Title: Forward detector overview
1Forward detector overview
- Si-FMD (Forward Multiplicity Detector) NBIINR
- Si-strip Ring counters (5) with gt50.000 channels
- -5.1lt ? lt -1.7 1.7lt ? lt 3.4
- Precise off-line charged particle multiplicity
for AA, pp - Fluctuations event-by-event, flow analysis
- T0 (Beam-Beam Detector) Jyvæskyla MEPhI, INR,
Budker, Kurchatov - 2 arrays of 12 Cerenkov radiators PM tubes
- -5lt ? lt -4.5 2.9lt ? lt 3.3
- Fast timing LVL0 signal (?50ps), online vertex
determination - Main time reference and backup for MinBias
trigger - V0 (Centrality and collision vertex) LyonMexico
- 2 arrays of plastic scintillator tiles w.
fiberPMT - -5.1lt ? lt -2.5 1.7lt ? lt 3.8
- Main LVL0 MinBias for pp and AA and centrality
trigger AA - Background rejection
2Forward detectors
V0 1.7 lt h lt 3.8 and 5.1 lt h lt -2.5
Interaction trigger, centrality trigger and
beam-gas rejection. Two arrays of 72 scintillator
tiles readout via fibers
PMD pre-shower det.
T0R 2.9 lt h lt 3.3 T0 for the
TOF (lt 50 ps time res.) Two arrays of 12 quartz
counters. Also backup to V0
SI-FMD Multiplicity and dn/dh 1.7 lt h lt 3.4
and -5.1 lt h lt -1.7 Silicon pad detector disks
(slow readout)
3Integration in ALICE
4FWD detectors
5CERN Maquette 11
Si1 (inner)
6Si-FMD Overall Geometry
- -5.1lt ? lt-1.7
- 3.4 lt ? lt 1.7
7Si rings manufactured of 6 wafers
Inner Rin4.2 cm Rout17.2 cm Outer Rin15.4
cm Rout28.4 cm
10x2x2565120 20x2x1285120
8Coverage in pseudorapidity
Constraints Vacuum tube outer envelope 42
mm, Outer radius, ITS, Absorber,
cables Background from secondaries(small angles)
Design criteria Largest possible ? coverage
Largest symmetry left and right Overlap between
- Si1
- Out 1.70lt ?lt2.29 In 2.01lt ?lt3.40
- Si2
- Out -2.29lt?lt-1.7 In -3.68lt ?lt-2.28
- Si3
- In -5.09lt ?lt-3.68
- Vertex shift (10cm) d? ? 0.1
9Charged particle occupancy including secondaries
20 ? sectors 256 strips each 5120 channels
20 ? sectors 256 strips each 5120 channels
40 ? sectors 128 strips each 5120 channels
May increase number of strips by factor of 2 or 3
using 128 ch VA-prime PA chip at same cost !
10Multiplicity resolution
11Hybrid with Viking PA chips
Connector(s) for power, control, read-out
- Hybrid cards contain
- FEPreampl. chips
- Bias voltages distribution
- Gate/strobe distribution
- Read-out clock distribution
- Detector bias connection
Other components
VA preampshaper 128 ch
Si detector
12Front end electronics
- Adapted for 5-25pF capacitance
- (300?m Si, 0.5 cm2 25pF, 1MIP 22.400 e-)
- Dynamic range 0-20 MIPS
- Radiation hardness gt200kRad
- Peaking time 1-2 ?s
- Low noise (good S/N)
- High integration
- Sample/hold and serial read-out, 10 MHz clock
- Moderate power consumption
- Simple slow controls and power reg.
- Affordable cost
VA1 prime 2 (Viking-IDEAS) Input capacitance lt
30 pF 0-20 MIPs gt1MRad (0.35 ?m tech.) 1-3
?s 475 e- at 25 pF gt S/N 201 128 10 Mhz clock
1.3 mW/ch Test system available OK
13FMD RO strategy
14FMD FEE test setup
Labview DAQ
15Si-FMD timetable (1)
1 Demonstrate functionality of conceptual layout of FEE (Viking PA chip, control system, interface to ALTRO test board) April 1 2003
2 Final choice of VA pre-ampl. chip. RO test June 1, 2003
3 Test FEE system coupled to sample Si detector. Source and electron beam tests. June 1, 2003
4 Design, construction and test of prototype FMD digitizer card (FMDD), RO test with mini FMD-RCU October 1, 2003
5 Full Si detector element electronics chain RO with realistic RCU and DDL link to DAQ. June 1 , 2004
1 Full scale model manufactured (Si1) February 1, 2003
2 Cabling and Cooling issues resolved April 1, 2003
3 Full integration sequence decided June 1, 2003
16Si-FMD timetable (2)
1 Complete market survey February 1, 2003
2 Define final specs March 1, 2003
3 Place order for prototype with industry April 1, 2003
4 Delivery Si-wafer prototype June 1, 2003
5 Start production of Si-hybrid FEE card June 1, 2003
6 Delivery prototype hybrid August 1, 2003
7 Si prototype test with FEE and BEE test RO setup December 1, 2003
8 Place final order for Si with industry April1, 2004
17V0 detector
- Two segmented scintillator hodoscopes on either
side of IP - Minimum bias trigger p-p and Pb-Pb
- Main on-line LVL0 centrality trigger Pb-Pb
- Background filter for the dimuon spectrometer
- Two arm for beam-gas rejection
- Luminosity control
- Multiplicity measurement (high occupancy)
18V0 Segmentation
- V0-L and V0-R 5 rings each
- Rings 1-4 30 sectors (12)
- Ring 5 15 sectors (24)
- Rings 1-3 are in the dimuon arm acceptance
Ring V0L V0L V0R V0R
Ring ?max/?min ?max/?min ?max/?min ?max/?min
1 -5.1/-4.6 -0.7/-1.2 3.8/3.4 2.6/3.8
2 -4.6/4.2 -1.2/-1.7 3.4/2.9 3.8/6.3
3 -4.2/-3.7 -1.7/-2.8 2.9/2.5 6.3/9.4
4 -3.7/-3.2 -2.8/-4.7 2.5/2.1 9.4/14.0
5 -3.2/-2.8 -4.7/-7.0 2.1/1.7 14.0/20.7
19V0 Ligth collection test
- For 1 MIP
- Setup A
- light yield 12 p.e. time resolution (?)
1.6 ns - Setup B
- Light yield 33 p.e. time resolution(?) 1.2
20V0 Triggering
- LVL 0 triggering with fast electronics (25 ns)
- Dynamic range 1- 300 MIPs
- 1 MIP efficiency gt 97
- Three trigger signals to the CTP corresponding to
3 sum energy levels - LowMB for pp and Pb-Pb (low)
- High central and
- Medium semi-central Pb- Pb
- Simulations AliRoot w/ PYTHIA 6.15 in pp at 7
TeV - L and R single efficiencies 85
- LR 79
- Eff. of Inelastic component 100
- HIJING in Pb-Pb at 5.5 ATeV (to be explored)
21V0 Timetable
- Ongoing work
- Light optimization ? geometry of the
counter/fiber elements with beam tests -gt end
2002 (OK) - Electronics specification ongoing,
- PM test and choice in Lyon
- Tests of full quadrant w. Beam
- -gt end 2003 (delayed from october
- Construction in 2004/2005
- V0L by Mexico
- V0R by Lyon
- Electronics by Lyon
- Final system Commissionning
- ? middle 2005
22T0 Beam-Beam counter
- Precise event timing (?50ps)
- Start detector for ALICE-TOF
- Main LVL0 event trigger
- Pre-trigger for TRD
- Rough on-line vertex determination lt1.5 cm
- Beam-gas suppression
- Output Signals
- T0 (trtl)/2td
- T0v tr-tl
- T0-L, T0-R, Coinc
- Time and energies
- 3 levels of sum energy (low, medium, high)
23T0 Full scale model
24T0 elements and beam test
- PM tubes fine mesh
- Hamamatsu R3432-01 (26 mm Ø) or FEU-187 (30 mm Ø)
- 30 mm thick radiator (Lucite)
- Time resolution with broad 1.28GeV/c pion beam
measured to 55ps. - Set threshold at 200 photons
- (1 MIP gives 600 Photons)
Photons in T0-R
Photons in T0-L
25T0 efficiency
- ALIROOT and Pythia simulations for MB pp
- 200 photon threshold applied
- Coinc. eff (LR) 83
- Left array ?71 and 87
- Right array ?78 and 94
T0-R T0-L
26T0 timetable
- RD of Cerenkov detector units
- -HV divider 2 prototypes ready,
- 3rd under const. (OK)
- -Quartz radiators waiting for
- final dimensions (no concern)
- RD of fast electronics unit
- -RD trigger generation unit (CAMAC
- prototype ready)
- -prototype I of CFD (failed, high
- cross-talk but problem solved)
- -prototype II of CFD (ready, very good
- test results)
- -prototype III of CFD (ready, very good
- test results)
- -prototype IV of CFD (DTD) (theo.stud.)
- -time meaner (2 options) (1 prototype ready)
- RD laser calibration system
- Market survey and purchase (manufacturer located
but the purchase is delayed to assure the best
configuration) - Development of the calibration system (still
in study) - RD DAQ and trigger electronics
- Collaboration with TOF to guarantee the required
performance (TOF is only sub-detector requiring
high-precision off-line T0) - Athens has expressed the wish to join. Funding
situation should be clear within a few months. - Mechanical construction
- 11 prototype ready
- TDR progressing as planned
Responsibilities Jyvæskylæ, MEPhI, INR, Budker,
- FWD detectors baseline defined
- Physics role defined
- FWD detectors will supply basic day 1 physics
(LVL0 trigger, global reaction information) - Main detector parameters specified
- Concrete prototyping and industrial bids started
- Projects on track
- Aim at TDR by mid-2002
- Main open issues integration and installation
procedures, materials budget (bgd), cooling, Back
End Electronics and DAQ integration, analysis