Title: Cost and allocation of capital
1Allocation of Capital in Reinsurance
- Cost and allocation of capital
Oxford Risk Workshop 19 May 2005
Matthew Eagle - Aon Re Services, Aon Re UK Based
on work carried out by Dr. Robert Verlaak, Aon Re
2How to evaluate the capital requirement?
- ?Risk measures
- VaR(p) most familiar measure for the banking
sector. It represents the PML (Probable Maximum
Loss). Based on a probability(p), the VaR
represents the corresponding threshold value (x). -
Average 23,000
3How to evaluate the capital requirement?
- ?Risk measures
- TVaR(p) the expected cost in case of losses
exceeding the VaR(p) -
Average 23,000
4How to evaluate the capital requirement?
- ?Risk measures
- TVaR(p) VaR(p) the expected shortfall at level
VaR(p) -
TVaR VaR(95) SL(36,100) / 5 41,800
5Properties of Risk Measures
- A coherent risk measure
- Sub-additivity Risk (X Y) lt Risk(X) Risk (Y)
- Monotonicity Risk(X)ltRisk(Y) if Xlt Y with
probability 1 - Positive homogeneity Risk(k X)k Risk(X), for
any k fixed (gt0) - Translation invariance Risk (k X)k Risk(X),
for any k fixed - !! VaR (and also Expected Shortfall) is not
Sub-additive - !! TVaR is a coherent risk measure
- But much more important is that TVaR is linear
over the sub-risks suppose the partition of the
risk XX1X2, then - EX1X2 / X1X2gtxEX1 / X1X2gtxEX2 /
6Properties of Risk Measures - ordering
- Interpretation of TAIL VaR
- Stochastic dominance
- Stop-loss ordening
7Properties of Risk Measures
- Comonotonicity
- Any risk measure that preserves Stop-Loss order
and that is additive for comonotonic risks is
8Properties of Risk Measures
- Distortion measures
- Distortion function g
- Distortion measure
9Properties of Risk Measures
- Any distortion measure is additive for
comonotonic risks, positive homogeneous,
translation invariant monotone - Any CONCAVE distortion measure is COHERENT
- Distortion measures versus utility
10VaR and TVaR
11Corporates vs (Re)Insurance Companies
- Remark Difference between corporate versus
reinsurance companies - No remuneration received for the risk (e.g.
corporates) - Remuneration received for the risk (e.g.
insurance companies)
Var Capital or TVaR
?Var ?Capital or ?TVaR
?Var - ?Prem() ?Capital or ?TVaR -
Var Prem () Capital or TVaR- Prem()
() Prem without loading premium E(X)
12Belgium Cat Example
- To calculate (T)VaR we need to known the
stochastic model in detail. - This is typical the case for Catastrophe
Reinsurance the tools AIR, EQE, RMS, QFLAT, - Belgium example based on the perils WINDSTORM,
EARTHQUAKE, FLOOD - These perils are the typical high CAPITAL
absorbers (cumulative risk for standard policies) - To avoid a lot of technical problems, the models
will be simulated
13Peril Loss Simulation
- Between 100,000 and 200,000 year simulations per
peril and per tool. Per year we need - The event-ID for each simulated event (to keep
into account the geographical dependency of the
subsidiaries)(Poisson Neg. Binomial) - Per simulated event-ID and per subsidiary the
parameters to simulate the severity (average
loss, standard deviation, model of the 2dary
uncertainty (LogNormal Beta)) - The severity per subsidiary is mutually dependent
on each other through the event-ID (assumption of
14Assumed independence of perils
- Due to the dependency through the event-ID, one
needs to analyse each peril within the same tool
over the different subsidiaries (otherwise, one
will loose the mutual dependency) - The different perils can be analysed in different
tools (assumption of peril independency)(For
example windstorm EQE quake QFLAT flood
RMS) - The results of the different analyses will be
combined in another tool (for example SAS)
through simulation, which has the advantage that
one can select the best tool to analyse the
15Example Summary Values
- Based on a Cat Program with different layers and
perils - Cost of Capital versus Cost of reinsurance (1)
- Allocation of the retained risk per retention
category (2) - Risk lower than priority per event
- Reinstatements
- Risk higher than the Upper Limit per event
- Allocation of the retained risks per peril (3)
- Allocation of the retained risks per subsidiary
17Cost of Capital vs Cost of Reinsurance
18Cost of Capital vs Cost of Reinsurance
19Allocation of Retained Risk through retention
20Allocation of Retained Risk per Peril
21Allocation of Retained Risk per Subsidary /
Business Unit
22Cost and Allocation of Capital