Title: Divisions Performance Indicators
1- Divisions Performance Indicators
- How Will It Work?
- Beverly Sibthorpe
- Deputy Director
- Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute
2Overview of Presentation
- Indicator development
- Technical details
- Types of data data sources
- Qualitative quantitative indicators
- Information systems for Level 3/4 reporting
- Collation, analysis and interpretation
- Quality assurance
- Equity
3Divisions Performance Indicators
- Governance and Program
- Different processes common framework
- Governance
- Organisational structures and processes (Level 1)
- Program
- Organisational structures and processes,
processes of care for patients, intermediate
outcomes for patients (Level 1 Level 4) - Endorsed by the RIC
4Indicator Development Governance
- Working group
- 2-day workshop facilitated by Elizabeth Jameson,
Board Matters Pty Ltd (Divisions network,
Department, other stakeholders) - All compulsory progress 2005-2008
- Goal is accreditation
- Accreditation greatly reduced reporting 9
5Indicator Development Program
6Indicator Development Program
- Guideline evidence-based
- Support Government policies/programs
- Two rounds of consultation
- National/international expert review
- 100 pages of feedback
- Collated, reviewed, incorporated into final
7Technical Details
- Rationale
- Type of indicator
- Data required
- How data will be obtained
- Data coding
- How to calculate the measure
- How to report the result
- Data quality assurance processes
- Characteristics of Divisions for comparisons
8Information Sources - Levels 1 2
- Information generated by the Division N_RES 1.1
- Information from GPs (GP survey) N_INT 2.2
- Information from practices (practice survey, /-
practice visits, email or telephone contact)
N_DIA 2.1 N_MNH 2.2 N_ASM 2.1 - Data about practices provided to the Division
from other source N_IMM 2.2
9Information Sources - Levels 3 4
- Summary information from GPs/practices about
processes of care for patients - N_ASM 3.1 - Summary information about processes of care for
patients from other source N_MNH 3.1 - Summary information from GPs/practices about
outcomes for patients N_DIA 4.2 - Supplementary information provided to Division
from other sources aged care beds, diabetes
prevalence, demand for 3-step mental health
10Information about Patients
- 9/52 require information about patients
- 5 compulsory all information from other sources
- Participate in Level 3 Level 4 without full
computerisation or electronic data transfer - Information
- - summary table based on patient records or
- - extracts of patient records transferred
electronically - Both methods in same Division
- Division collates all data to produce summary
11Data from other Sources
- Dont have to collect all information
- Provided to Division
- Estimates from health survey and other data
- User-friendly, timely, consistent
- Coordinated nationally
- Mechanism for reporting defined for every
indicator - Qualitative descriptive data - text in defined
format - Quantitative numerical data - table provided
- Explanatory text
- Additional questions
- data source for data Quality Assurance
- completeness of capture of ATSI origin
13Example 1 Qualitative data
- N_IMM 1.1 Division collaborates with other
organisations, service providers and
consumer/carer groups to promote and support
quality immunisation practices.
14Example 1 Qualitative data
15Example 2 Quantitative data
- N_DIA 4.1 Number and proportion of patients with
diabetes on the practice register/recall system
whose most recent HbA1c in the past 12 months
was - - 7.0 or less
- - more than 7 but less than 10.0
- - 10.0 or more
- - not measured.
16Example 2 Quantitative data
17Example 2 Quantitative data
18Information System to Support Electronic Level
3/4 Reporting
- Choose to participate 2005-2008
- Off-the-shelf information system to support GPs/
practices - Build on existing systems capacity
- Value-adding through national analysis,
interpretation and feedback to Divisions - IM/IT development and support for participating
practices and Divisions
19Analysis, Interpretation Feedback
- Information Flows
- Timely flows of meaningful and useful information
(Divisions, GPs, consumers, DoHA, other
stakeholders) - Reports of achievement provided to DoHA 6 month
and annual reports - Nationally consistent analysis and interpretation
- Appropriate feedback mechanisms
- Access to other population health data
- Differences between Divisions
- Comparisons take differences into consideration
- - state, geographic size, number of GPs,
income, - Index of Relative Social Disadvantage,
proportion - of population Aboriginal/Torres Strait
Islander - Differences among patients
- Reporting on sub-populations limited by summary
data - - age, sex, Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander - origin, language spoken at home
21Data Quality Assurance
- System depends on high quality data
- Trusted by all stakeholders (Divisions network,
consumers, DoHA) - Methods to be developed
22System Under Development
- Validity of performance of indicators assessed
- Targets developed
- Characteristics of Divisions for comparisons
(e.g. rurality) refined - Other data requirements reviewed
- Approaches to analysis and interpretation refined
- Mechanisms for feedback to Divisions (e.g. web
based) developed, tested and refined -