Title: Biological Weapons Logistics
1Biological Weapons Logistics
2Biological Weapons
- Bacteria
- Viruses
- Other microorganisms
- Biological by-products
3The Dalles, Oregon
- Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
- 1984
- Illness from 10 Restaurants
- S. enterica (Typhimurium)
- Supplies
- Bactrol disks, freeze dryer, incubator,
refrigerator, culture medium
4Other Organisms Examined
- S. typhi
- Giardia lamblia
- Hepatitis
5What Does it Take
- Intent
- Equipment
- Expertise
- Time
- Target
- Political
- Religious
- Armageddon
- Disruptive Aspects
- Hatred
- Homicide
7Equipment (Production Only)
- Growth Substrate
- Bacteria/Fungi
- Viruses
- Floor Space
- Refrigerator
- Growth Chamber
- Bacteria/Fungi
- Viruses
- Organisms
- Proficiency Organisms
- Shared Organisms
- Environment
- Disposables
- Protection
- Rajneeshees
- RN, RFNP Ma Anand Puja
- Aum Shinrikyo
- Biochemists, Biologists, Physicists, Engineers
- Seichi Endo - Microbiologist
10What Japanese Officials Found
- Culture media
- Extensive library
- Clean room/air lock
- 90 tons Methanol
- 50 tons diethylaniline
- 180 tons phosphorous trichloride
- 550 kg of iodine
11What Japanese Officials Found
- Phosphorous pentachloride
- Sodium fluoride
- 51 tons of isopropyl alcohol
- 160 drums of peptone
- Dozens of other chemicals and pieces of equipment
Time is paired to some degree with the secluded
nature of the operation. The Rajneeshees has a
secret biological weapons lab, as did Aum
Shinrikyo. Aum also possessed a test ranch in
Australia where chemical weapons were tested on
- Individual
- Bulgarian SS Georgi Markov
- Aum Shinrikyo
- 2001 Bacillus anthracis
- Indiscriminate
- The Dalles, Oregon (confined population)
- Todays fears
- Other Organisms
Aside from conscience and fear of boomerang
effect, this factor alone probably accounts for
the reason we have not seen a wide scale event.
We will get back to this point.
15What Is a Good Agent?
- Infectivity
- Pathogenicity
- Virulence
- Toxicity
- Transmissibility
- Incubation
- Ability to grow in a host
- Everyone is infected
- Not everyone has disease
- Natural Defense
- Opportunistic organisms
- Ability to cause disease
- Two main routes of disease (bacteria)
- Production of toxins
- Invasion of tissue
- Action of viruses
- Destruction of cells
- Interference with physiology
- How likely infection will lead to death
- LD50
- The ability to damage by toxins
- Endotoxins gram negative organisms
- Salmonella, Shigella, Pseudomonas, Neisseria
- Exotoxins may be gram neg. or pos.
- Botulinum toxin
- S. aureus
- Escape from host
- Movement to new host
- Infection of new host
The ability of a disease to be passed on to a new
- Person-to person
- Direct STDs
- Indirect Infectious nuclei
- Vectors
- Rodents, insects
- Environment
- Wives tale The Rusty Nail
- Time from exposure to symptoms
- Asymptomatic/Contagious
- Rhinovirus
- Typhus, Shigella, Hep A, Norwalk virus
- Staph. aureus
- Defenses
- Macrophagial response
- Bacillus anthracis
- Stage 1 disease 1 to 6 days
- Stage 2 disease up to 60 days
- Environmental Sustainability
- Nutrition
- UV Light
- Heat
- Cold
- Hydrolysis
- Other Physical Factors
- Direct Inoculation
- Ricin tipped umbrella
- Salad bar contamination
- Indirect Inoculation
- Timed release (like in module 2 reading)
26Tox/Epi Exposure Routes
- Respiratory
- Smallpox or anthrax
- Dermal
- T2 Mycotoxins or anthrax
- Mucous Membranes
- Ingestion
- Salmonella
- Injection
- Assassinations or tampering
- Environmental Factors
- Logistics
- Delivery of organisms
- Organism solution
28Particle Size
Pollen 50 um
Human Hair Nuiasance Dust 90 um
Skin cell flake 10 um - inhalable
PM 2.5 Respirable Particle
29Overcoming. . .
- Dispersal (Engineering)
- Wind (Drift)
- Gravity (Settling)
- Water (Precipitation)
- Temperature (Degredation)
- Light (Photolysis)
lt1 Indefinite suspension 1 3.5 hours 5 20
minutes 10 5 minutes 15 2.5 minutes 30 34
- Fumes - vaporized solids that recondense into
very small, solid particles. - Dusts - are solid aerosols formed by mechanical
means. - Mists - are liquid aerosols formed by mechanical
- Individuals
- Emotional Targets
- Schools Daycares
- Confined Target Clusters
- Aircraft Shopping Centers
- Mega-Clusters
- Concerts Sporting Events
- Light Techniques
- Culture
- PCR (BioWatch)
- Immuno-Assay
- Other Chemical Analyses