GEG 1220 Satellite Navigation History and GPS Constellations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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GEG 1220 Satellite Navigation History and GPS Constellations


Now the inclusion of the civilian interests has greatly augmented the uses of GPS. ... The system consists of 24 satellites in medium Earth orbit (MEO) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: GEG 1220 Satellite Navigation History and GPS Constellations

GEG 1220Satellite Navigation History and GPS
  • Dr. Walter Goedecke
  • Fall 2007

  • Satellite Navigation History
  • Radio Navigation
  • Satellite Navigation
  • GPS Civilian Use
  • NAVSTAR GPS Segments
  • Description of the U.S. GPS system segments
  • Space segment
  • Ground segment
  • Foreign Navigation Systems
  • Russian GLONASS
  • European Galileo
  • Chinese Beidou

Satellite Navigation History
  • Radio Navigation
  • Radio navigation originated in the 1920s
  • First this was the simple determination of a
    radio beacons location
  • In early WWII LORAN (LOng Range Navigation),
    developed by the MIT Radiation Laboratory, used
    time-of-flight radio signals to determine
  • This was limited to 2-dimensional coordinates on
    the surface latitude and longitude

Satellite Navigation History
  • Diagram of two LORAN transmitters A B, with
    hyperbolic curves representing positions of
    constant time-of-arrival differences.
  • http//

Satellite Navigation History
  • LORAN Principle
  • Two shore stations, A B, emit radio pulses
  • A ship will receive the signals with a time delay
    between the signals.
  • The ship will be on one of the hyperbolic curves,
    also known as a TD (time difference) line, shown
    in the figure.
  • Since the ships position is still ambiguous, it
    takes another pair of received signals to locate
    on another set of curves intersecting these, and
    thus the actual position is determined.

Satellite Navigation History
  • Guidance by Artificial Star
  • The space race begins - Sputnik (??????? means
    satellite) was launched into space by Russia on
    October 4th, 1957
  • Later, that same evening, researchers of the
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
    determined its orbit by noting its radio signal
    increased as it approached, and decreased as it
  • Because a satellite's position could be tracked
    from the ground implied that a ground position
    could be determined using transmitted radio
    signals from a satellite.

Satellite Navigation History
  • Transit
  • Also known as NAVSAT, for Navy Navigation
    Satellite System
  • Developed by Johns Hopkins University
  • First satellite launched in 1959
  • Constellation of five satellites required, with
    five extra backups.
  • Ranging, line-of-sight distance, or slant range
    depended on the Doppler effect

Satellite Navigation History
  • The Navstar Global Positioning System was first
    conceived in 1973 at the Pentagon.
  • This Global Positioning System (GPS) would be
    designed, built, operated, and maintained by the
    U.S. Department of Defense.
  • 24 satellites would be placed in 12-hour inclined

Satellite Navigation History
  • On July 14, 1974 the very first NAVSTAR satellite
    is launched.
  • These first satellites were used for concept
    validation purposes, or phase one of the project.
  • They carried the first atomic clocks ever
    launched into space.
  • February 22, 1978, the first Block I satellite is
  • A total of 11 Block I satellites were launched
    between 1978 and 1985 on the Atlas-Centaur
  • By the mid-1990s the system was fully operational
    with 24 satellites.

Satellite Navigation History
  • INS
  • Aircraft relied primarily on inertial navigation
    systems (INS) before GPS.
  • INS is comprised of linear and angular
    accelerometers and a means of solving
    differential equations to calculate position from
    moment to moment over a short period of time.
  • Accumulated errors creep in from drift and noise
  • INS is augmented with occasional positional fixes
    by radio beacons.

Satellite Navigation History
  • Civilian Use
  • A catastrophic, and political example of
    navigational failure was the downing of Korean
    Airlines Flight 007 in 1983 after it strayed over
    territory belonging to the Soviet Union.
  • While the Soviet Union couldnt justify the
    reason for shooting the civilian plane down, this
    event set a president for allowing civilian use
    of military technology for navigation.

Satellite Navigation History
  • Together, both INS with GPS provide a virtual
    infallible navigation system that can operate in
    real-time even for speedy aircraft.
  • The goal is to provide exact placement of the
    inertial platform, i.e., the aircraft,
    spacecraft, nautical ship, etc, relative to the
    Earth, over a reasonable time period to allow the
    completion of navigation.
  • The NAVSTAR Global Positioning System is to be
    always available to any travelling body with an
    appropriate receiver, thus allowing triangulation
    to within several tens of meters.

Satellite Navigation History
  • National Security
  • GPS was created for national defense.
  • Now the inclusion of the civilian interests has
    greatly augmented the uses of GPS.
  • Additionally the scale of manufacture has
    increased while the cost of building GPS
    receiving systems has significantly decreased.
  • Nevertheless, the condition of the US GPS fleet
    has been one the most important space-based
    systems to the military, possibly a greater
    concern now than intercontinental missile

Satellite Navigation History
  • National Security
  • The military is still the largest buyer of GPS
    receivers, since the goal is to network the
    entire military with GPS sensing capabilities.
  • The U.S. military have become very dependant on
    GPS for certain operations in under a decade.
  • This reliance may become a total dependence on
    GPS within the next few years.

Satellite Navigation History
  • Civil Uses
  • Increasing civilian uses of GPS along with
    military requirements have lead to a balancing
    act of priorities
  • However, the US government does foster commercial
    uses for its technology
  • While GPS is not fully functional, surveying
    becomes the first substantial commercial market.

Satellite Navigation History
  • Early Civil Uses
  • Conventional meets-and-bounds surveying is very
    equipment intensive and requires much effort to
    tie land areas to be surveyed to already
    established datum points.
  • The early period cost savings using GPS was still
    better than using conventional surveying
  • Also, most surveying does not require fast
    real-time measurements, therefore allowing
    sufficient time for proper satellite coverage
  • Also, time averaging of measurements could be
    applied for greater accuracy

Satellite Navigation History
  • Early Civil Uses
  • Even though there were a limited number of
    satellites then, surveyors turned to a number of
    GPS accuracy enhancement techniques including
    differential GPS and carrier phase tracking.
  • Obviously, private research and development from
    early GPS commercial uses such as surveying
    spurred advances that the DoD could integrate
    into future advances.
  • Now, most national geodetic data is based upon
    GPS aided surveys

The NAVSTAR GPS Segments GPS Description
  • The Global Positioning System is divided into
    three segments space, control, and user.
  • The space segment comprises the GPS satellite
  • The control segment comprises ground stations
    around the world that are responsible for
    monitoring the flight paths of the GPS
    satellites, synchronizing the satellites' onboard
    atomic clocks, and uploading data for
    transmission by the satellites.
  • The user segment consists of GPS receivers used
    for both military and civilian applications.

The NAVSTAR GPS Segments GPS Description
  • The system cost is about 400 million / year.
  • There are two levels of service
  • Precise Positioning Service (PPS) for exclusive
    military use
  • Accuracy within 95 probability is 16 meters for
    horizontal component and 23 m for the vertical
  • Standard Positioning Service (SPS) for public use
  • Accuracy 100 meters for horizontal component and
    156 m for the vertical

GPS Space SegmentGPS Orbital Details
  • The system consists of 24 satellites in medium
    Earth orbit (MEO)
  • This insures a ground station has access to at
    least four satellites at any given time, but as
    much as ten are possible.
  • Period is half a sidereal day, 11 hours and 58
  • 20,200 km nominal altitude in circular orbit
  • 550 inclination from equatorial plane
  • 6 orbital planes of 550 inclination with a
    constellation of 4 satellites in each plane
    spaced 600 in orbital longitude

GPS Space SegmentGPS Orbits
  • After Dana

GPS Ground Segment
  • Spacecraft operated from the GPS master control
    station (MCS) by the US Air Force at Schriever
    Air Force Base (formerly Falcon AFB) near
    Colorado Springs, Colorado, and four other
    monitor stations, located in
  • Hawaii
  • Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean
  • Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean
  • Kwajalein in the Pacific Ocean
  • - Includes antenna for uploading to satellite

GPS Ground Segment GPS Control Sites
  • El-Rabbany

Other Navigation Systems Russian GLONASS
  • The Russian Global Navigation Satellite System
    (GLONASS) is managed for the Russian Federation
    Government by the Russian Space Forces
  • GLONASS is very similar to the NAVSTAR GPS
  • This is an all weather global navigation system
  • There are 21 operational satellites with 3 spares
  • The satellite mass is about 1,300 kg
  • The size is 2.35 m diameter

  • GLONASS Satellite, Russian Federation Ministry of

Russian GLONASSIntegration of GLONASS with GPS
  • Integration of GLONASS may be possible with GPS
  • Several applications use both now
  • This would allow extra coverage during poor
  • However, there are problems
  • Two different coordinate frames used
  • GPS uses WGS 84 system
  • GLONASS uses Earth Parameter System 1990 (PZ-90)
  • Because of different reference times, this
    difference drifts
  • This problem could be solved by considering the
    time error as an additional variable for solution

Other Navigation Systems European Galileo
  • The European Global Satellite Navigation System
    (GNSS), or Galileo, will be a European civil
    controlled satellite system
  • Europes reason for development is for a
    navigation system not dependant on the U.S.
    NAVSTAR system.
  • The venture is a joint public and private
  • There will be two types of service
  • A free, basic service
  • A premium chargeable service with additional

European GalileoDevelopment
  • The Galileo development plan has three phases
  • The definition phase that ended in 2000
  • The development and validation phase, that began
    in 2001, to include
  • Ground control infrastructure
  • Prototype satellites
  • Communication allocation
  • Constellation deployment to begin in 2006

European GalileoDevelopment
  • Galileo should be available by 2008, with
    additional ground control and satellite
  • The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay
    System (EGNOS) will augment the system

Other Navigation Systems Chiness Regional
Satellite Navigation System (Beidou)
  • China has launched two navigation satellites
  • These geostationary orbits are at 36,000 km
  • These are intended for land and marine
  • The second generation system is being planned

  • References
  • Ahmed El-Rabbany, Introductions to GPS The
    Global Positioning System, Publisher Artech
  • Dana, Peter H., Department of Geography,
    University of Texas at Austin, 1994http//www.col
  • Pratt, Timothy, Bostian, Charles, Allnutt,
    Jeremy, Satellite Communications, 2003, John
    Wiley Sons.
  • Scott Pace, Gerald P. Frost, Irving Lachow, Dave
    Frelinger, Donna Fossum, Don Wassem, Monica M.
    Pinto, The Global Positioning System Assessing
    National Policies, Rand Corporation Study

References Cont.
  • Russian Federation Ministry of Defense,
    Coordinational Scientific Information Center,
  • Wertz, James R., Wiley J. Larson, Space Mission
    Analysis and Design, Publisher Microcosm Press.
  • Wikipedia, http//
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