MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Protect the entire body from a variety of harmful substances. Our immune system is not contained within ... The palatine tonsils are located in the oropharynx ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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  • Protect the entire body from a variety of harmful
  • Our immune system is not contained within one
    body organ, but it is part of the lymphatic,
    cardiovascular, and integumentary systems

Functions of the Lymphatic System
  • Return excess lymph fluid to the blood
  • Absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins from the
    digestive system and transport them to the cells
  • Function as part of the immune system

The Lymphatic System
  • The Lymphatic System is composed of several
    structures, namely
  • Lymph
  • Lymph Vessels
  • Lymph Capillaries
  • Lymph Nodes
  • Lets examine each of these structures

  • Lymph is a specialized fluid formed in the tissue
    spaces that is transported by way of specialized
    Lymphatic vessels.
  • Lymph fluid also called interstitial fluid is
    composed of water, lymphocytes, digested
    nutrients, hormones, salts, carbon dioxide,
    oxygen, and urea. The fluid flows in spaces
    between the cells and tissues so it can carry
    substances from the tissue back to the blood

  • How is lymph fluid formed?
  • Blood plasma filters out of the capillaries into
    the microscopic spaces between tissue cells
    because of the pressure generated by the pumping
    action of the heart. Part of this lymph fluid or
    interstitial fluid goes back into the blood and
    part of the fluid enters the lymphatic system
    before it returns to the blood

  • Lymph fluid always flows toward the thoracic
    cavity where the right lymphatic duct and the
    thoracic duct empty lymph into the veins. Lymph
    from about 3/4 of the body eventually drains into
    the thoracic duct

Lymph Vessels Capillaries
  • Lymph Vessels have valves and prevent the
    backward flow of lymph fluid
  • Lacteals are specialized lymph vessels located in
    the small intestines where fats and fat-soluble
    vitamins are absorbed into the bloodstream
  • Lymph Capillaries are small tubes that carry
    lymph fluid from the tissue spaces to the lymph

Lymph Nodes
  • Lymph nodes are small round structures, some as
    small as pin heads others as long as lima beans.
    Lymph nodes are located in lymph vessels. What
    do they do?
  • Lymph nodes fight disease producing antibodies
    and purify lymph by removing harmful substances.
    They house B cells and T cells of the immune
  • .

Why is Knowing About Lymph Nodes Important
  • Sometimes tumors may metastasize from the lymph
    nodes and spread to other parts of the body.
  • Lymph nodes perform biological filtration of
    bacteria and other abnormal cells which prevents
    local infections from spreading

Lymph Node Sites
  • Cervical lymph nodes located in the neck
  • Inguinal lymph nodes located in the groin area
  • Axillary lymph nodes located under the arms
  • Appendix Peyers patches lymph nodes located in
    the intestine

Other Parts of the Lymphatic System
  • Tonsils
  • Adenoids
  • Spleen
  • Thymus

Tonsils Adenoids
  • The tonsils are a mass of lymphatic tissue
    located in the upper portion of the throat
  • The palatine tonsils are located in the
  • The lingual tonsils are located on the back of
    the tongue
  • The tonsils help protect us against bacteria that
    may invade tissues in the area around the
    openings between the nasal and oral cavities
  • The adenoids are located in the nose and may also
    be called

The Spleen
  • The spleen is a mass of lymphatic tissue located
    in the left quadrant of the abdomen.
  • The spleen produces lymphocytes and monocytes
  • The spleen filters microganisms and other foreign
    matter from the blood.
  • The spleen also stores red blood cells to
    maintain the appropriate balance between cells
    and plasma
  • The spleen is hemolytic which means it removes
    and destroys worn our blood cells
  • The spleen also produces bilirubin which is the
    yellow/orange pigment in bile

The Thymus
  • The thymus is made of lymphatic tissue and is
    located in the anterior of the thorax superior.
  • The thymus produces lymphocytes
  • The thymus is largest at puberty and even them
    weighs only about 28 grams

  • The immune system works to protect the entire
    body from many harmful substances. The immune
    system isnt contained in any organ or vessel and
    is made up of billions of cells and trillions of
  • The skin is the bodies first line of defense
    against an invading organism
  • The respiratory system is the bodies next line of
    defense against an invading organism
  • The digestive system also has a protective
    function destroying bacteria and other invaders
    that are swallowed or consumed with food

Immune Reaction
  • Antigenany substance the body regards as foreign
    such as a bacteria, fungus, virus, toxin, etc.
  • Antibodyalso referred to as an immunoglobulin is
    produced by B lymphocytes in response to the
    presence of an antigen. Antibodies neutralize or
    destroy antigens in several ways. They can
    initiate destruction of the antigen by
  • Activating the complement system
  • Neutralizing toxins released by bacteria
  • Coat the antigen or forming a complex to
    stimulate phagocytosis
  • Promote antigen clumping
  • Prevent the antigen from adhering to host cells

  • The primary cells of the immune system include
  • Phagocytes
  • Lymphocytes
  • Immunoglobulins
  • Complement Proteins
  • Lets examine each of these cells

  • Phagocytes are cells derived from the bone marrow
    that carry on phagocytosis or ingestion and
    digestion of foreign cells. There are four types
    of phagocytic cells
  • Neutrophils
  • Monocytes
  • Macrophages
  • Histocytes

  • Lymphocytes as you know are a major class of
    white blood cells that attack specific
    microorganisms. Lymphocytes are agrandular
  • There are two major types of lymphocytes
  • T-lymphocytes
  • B-lymphocytes

  • T-lymphocytes or T-cells circulate lymphocytes
    produced in bone marrow. They mature in the
    thymus and they aid in cellular immune responses
    and destruction of virus cells and cancer cells.
    There are several byproducts of T-cells
  • Helper T-cells--stimulate the production of
    antibodies by B-cells
  • Supressor T-cells--suppress B-cell activity
  • Lymphokines--produced by T-cells and they attract
    macrophages to an area of infection and then
  • Interferon--produced by T-cells and are a protein
    substance released by cells when invaded by a
    virus. They also form an antiviral protein to
    inhibit viral muliplications

B-lymphocytes Immunoglobulins
  • Immunoglobulins are antibodies made by plasma.
    An immunoglobulin is any of five distinct
    antibodies present in the serum and external
    secretions of the body.
  • Lets examine immunoglobulins more closely
  • B-lymphocytes are produced in bone marrow and is
    designed to make a specific antibody against a
    specific antigen

Types of Immunoglobulins
  • Immunoglobulin A--the major antibody in the
    mucous membrane lining of the intestines,
    bronchi, saliva, and tears. Protects epithelial
  • Immunoglobulin D--found in serum tissue, possibly
    influences B lymphocyte differentiation
  • Immunoglobulin E--found in the lungs, skin, and
    cells of mucous membranes. Provides the defense
    against environmental antigens, becomes active in
    allergic reactions and some parasitic infections
  • Immunoglobulin G--is a specialized protein
    synthesized in response to the invasion by
    bacteria, fungi, and viruses (germs). Crosses
    placenta to provide passive immunity for the
    newborn. Activates complement system.
  • Immunoglobulin M--produced when challenged by
    antibodies and circulates in fluids of the body.
    Activates complement.

Complement Proteins
  • Complement Proteins are 14 complex enzymatic
    proteins occurring in serum. When they are
    activated they form a highly specialized
    antigen-antibody complex that targets foreign
    cells for destruction or lysis.
  • Lysis is the penetrating of a cell wall allowing
    fluid to fill the cell and cause the cell to

Pathology of the Immune System
  • Hypersensitivity or an Allergy--is an
    inappropriate or excessive response of the immune
    system to a particular allergen that in most
    people does not cause any problem.
  • Allergen is a substance capable of inducing an
    allergy. One in six Americans has a genetic
    predisposition to exhibiting an allergy of some

Bodys Immune Response
  • Foreign substance enters of body
  • Activation of the body as the defense system
    produces more white blood cells that are designed
    to seek and destroy the invader, especially the
    macrophases that eat and engulf the foreign
    substance and lymphocytes, B cells, and T cells
    constitutes the second phase. T cells of the
    helper type identify the foreign substance and
    rsuh to the spleen and lymph nodes where they
    stimulate the production of other cells to aid in
    the fight of the foreign substance. B cells
    reside in the spleen or lymph nodes and produce
    antibodies for specific antigens if needed.

Bodys Immune Response
  • During the attack phase, the above defenders of
    the body produce antibodies and or seek ot to
    kill or remove the foreign invader. This is done
    by phagocytosis where the macrophages squeeze out
    between the cells in the capilaries and crawl
    into the tissue to the site of the infections.
    Here they are surrounded and eat the foreign
    substance that caused the infection. Other white
    blood cells respond to infection where they
    surround and immobilize the invaders.
  • In the last phase, the number of defenders
    returns to normal, following victory over the
    foreign invader.

Pathology of the Immune System
  • Autoimmunity is an inappropriate and excessive
    response to self-antigens or simply the bodys
    defenses attack its own tissues.
  • A common disease is systemic lupus erythematosus
    or lupus which is a chronic inflammatory disease
    that affects many tissues of the body
  • Isoimmunity is excessive reaction of the immune
    system to antigens from a different individual of
    the same species. An example is the body and

  • Immunity is simply the bodies resistance to a
    disease. There are two kinds of immunity
  • Active immunity obtained by the development of
    antibodies because you have had an infection or
    you are vaccinated or inoculated against a
  • Passive immunity passed from the mother to a
    child or through the injection of antibodies

  • Immunodeficiency is the failure of the immune
    system mechanism in defending against pathogens.
    The immune system failure usually results from
    disruption of lymphocyte function. The cheif
    characteristic of immune deficiency is the
    development of unusual or recurring severe
    infectins or cancer. Although immune deficiency
    by itself does not cause death, the resulting
    infections or cancer can.

  • Now that you know what immunodeficiency is, you
    need to know that there are two broad categories
    of immune deficiencies
  • Congenital immune deficiency
  • Acquired immune deficiency which is a disease
    caused by human immunodeficiency virus that
    destroys part of the bodys immune system and
    leaves victims unable to defend themselves
    against opportunistic infections and cancers

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