Galaxies: Their Structure and Evolution - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Galaxies: Their Structure and Evolution


... galaxy in the closest big cluster to us, the famous Virgo Cluster of galaxies ... encounter with its neighbor, NGC 5195 (the fainter one in Messier's description) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Galaxies: Their Structure and Evolution

Galaxies Their Structure and Evolution
Slides which are important are marked by
  • Physics 360/Geology 360
  • Astronomy
  • J. Swez

Hubble Deep Field
Island Universes or Nebula?
  • Galaxies appear as either nearby gaseous nebula
    or else island universes with stars like our
  • Finding their distances was required to tell the
  • Edwin Hubble found the distance to the Andromeda
    galaxy with a Cepheid Variable
  • Nearest Galaxy Large Magellanic Cloud, 150,000 ly
    from the Sun

When did the study of galaxies begin?
Charles Messier discovered galaxies as early as
the 28th century. He began the Messier Catalog
(e.g. M31) Sir William Hershel (19th century)
began the classification system known today as
NGC (New General Catalog). Sir Hershel was also
known for his advances in photography. Edwin
Hubble (1899-1853) classified galaxies in the
20th century in terms of Spiral, Elliptical and
Irregular. The key to galactic classification
was the measurement of distances. The key to the
measurement of distances was Cephid Varibles
How we found distances for remote stars. Remember
this only works up to a 100 parsecs (or 250
parsecs from apace). Certainly not galactic
Review Slide. This you should know from Chapter
Variable Star Light Curves
Remember! Cephids are classed as Type I and Type
II depending on the shape of their period curve.
Pulsating Star HR Diagram
Review Slide! You should already know about HR
Cepheid Period-Luminosity Relationship
  • Cepheid variables are luminous variable stars
  • The period of their variation is regular
  • The period corresponds to luminosity (Period
    Luminosity Law)
  • Cepheids are good distance indicators (standard
  • More Slowly they PulsateMore Luminous
  • RR Lyrae 40 L, Cephids up to 106 L (an L is a
    solar mass unit)

(No Transcript)
Distance From Cepheids
Hubble Tuning Fork Diagram
From Thomas Arny (text) page 485
An organizational tool, not necessarily tied to
structure or evolution of galaxies.
The Hubble Tuning Fork Further Explanation
  • This page was copied from Nick Strobel's
    Astronomy Notes. Go to his site at for the updated and
    corrected version.

Spiral Galaxies
Barred Spiral Galaxies
The giant elliptical galaxy M87, also called
Virgo A, is one of the most remarkable objects in
the sky. It is perhaps the dominant galaxy in the
closest big cluster to us, the famous Virgo
Cluster of galaxies M87's diameter of apparently
about 7' corresponds to a linear extension of
120,000 light years, more than the diameter of
our Milky Way's disk. However, as M87 is of type
E1 or E0, it fills a much larger volume, and thus
contains much more stars (and mass) than our
galaxy, certainly several trillion (1012) solar
masses (J.C. Brandt and R.G. Roosen have
estimated 2.7 trillion). This galaxy is also of
extreme luminosity, with an absolute magnitude of
about -22.
  • This is a 2048x2048 CCD image of the Coma
    Cluster. This cluster has a recessional velocity
    of about 7000 km/s and is the densest cluster in
    our local region of the Universe. In contrast to
    the Hercules cluster, Coma has almost no spiral
    galaxies in its central regions. The cluster is
    strongly virialized and has a hot intracluster
    medium which generates strong X-ray emission.
    This image shows the central few 100 kpc of the
    Coma cluster. At a slightly larger radius ,
    images reveal that Coma is still rather devoid of
    spiral galaxies. It is generally believed that
    the cold hydrogen gas in the disks of spiral
    galaxies is swept out of them as they orbit
    through the intracluster medium of Coma.

An example of clusters of galaxies
Elliptical Galaxies
  • Malin 1 is an excellent example of a very Low
    Surface Brightness Spiral Galaxy. This galaxy was
    only recently discovered and can barely be seen
    in this 30 minute exposure using a 100-inch
    telescope in Chile. The galaxy disk covers about
    half of the image Frame yet is barely visible.
    There are lots of these out there.

M77 Spiral Galaxy M77 (NGC 1068), type Sb, in
Cetus Discovered 1780 by Pierre Méchain.
This magnificient galaxy is one of the biggest
galaxies in Messier's catalog, its bright part
measuring about 120,000 light years, but its
faint extensions (which are well visible e.g. in
the DSSM image) going perhaps out to nearly
170,000 light years. Its appearance is that of a
magnificient spiral with broad structured arms,
which in the inner region show a quite young
stellar population, but more away from the
center, are dominated by a smooth yellowish older
stellar population.
SO Galaxy
Irregular Galaxies
  • M101 is a High Surface Brightness Galaxy It has
    lots of active star formation and many H II
    regions. This exposure was through a blue filter
    with an exposure time of 30 seconds with a
    52-inch telescope using 4.851 re-imaging optics
    in front of the CCD

Can you classify M101 according to the Hubble
  • This is a 2048x2048 CCD image of the Hercules
    cluster. This cluster has a recessional velocity
    of 11,000 km/s. It is noteworthy in that it
    contains a number of spiral galaxies, many of
    which are intereacting. This is a sure sign that
    the cluster still has substructure and is not
    fully virialized yet.

Andromeda Galaxy M31 a color picture
Spiral Galaxy M31 (NGC 224), type Sb, Andromeda
Galaxy among the brightest of the Messier
Elliptical Galaxy M32 (NGC 221), type E2, in
Andromeda A Satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy,
M32 is the small yet bright companion of the
Great Andromeda Galaxy, M31, and as such a member
of the Local Group of galaxies. It can be easily
found when observing the Andromeda Galaxy, as it
is situated 22 arc minutes exactly south of M31's
central region, overlaid over the outskirts of
the spiral arms.
How would you classify this galaxy (lower left of
  • M31N205 from McDonald Observatory 10/27/95

M51 (NGC 5194), type Sc, in Canes Venatici The
distance to this galaxy is thought to be 37 Mly
(million light years) but a recent (2001) STScI
Press Release gave 31 million light years.
According to our present understanding, the
pronounced spiral structure is a result of M51's
current encounter with its neighbor, NGC 5195
(the fainter one in Messier's description).
Discovered in 1773 by Charles Messier as the
famous Whirlpool Galaxy. Its companion, NGC 5195,
was discovered in 1781 by his friend, Pierre
Galaxy Types
Galactic Evolution
  • The age of the oldest stars in each galaxy is
    about the same
  • All galaxies are about the same age
  • Galaxies are distinguished by the amount of
    star-forming material
  • Different galaxy types correspond to
  • different star formation rates, or
  • large scale changes in gas/dust content

Galaxy Collision - core
Galaxy Collision
Galaxy Collisions
Ring Galaxies
A result of galactic collisions. The central gas
is disrupted.
Galactic Collisions / Mergers/Cannibals
  • Galaxies may collide
  • Collisions occur between gas, not stars
  • Collisions - rapid star formation / gas loss
  • This produces ring galaxies and ellipticals
  • A few mergers - giant galaxy
  • Galactic cannibals and giant ellipticals

Galaxy Clusters
  • Poor Clusters
  • 10-100 galaxies
  • Spirals, Irregulars and lastly dwarf ellipticals
  • Local Group - our galaxy cluster
  • Rich Clusters
  • Thousand galaxies
  • Ellipticals, SO, with spirals at edges only
  • Giant Ellipticals at the center

Local Group
  • Our poor cluster of galaxies
  • Dominated by Milky Way and Andromeda
  • Probable additional large galaxy near Milky Way

Rich Galaxy Clusters and Local Supergroup
  • Rich clusters have thousands of galaxies
  • Hercules cluster
  • Galaxy clusters organize into groups
  • Local Supergroup

Large Scale Structure
Large scales show a bubble and void structure
Active Galaxies / Radio Galaxies/Quasars
  • Read about them in the news!
  • Active Galaxies
  • Galaxies that have bright, varying cores.
    Abnormally lare radiation from a tiny region in
    the galactic core
  • Radio Galaxies
  • Galaxies with massive radio emissions from jets
  • Quasars
  • Distant active/radio galaxies
  • Seyfert Galaxies a spiral galaxy with abnormally
    luminous core from a region less than a ly year
  • Jets in Quasars sometimes move with superluminal
  • Most distant Quasar about 10 billion ly

Radio Galaxies
Some galaxies show massive, radio emissions These
are tied to massive jets in the core
Galactic Accretion Disk
Jet from core of M87
Accretion Disk and Jet Formation
The Hubble Law
In 1914 Vesto Slipher (lived 1870--1963)
announced his results from the spectra of over 40
spiral galaxies (at his time people thought the
spiral nebulae'' were inside the Milky Way). He
found that over 90 of the spectra showed
redshifts which meant that they were moving away
from us. Edwin Hubble and Milton Humason found
distances to the spiral nebulae. When Hubble
plotted the redshift vs. the distance of the
galaxies, he found a surprising relation more
distant galaxies are moving faster away from us.
Hubble and Humason announced their result in
1931 the recession speed H distance, where H
is a number now called the Hubble constant. This
relation is called the Hubble Law and the Hubble
constant is the slope of the line.
The Redshift and the Hubble Law
In 1920s astronomers discovered galaxies are
moving away from one another The spectrum of a
galaxy is the spectrum of all its component stars
added together If a galaxy is moving toward or
away from us its spectral lines will be
Doppler-Shifted-e.g. motion away from us
lengthens the wavelength Nearly all galaxies are
moving away Hubble discovered in 1920 that V HD
where H is the Hubble Constant 65 km/s per
Mpc Thus by measuring the red shift we can find
the galactic distance (See Problem 16.2)
Left Red Shift for a galaxy nearer Right Red
Shift for a more distant Galaxy
The Hubble Law as applied to the recession of
Gravitational Lenses
  • How do they Work?
  • Einsteinmatter bends light, see Fig. 16.26
  • Why do we think they Exist
  • Multiple quasar images but idential spectral
  • Existence of Black Holes and Dark Matter verified?

Why is there believed Dark Matter to Exist
Figure from Arny, an Introduction to Astronomy p
  • The line with the dots is the theoretical curve
    for a galaxy consisting only of stars
  • The observed line is with the xs
  • Only the material between the stars orbit and
    the galaxys center contributes to the gravity
  • Something must keep the outer stars from flying
  • Answer Dark Matter
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