Title: Early Implementation Programme First National Workshop
1Early Implementation ProgrammeFirst National
2National Alcohol Improvement Programme
Planned delivery on RA-RHAs
Start delivering RA-RHAs
Receive priority support from AIIC Implement
high impact actions
Early Implementation PCTs
PCTs (Unplanned) delivery on targets through
implementation of elements of the high impact
Priority access
NST(DH) Supports 18 struggling PCTs
P.A. Strategic reports follow-up visits
Regional Function (DH/SHA) Responsibility to
ensure delivery of targets
CSIP managed DH branded
DH Policy Team Role Work with outside bodies to
facilitate frontline delivery. Develop policy,
Develop Guidance, Commission, co-ordinate and
contract manage support projects, channel
NWPHO Provide local data on need and key evidence
Trailblazers (SIPS), ANARP Effectiveness review,
HES data,etc
3National Alcohol Improvement Programme
- NWPHO providing local health profiles to assist
PCTs to understand their needs and develop
planning - NATMS is now collecting information from service
providers on the number of patients receiving
specialist alcohol treatment - SIPS Trailblazer Research Programme is improving
the evidence and refining the materials needed to
conduct effective IBA - The National Support Team (NST) on Alcohol is
visiting 10 PCTs this year and 18 PCTs next year
who have high level of alcohol related hospital
admissions to assist them in making improvements - Regional Offices are being established in the
RPHGs to ensure delivery of targets - 20 Early Implementation PCTs have been selected
to go further a little bit faster in
implementing improvements to reduce alcohol
related admissions - Alcohol Improvement Learning Centre established
to support Early Implementation PCTs and gather
learning for all sources. This will be made
available to the rest of NHS.
4High Impact Changes
- Prioritize alcohol within LAAs and NHS Operating
Framework Vital Signs - Improve treatment
- Review pathways and access NATMS
- Evidence based practice Models of Care
- Implement IBA
- Health AE, Clinics, GPs
- Criminal Justice
- Develop activities to control alcohol misuse
- Identify local champions build the case for
investment - Provide local implementation of national media
5Point of Clarification
- Opportunistic alcohol case Identification and the
delivery of Brief Advice (IBA) - is the same as
- Screening and Brief Interventions for alcohol
misuse (SBI)