way to create coherent
    standards systems with benefits for global
    organizations and whole industries.
  • Finally the whole global standards development
    system can benefit from the adoption of these
    techniques to change the current dynamics of
    fragmentation and encourage positive outcomes
    like harmonisation, inter-operability and
  • This promises a pivotal role for systems
    engineering in the evolution of the whole complex
    standards ecosystem.
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