Title: Technology QR
1Technology QR
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ogy Findings Implications Relevance Critique
- Koh Phuay Kiang Teo Ting Ting
- Radha Ravindran Manu Kapur
Article 1Meeting the needs of gifted talented
students through technology supported distance
teachingCatherine McLoughlin Steve
Oliver Article 2How successful is
Successmaker? Issues arising from an evaluation
of CAL in a secondary school.Judy M. Parr
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Background Aims Framework Research
Methodology Research Findings Implications Relevan
ce Critique
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4Article 1
Background Rationale In 1997 an initiative was
taken by the Education Department of WA to extend
the Academic Talent Programme via telematics
delivery The curriculum to be delivered was to
develop both content knowledge and understandings
and to enrich students so that they could
demonstrate a range of higher level cognitive
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5Article 1
Background Rationale to support students in the
achievement of higher order thinking
outcomes examine technology supported
interactions, and role of mediating tools to
develop pedagogies for the particular contexts of
the schools involved in the distance education
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6Article 1
Framework Socio-cultural framework learning is
culturally influenced and socially organised -
Vygotskian perspective mediating tools -
Activity theory
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7Article 1
Methodology focus on lesson planning adoption of
pedagogies PHASE 1 - observation,
pre-treatment PHASE 2 - teacher training,
observations, interviews PHASE 3 -
reflection, further improvements Instruments of
analysisdiscourse analysis, systematic
observation, and coding
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8Article 1
Findings positively demonstrated the capacity of
technology in supporting learning of higher order
thinking skills, need for intentional
instructional planning on the part of teacher
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9Article 1
Implications technology may not be merely used to
display ideas and to introduce new concepts, the
interactive features of the technology may be
used for collaborative activities, teacher roles
may become more participatory and less didactic
and learner control of the technology must be
encouraged, this will further the aim of
achieving higher order thinking, classroom
dialogue, independence of thought and the growth
of autonomy.
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10Article 1
Relevance Critique implications research
methods and instrumentation Singapores GEP
(offered in 7 schools) However, lack of depth in
theoretical framework mediating tools left
unexplored and unsupported by data
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11Article 2
Background Rationale to improve literacy and
numeracy to assess the process and outcomes of
using CAL (Successmaker - a suite of CAL
programmes covering various curriculum
areas) cost effectiveness generalisability of
learning curriculum appropriateness issues
arising - positive and negative
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12Article 2
Framework Cognitive learning research Practice
of basic skills (sub-skills)
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13Article 2
Methodology all students in Year 8 (n199) and
Year 9 (n180) in a secondary school participated
in the study. equal access to the CAL lab for an
hour session a week specialised groups like
learning support, special education and ESL also
used the lab for blocks of time. multiple
sources of data were used - teacher student
interviews, classroom observations, test results
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14Article 2
Findings - Positiveincrease in student scores -
greatest improvement by weakest
studentsinteresting/different/fun nature of
work students take responsibility for their own
learning positive self-perception as
learners students view feedback from the
programme as more objective and thus were more
ready to acknowledge their weaknessevidence of
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15Article 2
Findings - NegativeInterest was detrimentally
affected by the features of the programme like
repetition and pace Able students found the
progression too slow and work was insufficiently
challenging Practice does not take place in
meaningful, relevant context, hence practice is
less effective curriculum inappropriateness
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16Article 2
ImplicationsCAL programme must be appropriate
for curriculum integration evaluation of CAL is
a must to evaluate its appropriatenesschange in
teachers role equity time spent on
evaluation, training, and effective integration
must be factored in assessing cost effectiveness
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17Article 2
Relevance Critique implications for the use of
CAL in Singapore schools research methods
used However, gains cannot be directly attributed
to the CAL programme there is evaluation of
support structures offered by the CAL programme,
yet no framework is used to assess such features
- research studies on directive and non-directive
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18The End
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