Frailty Models and Other Survival Models Framingham Heart Study - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Frailty Models and Other Survival Models Framingham Heart Study


Must satisfy baseline proportional hazards ... To explore issues of frailty models ... Deviance residuals are basically smoothed out Martingale residuals ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Frailty Models and Other Survival Models Framingham Heart Study

Frailty Models and Other Survival
Models(Framingham Heart Study)
  • June 28, 2003
  • Usha Govindarajulu
  • Prof. Ralph B DAgostino,Sr.

Outline of presentation
  • Motivation for frailty research
  • List of models
  • Procedures for selecting models
  • Results

Cox proportional hazards model
  • Cox model
  • Typically used for survival modeling
  • Must satisfy baseline proportional hazards
    assumption (restriction)
  • What if have a mixture of hazards in the
    population or heterogeneity of the hazards?

Hazard Plot for af data (all days)
Intent of frailty research
  • To explore issues of frailty models
  • To see if a frailty model would be appropriate to
    model the Framingham Heart Study atrial
    fibrillation data and other relevant data
  • To potentially derive a new frailty model

What is Frailty?
  • Frailty models are basically random effect
    survival models
  • The random effect, or frailty describes
    unexplained heterogeneity, the influence of
    unobserved risk factors in the model
  • The concept of frailty may be used to explain the
    unaccounted for heterogeneity which leads to the
    differential survival patterns of members of a
    population (Keiding et al 1997, Vaupel et al

Basic terminology (contd)
  • The proportional hazards model implies that the
    hazard function is fully determined by x, the
    observed covariate vector,
  • But there may be unobservable covariates not
    represented in this model, which does not include
    a residual term.
  • Therefore, Vaupel (1979) introduced a
    multiplicative term, z, to the hazard rate, to
    account for the unobserved population
  • h(t,x) z . h0(t)exp(xb)

Basic terminology (contd)
  • This term, z, called frailty, varies from
    individual to individual and is not observable.
  • The distribution of z of the population G(z),
    must be specified.
  • Since the hazard function is non-negative, z must
    be restricted to non-negative values.
  • Another way to write the above model, showing how
    z fits into the error, e, is
  • h(t,x) h0(t)exp(xb e)
  • where e log(z).

Univariate and Multivariate
  • Frailty models are either univariate or
    multivariate (Gutierrez, 2002 Hougaard, 1995)
  • Univariate frailty model (per subject basis)
  • Unexplained heterogeneity varies from individual
    to individual
  • The frailty, the random effect, is an individual
  • Multivariate frailty model (grouping factor)
  • The unexplained heterogeneity is shared among
  • The frailty, is a variable common to several
  • Individuals are in units or groups that are
    chosen at random from the population
  • (i.e. families, sibling groups)

Univariate case
  • Focus on univariate case since most of the data
    in our research is on a per subject basis
  • Hougaard (1995) points out the impact of
    unmeasured covariates can lead to transformation
    of the hazard function and the coefficients of
    the measured covariates
  • Accounting for frailty is important

Atrial fibrillation (af) dataset
  • Time to event defined as time between 1st atrial
    fibrillation event and 1st stroke
  • Right censoring if event had not occurred within
    5 years, observation was censored
  • Frailty was used on unique ids and assumed a
    particular distribution
  • Possible risk factors age, gender, smoking
    status, LVH, sbp, treatment of hypertension,
    diabetes, MI, valvular disease, congestive heart
    failure, previous stroke

Other survival models
  • Interest came about for use as comparisons to
    standard survival models and frailty models
  • Also, have tried to develop a set of guidelines
    on how to select the appropriate survival model
    for a particular dataset
  • Other survival models that were applicable
  • Non-proportional Weibull model
  • Bailey-Makeham model

  • Standard survival models
  • Frailty models
  • Non-proportional Weibull model
  • Bailey-Makeham model
  • New model

How to select best survival model with or without
  • Choose between semi-parametric and parametric
  • Test model assumptions
  • Decide which variables to incorporate into the
  • Choose between frailty vs non-frailty model
  • Performance measures

How to select best survival model with or without
frailty (continued)
  • 1)Choose between semi-parametric and parametric
  • Must decide if want baseline hazard to roam
    freely (semi-parametric) or baseline hazard to be
    specified (parametric)
  • 2)Test model assumptions
  • Semi-parametric
  • Test if baseline proportional hazards assumption
  • Plot of Schoenfeld residuals vs time can be used
    to assumption (Grambsch and Therneau, 1994)

How to select best survival model with or without
frailty (continued)
  • 2)Test model assumptions (continued)
  • Parametric models (Klein and Moeschberger, 1997)
  • Test of shape parameter
  • Test null hypothesis that shape parameter equals
    1 vs it does not by comparing LR of Weibull model
    to LR of exponential model
  • If fail to reject H0, then assume model follows
  • Plot of log(H(tx) vs log(time)
  • A straight line indicates Weibull model is a good
  • If slope1, then exponential model is fine

How to select best survival model with or without
frailty (continued)
  • 2)Test model assumptions (continued)
  • Parametric models (continued)
  • Plot of deviance residuals vs time
  • Deviance residuals are basically smoothed out
    Martingale residuals
  • A plot of deviance residuals vs time provides a
    check of models adequacy
  • Cox-Snell residuals
  • Plot estimated cumulative hazard vs Cox-Snell

Example Cox-Snell residuals
How to select best survival model with or without
frailty (continued)
  • 3)Decide which variables to incorporate into the
  • Variable selection procedures
  • i.e. backwards elimination, stepwise regression
  • Statistical significance
  • Clinical interest to investigators

How to select best survival model with or without
frailty (continued)
  • 4)Choose between frailty vs non-frailty
  • Plot hazard function and see if frailty model is
  • See if frailty effect is significant, if not,
    default is non-frailty model
  • 5)Performance measures
  • Used to judge discrimination and calibration
  • c-statistic (for survival model)
  • Judges discrimination by testing if predictive
    probability function produces higher predicted
    probabilities for those who develop events than
    for those who survived and did not (Nam, 2000)

How to select best survival model with or without
frailty (continued)
  • 5)Performance measures (continued)
  • Used to judge discrimination and calibration
  • Calibration
  • A chi-square statistic goodness of fit test
    extended from the generalized linear model to a
    survival model (Nam, 2000)

A) Usual survival models
  • Cox proportional hazards model
  • Accelerated failure time (AFT) model
  • NOTE Results for these will be presented with
    frailty models for comparison

B) Frailty models
  • Cox frailty model
  • Uses Cox proportional hazards model and
    incorporates frailty as a random variable, i.e.
    z, multiplied onto the hazard
  • h(t,x) z . h0(t)exp(xb)
  • Modeled the frailty as gamma-distributed as
    followed in literature
  • Best implemented in Splus

B) Frailty models (continued) Cox frailty model
B) Frailty models (continued)
  • Parametric frailty model
  • AFT model
  • Modeled the frailty again as inverse gaussian
  • Implemented in STATA

B) Frailty models (continued)Parametric frailty
models (Results)
C) Non-proportional Weibull Model
  • The natural logarithm of the survival time, T,
    has location, ?, and dispersion, ?, so to compute
    the probability that time to event is less than
    some time t, (Anderson et al, 19911990)
  • Anderson (1991) further defined his model
    allowing the dispersion to vary as a function of
    the location

C) Non-proportional Weibull model (continued)
  • Was published by Anderson et al (19901991) and
  • Is an AFT model with a varying scale parameter
  • This accounts for non-proportionality

C) Non-proportional Weibull modelResults
Note LogL(full) -1312.74 plt.05
D) Bailey-Makeham Model
  • Published in Bailey et al (1977)
  • Choice of the exponential model constrains these
    parameters to be positive values and consistent
    with the model
  • Hazard consists of 3 components

D) Bailey-Makeham Model (continued)
  • Does not assume proportionality of the hazards
  • Can show effects of variables in the short-term
    and long-term
  • Run in user-created stand alone program to
    estimate model

D) Bailey-Makeham Model (continued) Results
LRTs of signficance for variables in
Bailey-Makeham model
Note LogL(full) -1300.431
Performance measures c-statistic (continued)
E) New Model
  • Model incorporating frailty as a function of
  • Estimated by Monte Carlo Markov Chain
  • Results and interpretations are currently being
    finalized and will be summarized in thesis
  • Please correspond if want to know more about this
    model later

  • Anderson KM (1991). A nonproportional hazards
    Weibull accelerated failure time regression
    model. Biometrics 47, 281-288.
  • Anderson KM, Odell PM., Wilson PWF, and Kannel
    WB. (1990). Cardiovascular disease risk profiles.
    AHJ 121, 293-8.
  • Grambsch P and Therneau T (1994). Proportional
    hazards tests and diagnostics based on weighted
    residuals. Biometrika. 81 515-26.
  • Gutierrez RG (2002). Parametric frailty and
    shared frailty survival models. The Stata
    Journal. 2(1) 22-44.

References (continued)
  • Hougaard P (1995) Frailty models for survival
    data. Lifetime Data Analysis. 1 255-273.
  • Klein JP and Moeschberger ML (1997) Survival
    analysis Techniques for censored and truncated
    data. New York Springer.
  • Keiding N, Andersen PK, and Klein JP (1997). The
    role of frailty models and accelerated failure
    time models in describing heterogeneity due to
    omitted covariates. Statistics in Medicine. 16
  • Nam, B. (2000) Discrimination and calibration in
    survival analysis. Boston Univ.,(Unpublished
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