Title: ASF Operational Capabilities
1ASF Operational Capabilities
Don Atwood Michelle Harbin
Alaska Satellite Facility
2Alaska Satellite Facility
Operated by the Geophysical Institute at the
University of Alaska Fairbanks since 1991.
- Member of NASA DAAC Alliance
- U.S. Order Desk for non-commercial, U.S.
RADARSAT-1 customers - NASA Ground Network Station
- Americas ALOS Data Node
- Level-1 (L1) Processors
- Precision Processor
- ScanSAR Processor
- Vexcel Focus
- ASF Range Doppler Processor
- User Services and Technical support
- Acquisition planning
- Direct user support
- Quarterly newsletter
- Quality control
- Calibration and validation
- Proposal support
- Science community outreach
- Archive
- Active missions
- Past missions
- Distribution
- Production planning
- Processing on demand
- Electronic transfer
- Media
- Level-0 (L0) Processors
- Operational system
- Offline system
- Level-2 Processors
- RGPS ice motion products
- DEM products
4Level-1 and Level-0 Production1997-present
5ASF Satellite Tracking Station
- ERS-2
- SciSAT
- QuikSCAT
6(No Transcript)
7ALOS Data
10-100m Resolution 2.5m Resolution 10m
8JAXAs Data Flow Concept
- Data Nodes
- Archive the ALOS L0 data for at least 5 years
- Distribute the L0, L1 and higher data to the
customers - Generate and archive the L1 data
- Direct reception for near-real-time (NRT) access
9ASFs partnership with NASA and CSA ASAP Legacy
Data Sets Project
Data available partnering with CSA and NASA on
this project
10ASAP Legacy Data Sets ProjectASF Coverage areas
- Greenland Sept. 2000 Jan. 2001
- Antarctica Sept. Oct. 1997
- Kamchatka Dec. 1999 Jan. 2000
- Sea Ice Min Max 2003 - 2006
- Toolik Lake - Oct. 2004 Dec. 2006
- Possible on-line support for CSAs ASAP legacy
datasets as well?
Don Atwood datwood_at_asf.alaska.edu 907-474-7380
12JAXA IPY Activity
- ADN-13_at_Chiang Mai
- Kazuo Ohta, Masanobu Shimada, JAXA/EORC
13IPY activities
Acquisition of Antarctica regions FBS in three
cycles (8,14, and 16) WB1 in one cycle
(13) Browse images created for each of four
cycles Further analysis using speckle tracking
method may show the highly moving areas.
14(No Transcript)
15IPY 2007 2008 PALSAR antarctica mapping