The Role of the ASB - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Role of the ASB


The Role of the ASB. Ian Mackintosh. Accounting Standards Board (ASB) 19 June 2006 ... In Ireland, ASB standards are issued by the ICAI. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Role of the ASB

The Role of the ASB
  • Ian Mackintosh
  • Accounting Standards Board (ASB)
  • 19 June 2006

Introduction about the ASB
  • ASB is an operating body of the UK Financial
    Reporting Council (FRC).
  • In the UK, the ASB is the body recognised under
    the Companies Act 1985 to issue accounting
  • In Ireland, ASB standards are issued by the ICAI.
    Will that change once Section 41 of the Companies
    Act 2003 is commenced?
  • Accounting standards responsibilities impacted by
    move to International Financial Reporting
    Standards (IFRS).
  • ASB has consulted on its future role in 2005.

Introduction the changing world
  • Push for global standards.
  • IASB formal agreements with US FASB and Japan.
  • Convergence roadmap between IFRS and US GAAP
  • The potential impact of China and other emerging
  • EU adoption of IFRS from 2005.
  • First-time implementation of IFRS.

ASBs Fundamental Aim
  • To contribute to the establishment and
    improvement of standards of financial accounting
    and reporting for the benefit of users, preparers
    and auditors of financial information.
  • Remains valid in new circumstances.

ASBs role in the new environment
  • Aside from convergence, on which more later, the
    role covers

ASB role working with the IASB
  • Contributing to the development and
    implementation of IFRS.
  • IASB needs a range of inputs.
  • ASB and other National Standard Setters (NSS)
    work with IASB.
  • Joint work at various levels.
  • National constituent views important.
  • As is liaison with other standard-setters. US
    FASB has a special role.
  • Particular agenda challenges on which more

ASB role working in Europe
  • Influencing EU policy on accounting standards,
    including the endorsement of IFRS.
  • ASB participates fully in the work of the
    European Financial Reporting Advisory Group
  • EFRAG important as a consensus finder and in
  • EFRAG formal role in advising Commission on EU
    adoption of IFRS.
  • EFRAG enhanced liaison with the IASB.
  • NSS in Europe working together Proactive
    Accounting Activities in Europe (PAAinE).

ASB role Urgent Issues/Interpretations
  • International Financial Reporting Interpretations
    Committee (IFRIC) the appropriate body to
    interpret IFRS.
  • IFRIC first stop.
  • Role of Urgent Issues Task Force (UITF) to be
  • European roundtable on consistent application
    temporary and informal filter to IFRIC.
  • Purely national interpretations should be rare.

ASB role other aspects
  • Improving other aspects of accounting standards
  • Entity specific issues for example, smaller
  • Sector specific issues for example, use of
    Statements of Recommended Practice (SORPs)
  • Improving communication between companies and
    investors narrative reporting and the Operating
    and Financial Review (OFR).
  • Greater emphasis on communication. Communication
    strategy on ASB website http//

ASB role
  • Questions or comments?

ASB Convergence Strategy
  • Ian Mackintosh
  • Accounting Standards Board (ASB)
  • 19 June 2006

Convergence background
  • ASB policy no case for maintaining differences
    between the principles underlying UK and Irish
    accounting standards and IFRS.
  • Consulted on convergence strategy in 2004
    responses indicated support for phased approach.
  • Responses to role consultation 2005 highlighted
    change of view
  • Phased approach complicated/difficult to
  • Complicated IFRS may not be suitable for many
  • Await the outcome of the IASB SME project.
  • So what to do?

Convergence possible solutions
Convergence possible solutions
  • Discussed at January 2006 public meeting in
  • Significant amount of debate, but differing
  • Should full IFRS be applied to more entities than
    are required to adopt them under EU law?
  • Should large private companies be required to
    report under full IFRS, or should the test be
    public accountability?
  • General agreement on simplified alternative for
    smaller companies.
  • But where should boundary be between full IFRS
    and simplified alternative?
  • Proposal to move to big bang convergence from

Convergence tentative proposals (1)
  • ASB issued tentative proposals in May for public
    comment. Current thinking is
  • All publicly quoted and other publicly
    accountable companies would be required to apply
    full IFRS.
  • Use of the Financial Reporting Standard for
    Smaller Entities (FRSSE) extended to include
    medium-sized entities.

Convergence tentative proposals (2)
  • Subsidiaries of group companies that apply full
    IFRS would also be required to apply full IFRS
    for measurement and recognition, but with reduced
    disclosure requirements (yet to be determined).
  • No decision yet on companies that do not fall in
    1, 2 or 3. Alternatives seem to be
  • extend FRSSE application further,
  • apply IFRS to more companies,
  • maintain UK and Irish GAAP for them, or
  • some combination of (i), (ii) and (iii).

Issues what is public accountability?
  • IASB definition
  • An entity has public accountability if
  • (a) there is a high degree of outside interest
    in the entity from non-management investors or
    other stakeholders, and those stakeholders depend
    primarily on external financial reporting as
    their means of obtaining financial information
    about the entity or
  • (b) the entity has an essential public service
    responsibility because of the nature of its
  • How to put this definition into operation still
    to be determined.

Issues FRSSE or IASB SME standard?
  • Is it appropriate to apply the FRSSE to
    medium-sized and possibly even larger companies?
  • Should the FRSSE or any IASB SME standard be
    applied? But
  • Cannot make any final decisions until outcome of
    the IASB SME project is clearer.
  • Still awaiting to see any output on the IASB
    project. Exposure Draft likely to be published in
    the autumn.

Issues costs and benefits
  • ASB will need to consider costs and benefits
  • Will prepare a Regulatory Impact Assessment when
    it issues firm proposals.
  • Specifically seeking views of constituents on
    costs and benefits.

ASB convergence proposals
  • Views, questions or comments?

International standard-setting Big Issues and
Hot Topics
  • David Loweth
  • Accounting Standards Board (ASB)
  • 19 June 2006

Big Issues
  • Convergence between IFRS and US GAAP the
    roadmap to 2008.
  • Attitudes to short-term convergence concerns
    with some projects, eg
  • Borrowing costs
  • Income taxes.
  • Longer-term direction.
  • IASB and Europe.
  • Relationship between IASB and NSS other than US

Hot topics agenda
  • Pensions
  • Fair value measurement (FVM)
  • Conceptual framework
  • The list goes on!

Pensions who is doing what?
  • FASB
  • initial phase exposure draft out
  • comprehensive reconsideration to come
  • IASB
  • considering ways forward
  • ASB
  • revised disclosure proposals
  • comprehensive project under way

Pensions ASBs disclosure proposals
  • Conform FRS17 with IAS19.
  • Non-mandatory additional disclosures
  • funding obligations
  • sensitivities of scheme liabilities
  • more on assumptions (mortality)
  • buy out basis
  • relationship between employer and trustees.
  • Deadline for responses 11 September.

Pensions ASB comprehensive project Objective
  • Discussion Paper to inform the development of a
    new accounting standard that can be applied
  • Principles-based approach
  • and
  • Consider implications for the UK Ireland

Pensions ASB comprehensive project Working method
  • Significant ASB staff resource
  • ASB assisted by Pensions Advisory Panel
  • EFRAG working group established, led by UK
  • Updates (will) appear on ASB website

Fair Value Measurement (FVM)
  • Canadian Discussion Paper Measurement on initial
  • Forthcoming FASB standard on FVM a how to
    measure standard. IASB to issue as an Exposure
  • Fair value as market exit value.
  • Stimulated debate but not universally popular!
  • IASB and FASB to consider as part of measurement
    phase of joint conceptual framework project on

Conceptual Framework project
  • IASB and FASB joint agenda project to develop a
    common conceptual framework.
  • Multi-phase project over a number of years
    converged framework 2010?
  • More than an esoteric academic exercise. Will
    have major impact on way in which the Boards will
    develop and revise standards.
  • First discussion paper imminent

Conceptual Framework first discussion paper (1)
  • Phase A preliminary views discussion paper due
    out for comment end June/early July.
  • ASB will be raising awareness and holding a
    public meeting on the issues.
  • Covers objective of financial reporting and
    qualitative characteristics.

Conceptual Framework first discussion paper (2)
  • Preliminary views set out some significant issues
  • Reference to financial reporting, not just
    financial statements.
  • Stewardship no longer a specific objective of
    financial reporting.
  • Primary users present and potential investors
    and creditors and their advisors.
  • Faithful representation rather than reliability.
  • Verifiability as a component of faithful

And theres more
  • Business combinations IASB and FASB continuing
    to redeliberate Phase 2 proposals issued in 2005.
  • Liabilities IASB continuing to consider
    proposals issued for comment last year. Planning
    to hold round-tables November and December 2006.
  • Performance reporting IASB issued exposure
    draft on Segment A proposals in March. Two
    statement approach similar to FRS 3. Segment B
    proposals awaited with interest.

Big issues and hot topics
  • Views, questions or comments?
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