Business and its Legal Environment (Mgmt 246) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Business and its Legal Environment (Mgmt 246)


Express contract; implied-in-law contract; implied-in-fact contract. ... satisfaction (same parties, new contract); novation (same contract, new party) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Business and its Legal Environment (Mgmt 246)

Business and its Legal Environment (Mgmt 246)
  • Professor Charles H. Smith
  • Contracts (Chapters 9, 10 and 11)
  • Spring 2010

Terminology Used in Contract Law
  • Unilateral contract contract based on one
    partys making a promise that calls for action.
  • Bilateral contract contract based on both
    parties making promises to each other.
  • Express contract contract is communicated in
    writing, orally, or both.
  • Implied contract no express contract but
    parties actions/relationship support avoiding
    unjust enrichment.

Terminology cont.
  • Valid contract enforceable in court.
  • Voidable contract one party can disavow
    contract under certain circumstances.
  • Void contract unenforceable in court due to
    illegal purpose.
  • Executory contract contract is not yet fully
  • Executed contract contract has been fully

Terminology cont.
  • Written contract contract is in writing
  • Oral contract contract made orally (some
    enforcement problems).
  • Electronic contract contract made
  • Offeror/promisor party who makes offer.
  • Offeree/promisee party(ies) who are
    recipient(s) of offer.

Elements of a Contract
  • A contract is often called an agreement, a
    bargain or a pact.
  • No matter what label is used, the following
    elements are required
  • Offer
  • Acceptance
  • Consideration

Reasonable Expectations and Objective
Reasonable Person Standard
  • The existence of any element of a contract or
    whether a contract exists at all is often
    informed by two related things
  • The parties reasonable expectations shown by
    plain meaning of the contract language,
    surrounding circumstances and/or subsequent
  • Objective standard based on what a reasonable
    person (judge, jury, or even you or me!) would
    conclude based on reasonable expectations
  • We will discuss these concepts in greater detail
    in later slides.

  • Proposal/invitation by offeror to enter into a
  • Objective intent by offeror to be obligated by
    the offer what would a reasonable person
  • Terms of the offer must be reasonably definite
    need not be exact.
  • Must be communicated to the offeree (e.g., reward

Termination of an Offer
  • After the offer is made, it can be no longer
    available to be accepted if
  • Rejection by the offeree.
  • Withdrawal/revocation by the offeror.
  • By lapse of a specified or reasonable time.
  • Counteroffer by the offeree (see next slide).

  • Must be of the offers terms (mirror image rule
    or mutual assent see next slide).
  • An acceptance that changes an offers terms is
    an counteroffer, which is
  • A rejection of the original offer and it is also
  • A new offer in and of itself that can be
    accepted, rejected or the subject of another
    counteroffer in contract negotiations, there are
    often many counter-offers back and forth before
    there is acceptance.
  • By an authorized method of communication
    usually, any method proper, but the offer itself
    may require a certain method of communication for

Mutual Assent Offer Acceptance
  • Shown by offerors offer and offerees acceptance
    of the offer.
  • Traditional inquiries are
  • Did the parties agree to the same thing?
  • Was there a meeting of the minds?
  • Both are judged by objective standard (again,
    what would a reasonable person think?).

What Can Eliminate Mutual Assent?
  • Fraud also called misrepresentation or deceit.
  • Mistake unilateral, which is usually not a
    defense, or bilateral, which is usually a
    defense fact, which can be a defense, or law,
    which is usually not a defense.
  • Duress use or threat of physical or economic
  • Undue influence abuse of authority, power or
  • Existence of any of the above can provide basis
    for or defense to a contract case.

  • Each party must give up something of legal value
    no consideration if party purports to give up
    something he or she is already obligated to do
    (or not do) has each party sacrificed
  • There is no reasonableness requirements, so
    contract does not have to be fair or equal in
    order to have the requisite consideration.
  • Be careful many times, parties will agree to
    the same thing (mutual assent) but, with no
    consideration, there will be no contract that can
    be enforced in court.

Elements of Breach of Contract Case
  • Plaintiff must prove all of the following or
    defendant will win without needing to put on any
  • Valid contract between the plaintiff and the
  • The defendants material breach of the contract
    (failure to perform) substantial performance
    is not Br/K (common abbreviation).
  • The defendants breach of the contract causes
    damage (any financial loss, sometimes called
    injury) to the plaintiff.
  • Plaintiffs performance or excuse for
  • But, even if plaintiff proves all of the above,
    defendant may still have some defenses (see slide
    re Defenses to Br/K Case).

Br/K Remedies
  • Remedies at law and in equity
  • Damages money (most common).
  • Equitable non-monetary judgment (though may
    have great economic value).
  • Election of remedies rule usually only one
    remedy available for one Br/K.

Br/K Damages
  • Most common judgment sought in contract cases
  • Compensatory mathematical calculation based on
    value of contract less value of defendants
  • Consequential loss based on consequences of
    defendants breach.
  • Liquidated exact amount of damages stated in

Br/K Equitable Remedies
  • Not as common as damages but just as important
    can have great economic value equity means judge
    should do what is fair given the circumstances
  • Specific performance plaintiff wants judge to
    order defendant to perform the contract as
    agreed plaintiff must be seeking unique subject
    matter (e.g., real estate, custom or rare item).
  • Reformation plaintiff seeks order changing
    written contract to correct mistake.
  • Rescission and restitution plaintiff requests
    judgment which requires both parties return any
    benefit they may have received.

Defenses to Br/K Case
  • First line of defense one or more elements
  • Capacity legal ability to enter into a contract
    (voidable) e.g., contracting party has mental
    disability or is under age of 18.
  • Legality contract must have legal purpose
    contract with illegal purpose unenforceable
  • Assignment/delegation transfer of contract
    rights/duties to 3rd party.
  • Mitigation of damages plaintiffs obligation to
    take reasonable steps to reduce damages any
    mitigation that could or actually did happen
    will be deducted from total amount of damages.
  • Non-compete clause in employment contract
    (restraint of trade) illegal in California
    subject to reasonableness rule in other states.
  • See other slides re mutual assent, statute of
    frauds and parol evidence rule.

Statute of Frauds and Parol Evidence Rule
  • Statute of frauds requires certain contracts to
    be in writing e.g., promise to answer for debt
    of another (guarantee) or transfer of interest in
    real property can electronic communication meet
    writing requirement of statute of frauds?
  • Parol evidence rule says written contract cannot
    be contradicted by evidence of any prior
    agreement or contemporaneous oral agreement
    PERs exceptions include ambiguity, course of
    dealing, mistake, validity of contract in
    dispute PER is substantive rule of contract

Discharge of a Contract
  • Discharge no further performance per the
    contract required ways to obtain discharge of a
  • By full or substantial performance most
  • By subsequent agreement accord and satisfaction
    (same parties, new contract) novation (same
    contract, new party).
  • By operation of law e.g., statute of
    limitations expires, defendant files for

Electronic Contract/Signature
  • Under certain conditions, both federal and state
    laws permit contracts to be formed electronically
    and allow electronic signatures to satisfy
    statute of frauds writing and signature
  • Examples 15 U.S.C. 7001 et seq. California
    Civil Code 1633.1 et seq.

Case Studies
  • Lucy v. Zehmer (pages 200-01) was there an
    offer to be accepted?
  • Hamer v. Sidway (page 212, footnote 19)
  • Jacob Youngs, Inc. v. Kent (pages 231-33)
    substantial performance.
  • Remedies for breach of contract see generally
    pages 239-48.
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