Bacterial Meningitis in Children - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bacterial Meningitis in Children


three parts: the pia, arachnoid, and dura maters ... irritability, anorexia, headache, confusion, back pain, and nuchal rigidity) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Bacterial Meningitis in Children

Bacterial Meningitis in Children
Dr Rajesh KumarMD (PGI), DM (Neonatology) PGI,
Chandigarh, IndiaRani Children Hospital, Ranchi
  • Inflammatory disease of the leptomeninges
  • three parts the pia, arachnoid, and dura maters
  • Meningitis reflects inflammation of the arachnoid
    mater and the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in both
    the subarachnoid space and in the cerebral
  • Suspected bacterial meningitis is a medical

  • 1 month to 2 years The major causes were S.
    pneumoniae (45 percent), Neisseria meningitidis
    (30 percent), and group B streptococcus (18
  • 2 through 18 years N. meningitidis was the most
    common cause, accounting for 59 percent of cases,
    followed by S. pneumoniae (approximately 25
    percent) and Hib (approximately 8 percent).

  • H influnzae
  • Pneumococcus
  • N meningitidis
  • In lt3 months E.coli, Listeria

Clinical Features
  • Two patterns
  • Develops progressively over one or several days
    and may be preceded by a febrile illness.
  • Acute and fulminant, with manifestations of
    sepsis and meningitis developing rapidly over
    several hours. The rapidly progressive form is
    frequently associated with brain edema

  • Depends upon age
  • Infants, 1-5 years, gt5 years
  • Fever
  • Symptoms and signs of meningeal inflammation
    (nausea, vomiting, irritability, anorexia,
    headache, confusion, back pain, and nuchal

Clinical features
  • In one review of 1064 cases of acute bacterial
    meningitis in children older than 1 month, 16
    (1.5 percent) had no meningeal signs during their
    entire period of hospitalization
  • Kernig sign With the hip and knee flexed at
    90º, cannot extend the knee more than 135º and/or
    there is flexion of the opposite knee
  • Brudzinski sign Brudzinski sign is present if
    the patient, while in the supine position, flexes
    the lower extremities during attempted passive
    flexion of the neck
  • Signs of meningeal irritation are present in 60
    to 80 percent of children with bacterial
    meningitis at the time of presentation and in
    approximately 25 percent of children with normal
    CSF findings
  • Bulging fontanel was present in 20 percent of
    infants with meningitis, but also in 13 percent
    of infants with normal CSF and viral infections
    other than meningitis

Clinical features
  • Papilledema, which takes several days to become
    apparent, is an uncommon finding in acute
    bacterial meningitis. The finding of papilledema
    should prompt evaluation for venous sinus
    occlusion, subdural empyema, or brain abscess,
  • Signs of increased intracranial pressure that may
    occur in bacterial meningitis include palsies of
    the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves
  • Seizures Seizures, typically generalized, occur
    before admission to the hospital or within the
    first 48 hours of admission in 20 to 30 percent
    of patients with meningitis. Seizures later in
    the course are more often focal and may indicate
    cerebral injury

  • Focal findings In one review of 235 children
    with bacterial meningitis, focal neurologic
    findings (hemiparesis, quadriparesis, facial
    palsy, visual field defects) were present at the
    time of admission in 16 percent of patients
    overall and in 34 percent of those with
    pneumococcal meningitis. The presence of focal
    neurologic signs at the time of admission
    correlated with persistent abnormal neurologic
    examination one year after discharge and with
    cognitive impairment.

  • The course of illness
  • The presence of symptoms consistent with
    meningeal inflammation.
  • The presence of seizures, an important prognostic
  • The presence of predisposing factors
  • Immunization history
  • Recent use of antibiotics, which may affect the
    yield of blood and/or CSF culture.

  • Vital signs volume status, presence of shock,
    and the presence of increased intracranial
    pressure. The constellation of systemic
    hypertension, bradycardia, and respiratory
    depression (Cushing triad) is a late sign of
    increased intracranial pressure.
  • Head circumference should be measured at the time
    of admission in children younger than 18 months
    of age
  • Elicitation of meningeal signs
  • Cutaneous examinations are discussed above.
  • Other bacterial infections (eg, facial
    cellulitis, sinusitis, otitis media, arthritis,

Lab evaluation
  • Blood cultures positive in at 50 of patients.
    Among children who were not pretreated with
  • Contraindications to LP
  • cardiopulmonary compromise,
  • increased intracranial pressure,
  • papilledema,
  • altered respiratory effort,
  • focal neurologic signs,
  • skin infection over the site for LP
  • CSF culture may be positive in the absence of

  • TLCtypically gt1000 WBC/microL, with a
    predominance of neutrophils .A CSF WBC count
    gt6/microL is considered abnormal in children
    older than 3 months of age
  • Traumatic LP should be treated presumptively for
    meningitis pending results of CSF culture.
  • The presence of a single neutrophil in the CSF is
    considered abnormal
  • Glucose lt40 mg/dL in gt 50 cases. ratio of the
    CSF to blood glucose concentration is usually
    depressed (lt0.66)
  • Protein100 to 500 mg/dL

  • 100 sensitive and 96-100 specific
  • -ve CRP rules out bacterial meningitis

Role of urine culture
  • Urine cultures should be obtained in infants (lt12
    months of age) who present with fever and
    nonspecific symptoms and signs of meningitis
    since urinary tract infection may be the primary
    source of the meningitis pathogen in such

  • Indications for imaging before LP in children
    with suspected bacterial meningitis include
  • Coma
  • The presence of a CSF shunt
  • History of hydrocephalus
  • Recent history of CNS trauma or neurosurgery
  • Papilledema
  • Focal neurologic deficit (with the exception of
    palsy of cranial nerve VI abducens nerve or VII
    facial nerve)

Bacterial Meningitis Score
  • Positive CSF Gram stain
  • CSF absolute neutrophil count of lt1000
  • CSF protein of at least 80 mg/dL
  • Peripheral blood ANC of at least 10,000
  • History of seizure before or at the time of

Absence of all these excludes bacterial meningitis
Treatment General Principle
  • Avoidance of delay
  • Emperical antibiotic

  • Drug entry into CSF Most drugs reach peak
    concentrations in the CSF that are only 10 to 20
    percent of peak concentrations in the serum. This
    is because the blood-brain barrier blocks
    macromolecule entry into the CSF, with small,
    lipophilic molecules penetrating most easily.
  • The peak concentration of drugs in CSF increases
    with inflammation of the blood-brain barrier. The
    mean CSF/serum ratio two hours after
    administration of the same intravenous dose of
    penicillin was 42 percent on the first day of
    therapy but fell to less than 10 percent on the
    tenth day, when the inflammatory changes had

Immediate management
  • Assurance of adequate ventilation and cardiac
  • Initiation of hemodynamic monitoring
  • Establishment of venous access.
  • Administration of fluids as necessary to treat
    septic shock, if present.
  • Administration of dexamethasone if warranted.
    before or immediately after the first dose of
    antimicrobial therapy.
  • Administration of the first dose of empiric
  • Administration of glucose (0.25 g/kg) for
    documented hypoglycemia (serum glucose
    concentration less than 40 mg/dL
  • Treatment of acidosis and coagulopathy

Supportive care
  • Fluid and electrolyte management
  • Isotonic fluid to maintain blood pressure and
    cerebral perfusion.
  • Children who are hypovolemic, but not in shock,
    should be rehydrated with careful and frequent
    attention to fluid status.
  • For children who are neither in shock nor
    hypovolemic, moderate fluid restriction (1200
    mL/m2 per day) initially, especially if the serum
    sodium is less than 130 meq/L. Fluid
    administration can be liberalized gradually as
    the serum sodium reaches 135 meq/L. Most children
    can receive maintenance fluid intake within 24
    hours of hospitalization.
  • Monitoring
  • increased intracranial pressure, seizure
    activity, development of infected subdural
    effusions, particularly during the first two to
    three days of treatment,
  • Heart rate, blood pressure, and respiratory rate
    should be monitored regularly with a frequency
    appropriate to the care setting.
  • A complete neurologic examination should be
    performed daily rapid assessment of neurologic
    function should be performed several times per
    day for the first several days of treatment.
  • Head circumference should be measured daily in
    children younger than 18 months

  • In US (nelson)
  • 25-50 S.pneumoniae resistant to penicillin
  • 25 S Pneumoniae resistant to cefotax or
  • 30-40 Hib resistant to ampicillin
  • In INDIA ?

  • Organisms were isolated from the cerebrospinal
    fluid (CSF) in 35 of cases. Among infants and
    children, the two major pathogens were H.
    influenzae (17) and S. pneumoniae (12).
    RESULTS The illness at presentation was mild in
    13 and severe in 36 of cases. The

Emperic Therapy
  • empiric regimen should include coverage for Hib,
    penicillin resistant S. pneumoniae and N.
    meningitidis. E.coli in young infants
  • High dose of 3rd generation cephalosporin

  • Animal studieshearing loss is associated with
    the severe inflammatory changes
  • RCT and meta-analyses indicate that dexamethasone
    therapy provides no survival advantage in
    children, but reduces the incidence of deafness
    and severe neurologic complications in selected
    children, predominantly those with meningitis
    caused by Hib. The data are insufficient to
    demonstrate a clear benefit in children with
    pneumococcal meningitis
  • before or within one hour of the first dose of
    antibiotic therapy
  • concern that the CSF concentration of vancomycin
    may be diminished when administered with
  • gt 6 weeks of age
  • 0.15 mg/kg per dose) every 6 hours for 2 to 4

Duration of treament
  • S. pneumoniae 10-14 days
  • N. meningitidis 5-7 days
  • Hib 7-10 days
  • Gram ve 3 weeks
  • CSF analysis near the end of therapy,
    particularly in young infants, needs longer
    therapy if
  • Percentage of neutrophils gt30 percent,
  • or CSF glucose concentration lt20 mg/dL

Out patient therapy
  • Completion of at least 6 days of inpatient
  • Afebrile for at least 24 to 48 hours before
    initiation of outpatient therapy.
  • No significant neurologic dysfunction or focal
  • No seizure activity.
  • Clinical stability.

Response to therapy
  • duration of fever is typically four to six days
    after the initiation of adequate therapy
  • Persistence of fever beyond 8 days and secondary
    fever have a number of causes, including
  • Inadequate treatment
  • Development of nosocomial infection
  • Discontinuation of dexamethasone
  • Development of a suppurative complication
    (pericarditis, pneumonia, arthritis, subdural
  • Drug fever (a diagnosis of exclusion)

Repeat CSF
  • Poor clinical response after 24-36 hours of
  • Persistence or recurrence of fever
  • Gram ve meningitis

  • Focal neurologic signs, increasing head
    circumference, or prolonged obtundation,
    irritability, or seizures (gt72 hours after the
    start of treatment)
  • Persistently positive CSF cultures despite
    appropriate antibiotic therapy
  • Persistent elevation of CSF neutrophils at the
    completion of standard duration of therapy (more
    than 30 to 40 percent)
  • Recurrent meningitis

  • Mortalitymeta-analysis 4520 children 4.8 in
    developed countries and 8.1 in developing
  • Hib3.8 , N. meningitidis 7.5 , S. pneumoniae
  • Neurological sequele16 in developed and 26 in
    developing countries
  • Deafness 11 percent, including bilateral severe
    or profound deafness in 5 percent
  • Mental retardation 4 percent
  • Spasticity and/or paresis 4 percent
  • Seizures 4 percent

Poor prognostic factors
  • Etiology more with pneumocaccal
  • Seizure after 72 hours
  • CSF sugar lt 20 mg per dl at admission
  • Delayed sterlization of CSF gt 24 hours

Untreated meningitis as hydrocephalus
  • infantile hydrocephalus due to clinically
    unsuspected meningitis.
  • 8 year study period 54.2 (39/72) of
    hydrocephalus were found to be due to infection,
    far higher than what is reported from developed
  • it may be a good practice to sample the CSF in
    every infant with hydrocephalus before a shunting

Long-term Disability Following Neonatal and
Infantile Meningitis -results at 5 years of age
Disability Neonates Infants Controls
n274() n1304()
n1391() Severe 20 (7.3) 72 (5.5)
1 (0.1) plt0.0001 Moderate 50 (18.2)
103 (7.9) 20 (1.4) plt0.0001 Mild
66 (24.1) 392 (30.1) 275 (19.8) None
138 (50.4) 737 (56.5) 1095 (78.7)  
not significant. plt0.001
(No Transcript)
Meningococcal Vaccination
  • Currently licensed vaccine is composed of
    elements of polysaccharide coat of the bacteria
  • Serogroups A, C, W-135, and Y
  • Recommended for control of serogroup C
    meningococcal disease outbreaks although its not
    guaranteed to control them
  • Recommended for use among certain high

  • Vaccine may benefit travelers to countries in
    which disease is hyperendemic or epidemic
  • A poor vaccine in children lt18-24 months
  • Immunity of limited duration, especially in young
    children. Only 2-3 years at best.
  • Vaccine confers effective protection
  • Protective levels of antibody are usually
    achieved within 7-10 days
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