Title: Border Air Quality Strategy Project
1Border Air Quality Strategy Project 4 Progress
Jason Su Michael Buzzelli
Department of Geography
University of British Columbia
June 26-27, 2006
2Contents of Update
- Mapping Ammonia
- Street Canyon Study
- Seattle Land Use Regression
- Source Area Analysis
31. Mapping Ammonia
- Objective Build a surface model of ammonia
concentrations in the Georgia Basin/Puget Sound
Airshed. - Emission source Primarily from agricultural land
use - Data source for analysis GVRD emission
inventory, Statistics Canadas census of
livestock counts, and Environment Canadas NH3
monitoring project.
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62. Street Canyon Study
- Definition Street canyons are micro-environments
created by the existence of multi-storey
buildings flanking both sides of a street. - Objective Identify air quality. Air quality
deteriorates in street canyons due to a trapping
effect caused by buildings lining the road and
micro-meteorological conditions which operate to
concentrate pollutants, in particular vehicle
emissions (Vardoulakis, Fisher, Pericleous,
Gonzalez-Flesca 2003).
7Street Canyon Measurements
Aspect Ratio (H /W) Average height of canyon
divided by the average spacing or width of a
street (Vardoulis, 2003 Grimmond Oke, 1999).
Percent Permeability Average proportion of
ground plan covered by built features (buildings,
roads, paved and other impervious areas). The
rest of the area is occupied by pervious cover
(green space, water and other natural surfaces).
Roughness (z0) A spatial distribution (in
metres) of the roughness elements in the street
canyon. From Grimmond Oke (1999), roughness can
be calculated as a function of the average height
of features in a canyon (H) and the empirical
coefficient derived from observation (f0). z0
(f0)(H) Where f0 (urban land surfaces) 0.10
f0 (field crops) 0.13 f0 (forests) 0.06
8Street CanyonMeasurements
9Street Canyon Sampling
- 13 samplers in the GVRD
- Measured
- Land use type
- Street length
- Aspect ratio
- Permeability
- Urban climate zone
10GVRD Street Canyon Sites
11Downtown Streets with street location
Downtown Footprints with building elevation
Downtown Streets and Footprints
What Can We Get From This Map?
12- A series of segments with street width, building
heights, street length - We can estimate in GIS the Aspect Ratio and
Roughness of a street canyon.
13What Can We Do?
- Improve the current land use regression model?
- OR??? Some other method
143. Seattle Land Use Regression
15 MESA NO2 Dataset
- Pilot study for community-scale NO2 sampling
- Passive badge, two-week measurements
26 sampling locations
16The SW regression found ADT2000, DENS_RD123,
RES750 to be the predominant variables for a
multivariate linear regression model
Predicted NO2 13.974 0.000002756ADT2000
17.594DENS_RD123 - 0.02045RES_LC_750 R2 0.685
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18 Predicted vs Measured NO2
19Three Models Used to Extend Analysis to SMSA
- Variables
- DENS_RD123 Density of all roads within 300m
buffer (km/ha) - ATD_2000 Density of traffic (PSRC EMME model)
within a 2000m search distance (vehicles/day/ha) - RES750 Size of residential land cover within a
specified buffer radius (ha)
- Models
- Used the above three variables but RES750 used
land cover data - Used the above three variables but RES750 used
property assessment data - Only use the previous two variables, no
residential land use data being used
20 21241,123 bronchiolitis locations
224. Source area analysis
- We want to be able to
- Compare native SA analysis within our GIS to
ensure were getting the same results - Compare land use regression (based on simple
buffering) with a more established meteorological
appraoch - For example, with the sampled traffic-NO2 data.
- Possibly/hopefully refine SA analysis with
topography - Ultimately, build time AND space resolved
exposures with a SA model for health effects
modelling (any pollutant, all sources) - ie. Spatiotemporal cohort exposures and health
effects models, rather than cross-sectional
23Source Area Analysis Mechanism
Source area model
Meso-scale model
- 1). Estimate hourly concentration hourly
emission / (areamix hgt) - 2). Calculate daily concentration sum hourly
conc in a day - 3). Calculate seasonally concentration average
daily conc.
24Comparing with Monit. Stn Data daily
averaged CO
R20.237 and 0.802, respectively, with and
without an intercept for the regression.
25Comparing with Monit. Stn Data daily
averaged NO2
R20.427 and 0.897, respectively, with and
without an intercept for the regression.
26Comparing with Monit. Stn Data daily
averaged NOX
R20.202 and 0.493, respectively, with and
without an intercept for the regression.
27Comparing with Monit. Stn Data daily
averaged CO at stn 2
R20.68 and 0.91, respectively, with and without
an intercept for the regression.
28Comparing with Monit. Stn Data daily
averaged NO2 at stn 2
R20.56 and 0.96, respectively, with and without
an intercept for the regression.
29Comparing with Monit. Stn Data daily
averaged NOX at stn 2
R20.38 and 0.73, respectively, with and without
an intercept for the regression.
30Interpolation Atmospheric Parameters to the 116
- Including wind speed, wind direction, cloud,
stability class and mixing height - Minimum search distance 5, 10, 15 or 20km
- The weights are a decreasing function of distance
31Hourly Wedge Shapes of the 116 Samplers
- 5-day hourly wedges at the 116 samplers
32Comparing with Sampler Measurements
Which one did not work Meteorological
interpolation? Emission grid? Sampling (5
33Wedge Radius Histogram interpolation issue
34Comparing with Major Road Buffers part 1
interpolation issue
Buffer distance 1000m interval to 10,000m
35Comparing with Major Road Buffers part 1
(cont.) interpolation issue
36Comparing with Major Road Buffers part 2
interpolation issue
37Conclusion 1
- Radius of a wedge from interpolation might need
to be adjusted.
38Comparing with Hourly Circular Buffers of Radius
3000m - emission surface issue
Table Correlation matrix of the 5 day average
1 Extracted from an emission surface hourly
pollution without considering the volume data
(emission). 2 Extracted from an emission surface
hourly pollution with volume info being
considered (emission/volume). Correlation is
significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
39Comparing with Seasonal Circular Buffers of
Radius 3000m - emission surface issue
Table Correlation coefficients between sampler
measured and seasonally estimated pollution.
1 Single buffer of radius 3000m for each sampler
reflects the seasonal average of pollution.
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level
40Conclusion 2
- Emission surface adequate?
41Issues 3
- Testing period used (Feb 24-28) not
representative of the whole measurement period
42Other issues
- When comparing with monitoring data, we were
aggregating both hourly monitoring data and
hourly pollution estimations however, when
comparing with the 116 samplers, the samplers
readings and the hourly emissions did not follow
the same aggregation procedure. - If we do use the variables as Henderson and
Brauer did, should we still use some atmospheric
parameters such as mixing height and volume?