Title: The Origin of Humans
1The Origin of Humans
2The First Humans
Theories on prehistory and early man constantly
change as new evidence comes to light.
- Louis Leakey, British
3Early Discoveries
4Stages of Early Human Development
1. 4,000,000 BCE 1,000,000 BCE
Paleolithic Age( Old Stone Age ) 2,500,000 BCE
to 8,000 BCE
2. 1,500,000 BCE -- 250,000 BCE
3. 250,000 BCE 30,000 BCE
4. 30,000 BCE -- 10,000 BCE
5The Paleolithic Age
- Paleolithic --gt Old Stone Age
- hunting (men) gathering (women) ?
small bands of 20-30 humans
- NOMADIC (moving from place to place)
6Stage 1
4,000,000 BCE 1,000,000 BCE
- Hominids --gt any member of the family of
two-legged primates that includes all humans.
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8Stage 1
- HOMO HABILIS ( Man of Skills )
9The Paleolithic Age
- Humans during this period found shelter in caves.
- Cave paintings left behind.
10Stage 2
1,600,000 BCE 30,000 BCE
- HOMO ERECTUS ( Upright Human Being )
- Larger and more varied tools --gt primitive
- First hominid to migrate and leave Africa for
Europe and Asia.
- First to use fire ( 500,000 BCE )
11Differing Human Migration Theories
Are we all Africans under the skin????
12Stage 3
200,000 BCE 10,000 BCE
HOMO SAPIENS ( Wise Human Being )
Neanderthals( 200,000 BCE 30,000 BCE )
Cro-Magnons( 40,000 BCE 10,000 BCE )
13Stage 3
- Neander Valley, Germany (1856)
- First humans to bury their dead.
- Made clothes from animal skins.
- Lived in caves and tents.
14P R I M A RY S O U R C E The Shanidar events
(cave in Northeastern Iraq) . . . speak clearly
of a deep feeling for the spiritual quality of
life. A concern for the fate of the human soul is
universal in human societies today, and it was
evidently a theme of Neanderthal society
too. RICHARD E. LEAKEY, The Making of Mankind
15Stage 3
Early Hut/Tent
16Stage 3
- Leads to Homo sapiens sapiens ( Wise, wise
human )
- By 30,000 BCE they replaced Neanderthals.
17Homo sapiens sapiens in Europe
18The Last Ice Age
70,000 BCE 10,000 BCE
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20The Neolithic Age
- Neolithic ? New Stone Age
Nomadic lifestyle ? settled, stationery lifestyle.
Hunting/Gathering ? agricultural production and
domestication of animals.
- What does sedentary mean?
21SETTING THE STAGE By about 40,000 years ago,
human beings had become fully modern in their
physical appearance. With a shave, a haircut, and
a suit, a Cro-Magnon man would have looked like a
modern business executive. However, over the
following thousands of years, the way of life of
early humans underwent incredible changes. People
developed new technology, artistic skills, and
most importantly, agriculture.
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24The Agricultural Revolution
- Agriculture developed independently in
different parts of the world. - Causes?
- Climate change temperatures longer growing
seasons - Pressure of growing populations
Middle East India Central America
China Southeast Asia 8,000 BCE 7,000
BCE 6,500 BCE 6,000 BCE 5,000 BCE
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26The Agricultural Revolution
- Early Farming Methods
27The Agricultural Revolution
- Domestication of Animals
- How did this develop? What are the benefits?
Breed the best and eat the rest!!!
28The Agricultural Revolution
Development of Agriculture
29The Agricultural Revolution
Why do you think the development of agriculture
occurred around the same time in several
different places?
30The Agricultural Revolution
Why do some archaeologists believe that women
were the first farmers?
31Early Settled Communities
- Growing crops on a regular basis made possible
the support of larger populations.
- More permanent, settled communities emerged.
- 9,000 BCE ? Earliest Agricultural Settlement at
JARMO ( northern Iraq ) ? wheat
32Found Jarmo in the 1950s
Catal Huyuk
33Early Settled Communities
- 8,000 BCE ? Largest Early Settlement at Çatal
Hüyük ( Modern Turkey ) ? 6,000 inhabitants
An obsidian dagger
34Early Settled Communities
Çatal Hüyük
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36The Agricultural Revolution
What role did the food supply play in shaping the
nomadic life of hunter-gatherers and the settled
life of the farmers?
37Why is the "Neolithic Revolution" a turning
point in human history??
38What is the next step in the development
of human settlements??
40What are the characteristics of a civilization??
41Advanced Cities
Advanced Technology
Specialized Workers
Record- Keeping
Complex Institutions