Renaissance Philosophy
What does it mean? How does it effect the other
Aspects of Society?
2The Importance of Life on Earth Exploration
In order that he might be able to paint the
various joints and muscles as they bend and
stretch according to the laws of nature, he
dissected cut up the corpses of criminals, not
bothered by this nauseating work. He then listed
with extreme accuracy all the different parts,
down to the smallest veins. In Praise of
Leonardo da Vinci, 1527
3The Importance of Life on Earth Celebration
4The Importance of Life on Earth Celebration
If we are to call an age golden, it must
certainly be our age which has produced so many
golden people. Evidence is provided by the
inventions of this age. For this century has
restored to light grammar, poetry, oratory,
painting, sculpture, architecture and musicand
all this in Florence. Marsilio Ficino, citizen
of Florence, gushes about his hometown in 1492
5The Importance of the Individual
I have never liked the common saying of some
people that if you know how to sign your name and
can figure out your balance, you have enough
education. Leon Alberti gives his opinion on
education in Della Famiglia On the Family, 1435
It is marvelous how widespread and abundant is
the harvest of Ancient learning which is
flourishing in this country. Erasmus, a
traveller in Itlay, writes to a friend in 1499
6The Importance of the Individual Achievement
What city, not merely in Italy but in the whole
world, is stronger within its walls, prouder in
its palaces, richer in its temples, more lovely
in its buildingsWhere is trade richer in its
variety? Where are there more famous
men? Coluccio Salutati, Chancellor of Florence
from 1375-1406, sings his citys praises
7The Importance of the Individual Uniqueness
What a piece of work is a man! how noble in
reason! how infinite in faculty! in form and
moving how express and admirable! in action how
like an angel! in apprehension how like a
god! William Shakespeare Hamlet, Act II Scene
2, 1600
8The Perfectability of the World the
Individual Symetry Harmony
9Leonardo The Last Supper 1498
10Who is the
How will the philosophy of Humanism impact the
Political, Economic and Social Aspects of Society?