Title: Waterloo_01
1Databases of Infrared Molecular Parameters for
Astronomy 0.7 to 1000 µm (14000 to 10 cm-1)
Linda R. Brown Jet Propulsion
Laboratory California Institute of
Technology Pasadena, CA 91109 linda.brown_at_jpl.nas
a.gov The research at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of
Technology was performed under contracts with the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
3Basic transition line parameters ? Line position
(or center frequency) ? Line intensity _at_ 296 K ?
Lower state energy (for temperature dependence) ?
Vibrational - rotational quantum assignment
Line shape parameters (Voigt) ?
Pressure-broadened widths temperature depend.
? Pressure-induced frequency shifts ?
Self-broadened widths Line mixing
(limited to CO2 no temp. depend)
(Other line shapes none) ? Continua
collision-induced absorption (CIA) (given as
cross section files)
4Current Public Databases (via Web)
5Cant find your molecule?Try semi-public
customized collections
6File Structure of HITRAN Compilation
(Java HAWKS) Software and Documentation
Level 1
IR Cross-sections
HITRAN (line-transition parameters)
Aerosol Refractive Indices
Line Coupling
CO2 data
Level 2 Data
Global Data Files, Tables, and References
Molecule- by-molecule
Level 3
7A water transition in 2004 HITRAN11 139.782604
3.822E-19 1.168E00.0659.4228 446.69660.590.00197
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 1 7
6 0 6 555243332168510224 15.0 13.0
gt 4 good lt 3 bad 0 old (1986)
8CDMS main page
9Properties of the CDMS Catalog
- (Mostly) rotational transitions of species for
astrophysics and astrochemistry
- Molecules detected or detectable in
inter/circumstellar medium
- Emphasis on Submillimeter and TeraHertz regions
- Predictions based on modeling experimental
frequencies via Hamiltonians
- Separate entries for rarer isotopomers or
excited vibrational states (1-1)
- Recent entries include
- light hydrides and deuterated species
HD2, NH, ND, CH2D, NH2D, NHD2, ND3 - molecules in excited vibrational states
HCN, HNC, HC3N, HC5N, CS, SiO - complex species ethylene glycol
- gt 300 entries as of April 2005
- Format identical to that of JPL catalog
Holger Muller private communication
10 CDMS SELECTED ENTRIESout of 300 species
11MASTER Millimeterwave Acquisitions for
Stratospheric/Tropospheric Exchange Research
Initial Source of Line Parameters Positions
JPL (almost always) Intensities JPL or
HITRAN or new calculations line broadening
literature or new measurements or HITRAN line
shift literature or new measurements
Interfering species
Target molecules
12Line-by-line parameters should be COMPLETE
- ? Positions d pressure-induced
shifts 0.000001 - 1.0 cm-1 - S Line intensities 1 to 10
- E? Lower states energies ? ½
- ? Pressure-broadening widths 1 to 20
- ? Temperature dependence of widths 10
to 40
? Calculations based on successful theoretical
modeling (good for positions and intensities,
but not line shapes) ? Predictions based on
limited data and/or poorer theoretical
modeling (warning extrapolations very
poor!) ? Empirical data retrieved line-by-line
with some known assignments (warning no
weak lines, larger uncertainties!) ? Absorption
cross sections from lab spectra, sometimes at
different temperatures (for
unresolved heavy species and continua)
14Near-IR (0.7 2.5 µm) Parameters for earth
15Near-IR Methane Positions and IntensitiesDiffic
ult to model because energy levels perturb each
Triacontad intractable Cross sections
or empirical linelist with 1 assignments. Icosad
almost intractable, but one strong band being
studied. Tetradecad region largely unassigned
no public prediction. Empirical linelist has
strongest lines. Octad poorer prediction
overwritten by some empirical results for main
isotope. Pentad fundamentals and overtones
modeled in 3 isotopes Hot bands intensities
are estimated. Dyad and CH3D fundamentals good.
Hot bands intensities modeled to 8. GS
predicted using measured frequencies. Intensities
are uncertain and not validated!
16Far-IR CH4 Intensities for ground state
transitions in HITRAN and GEISA low by 16?
HITRAN intensities for Far IR set by one
indirect method, (calc.) Hilico et al., J Mol
Spec, 122, 381(1987) with claim of accuracy of
30. Cassam-Chenai, JQSRT, 82,251(2003)
predicts ab initio Q branch based on Stark
measurements Ozier et al. Phys Rev Lett,
27,1329, (1971). The intensities are 16 higher
than HITRAN values. Lab data (left) confirms a
higher value for R branch manifolds.
hitran fit from Orton
Lab Spectra of Far-IR CH4 (Wishnow)
17HITRAN 2004 Far-IR Water Positions (frequencies)
18H2O Line Intensities All isotopologues important
but not validated
19Warnng! Warning!Far-IR Water Intensities are not
- Isotope Intensity
accuracy and source - 11 139.782604 3.822E-19 1.168E00.0659.4228
446.69660.590.001970 0 0 0 0 0
0 7 1 7 6 0 6 55524333216851 224
15.0 13.0 - 13 139.997467 1.344E-22 6.538E-01.0919.4389
275.13050.690.004310 0 0 0 0 0
0 5 2 4 4 1 3 50524334226851 224
66.0 54.0 - 15 140.235360 8.173E-27 1.485E-01.0668.3300
801.35910.490.000000 0 0 0 0 0
0 9 4 6 8 4 5 50554032227 5 2 0
114.0 102.0 - 14 140.252640 1.725E-24 1.225E-01.0648.3080
942.53220.490.000000 0 0 0 0 0
0 9 5 5 8 5 4 405540 02227 5 2 0
114.0 102.0 - 12 140.709305 1.269E-24 7.733E-01.0643.2600
1990.85690.41-.010400 0 0 0 0 0
0 11 6 5 11 5 6 40324334222951 2 8
69.0 69.0
20Pressure Broadening
Pressure-broadened Widths (HWHM) are
independent of vibration in some molecules.
1-0 2-0 3-0
Coefficients for these widths temperature
dependence also are independent of vibration.
Pressured-induced frequency shifts depend on
vibration (or position) larger magnitude in
1-0 2-0 3-0
21Variation of widths by vibrational quanta
Methods a. Predict from the Complex
Robert-Bonamy equations. b. Estimate widths vs
quanta by applying the expected theoretical
vibrational dependence to empirical widths at
different wavelengths. Left The estimation
method is applied to air-broadened widths of
? HITRAN 2000 widths ?Measured widths
22Self-broadened CH4 widths in near-IR bandsWidths
vary as a function of quanta and band.
?1?4 at 4220 cm-1 Widths like those of a
3-fold degenerate (F2) fundamental. These widths
are within 4 of ?3 values (at 3020 cm-1) and
other bands with a 3-fold vibrational symmetry
(F2). ?3?4 at 4310 cm-1 9-fold degenerate
band variation of widths at each J is much
greater. ?2?3 at 4530 cm-1 6-fold degenerate
band some variation of widths at each J.
Predoi-Cross et al. Multispectrum analysis of
12CH4 from 4100 to 4635 cm-1 1. self-broadening
coefficients (widths and shifts) in press J.
Mol. Spectrosc.
23Line mixing (line coupling) in water
Top observed-calculated residuals with line
Middle observed-calculated residuals without
line mixing
Bottom H2-Broadened H2O spectra of two pairs of
P and R branch transitions at 1539.5 and 1653
cm-1 in the ?2 band
- Eight laboratory spectra of water at 6 µm fitted
together in order to retrieve the line positions,
intensities and line shape coefficients. - The maximum pressure of hydrogen is 1.3 bar at
296 K.
24 Line shape study of pure CO (2 band)
Residuals differences between observed and
synthetic spectra are offset by -0.1 and -0.2
(Brault et al. 2003). sdVoigt
speed-dependent Voigt profile with line
mixing. sVoigt speed-dependent
without line mixing.
25Line mixing observed in CO2 in P and R branches
Top observed-calculated differences between
observed and synthetic spectra for 8 lab scans
without line mixing
Middle observed-calculated residuals with line
mixing between P and R branch lines
Bottom Eight lab spectra of self-Broadened CO2
in the near IR. Resolution 0.011 cm-1. Signal
to noise 20001. Max. pressure 1.3 bar (at
26Models for Collision-Induced Continua
- http//www.astro.ku.dk/aborysow/programs/
- A. Borysow, L. Frommhold calculate
collision-induced spectra at different
temperatures and then form model spectra of cross
sections. - Very useful models and software available for
generating synthetic spectra - H2-H2, H2-He, H2-CH4, H2-Ar, N2-N2,
- CH4-CH4, N2-CH4, CH4-Ar, CO2-CO2
27Low temperature spectrum of methane
absorption coefficient -ln(transmission)/(density
2 path)
Centrifugal distortion dipole lines superposed on
collision-induced spectrum.
First observation of R(3)-R(7)
lines measurements at 0.24 and 0.06
cm-1 spectral resolution
Wishnow, Leung, Gush, Rev. Sci. Inst., 70, 23
Dashed line CH4 Collision-Induced Absorption
(CIA) from
A. Borysow.
- No public infrared database tailored for
astronomy - Astronomers use their own private (undocumented)
collections - Basic molecular parameters (positions,
intensities) available for dozens, not hundreds,
of species - Near IR parameters missing and inaccurate
- Far-IR Insufficient attention to line-by-line
intensities - Pressure broadening coefficients needed (models
and meas.) - CIA models need to be validated.