Title: Surveillance of Earth From Space for Security Purposes
1Surveillance of EarthFrom SpaceforSecurity
- Presentation to
- MIT Space and Security Conference
- Bob Preston
- April 22, 2002
2Outline(Content Requested)
- Technical Background / Security Value
- Limitations
- Opportunities for Trans-Atlantic Cooperation
3Kinds of Sensing1 of 3
- Environmental sensing
- Determines operating conditions for security
forces - Cloud imagers
- Sounders
- Refractivity profilers (e.g. GPS occultation)
- Ionospheric electron content / scintillation
- Polarimetric scatterometers (surface winds over
water) - LIDAR
4Kinds of Sensing2 of 3
- Surface feature sensing
- Provides cartography, trafficability,
bathymetry, force disposition, fixed target
location / attributes, damage assessment - Imagery (optical, radar)
- Polarimetry
- Spectrometry
- Interferometry
5Kinds of Sensing3 of 3
- Activity Sensing
- Tracks force movement, assists identification
friend or foe, provides time-critical targeting,
warning - Signal intercept receivers
- Moving target indication radar
- Infrared event detection / characterization
- Friendly force reporting
Moving Target Indication
With Signature Identification
With Track Over Time
- Access
- Medium
- Illumination
- Capacity
- Quality
- Countermeasures
- Delays
- Line-of-sight (horizon)
- Scene presented (cover, contrast)
- Sensor field of regard (scan limits, etc.)
8Medium - Propagation
- Weather
- Scintillation
- Refraction
- Passive (solar)
- Active (e.g., radar)
- Power
- Range loss
- Sensor dwell footprint
- Boresight(s)
- Bandwidth
- Sensitivity
- Storage
- Data rate
- Spatial resolution
- Spectral resolution
- Dynamic range
- Signal to noise
- Satellite warning
- Cover / concealment / obscurants
- Camouflage / disguise
- Decoys
- Interference (jamming)
- Attack (e.g., ground station)
- Tasking
- Collection (wait for access)
- Data downlink / relay
- Processing
- Interpretation
- Dissemination
- Application
14Commercial Satellite Imagery May Help a Warfighter
- Even land-use data (e.g. Landsat) resolution /
revisit enough for large ground unit disposition - Hi-res (e.g., Ikonos, Quickbird) quality suitable
for targeting if timely
15But Its Reasonable to Hide from or Deceive
Commercial Imagers Today
Night time
16Even if They Accept Degraded Resolution with
Off-Nadir Scanning
Night time
visibility depicted ignores illumination
17It Will Be Increasingly Difficult to Hide from
Announced Commercial Imagers.
6 EO with 45 Scan _at_ 600 km
18-- Particularly if They Accept Off-nadir Scan
Degradation and/or Use Radar
Undisclosed 60 Scan?
Announced 45 Scan
19Areas for U.S. - European Cooperation
- Technology?
- Generally comparable
- Issues
- Intelligence sources methods
- Industrial policy
- Intellectual property
- Investment Operations
- Could improve persistence, capacity, diversity,
resilience, timeliness with coordinated
architectures / operations - Employment
- Shared experience
- U.S. depth of experience
- European fresh perspective
- Interoperability