Title: The Institute of Tourism Studies
1The Institute of Tourism Studies
2Historical Background
- Set up in 1987
- Main Campus in St Julians
- 1997 - Second campus in Pembroke
- ITS also has a branch in Gozo
3Full Time Programmes of Study
- Higher Diploma
- Diploma
- Certificate
- Foundation
- Extended Skill Training Scheme
4Higher Diploma Programme
- Yr 1 Semester 1
- Semester 2
- Yr 2 Semester 3
- Semester 4
- Yr 3 International Internship
- Yr 4 Semester 7
- Semester 8
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5Diploma Programmes
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6Certificate Programmes
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7Foundation Programmes
- Food Preparation and Service
- Restaurant Operations
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8Programme for ESTS
Awarded Journeymans Certificate at Craftsman
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9LITP - Industrial Training
- 14 weeks of local industrial training
- It is a requirement for graduation.
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10International Internships
- a module which carries six (6) academic credits.
- 12 months practical experience in a foreign
country -
- It is mandatory for students who intend to
proceed - to a Diploma level.
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11Progression of FB
International Internship
Diploma in Culinary Arts
Diploma in FB Service
12Some Unit Learning Outcomes
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13Unit FBF 12Restaurant Operations MQF2
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14Unit TLS 06b - AO Certificate MQF3
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15MQF Level 3 Certification
- Certification
- The process of formally validating knowledge,
know-how and/or skills and competence acquired by
an individual, following a standard assessment
procedure. - Therefore certifications based on Learning
outcomes -
16Accreditations Continued ..
- MQC and ITS signed a protocol in Nov 2007 whereby
ALL qualifications have been aligned to the Malta
Qualifications Framework (MQF).
17Affiliations Accreditations
- The Institute has attained centre status or
accreditation from a number of International
Awarding Bodies, which include - The City and Guilds (CG)
- The Wines and Spirits Education Trust (WSET)
- The Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene
- The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
- The Royal Society of Health
- The European Foundation for the Accreditation of
Hotel Schools - The European Association of Hotels Tourism
Schools - The European Association of Erasmus Coordinators
- Datas and NPTA UK
18Partnership with the University of Malta
After completion of the four-year ITS
Hospitality Tourism Management Programme of
study, students are eligible for admission to the
third-year B.A. (Hons) Tourism Degree at the
University of Malta.
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19Centre for E-learning Technologies
- To create and maintain a centre of excellence for
e-learning and computer based learning with
special emphasis on their use in the Tourism
Industry, at the ITS - To develop courseware and software systems to
support teaching and learning - To carry out research into e-learning and
computer based learning techniques - To teach and promote the use of e-learning and
computer based learning
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20For Further Information
Please send and email to help.its_at_gov.mt
or visit our website http//www.its.edu.
mt Thank you for your attention!