The Sun - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Sun


The Photosphere ... Just below the photosphere where the gas is cooler and ... The temperature immediately above the photosphere has an average temperature of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Sun

The Sun
  • Our Star

Our Star
  • Our star, the Sun, is a dazzling luminous ball
    of burning gas one hundred times the radius of
    the Earth. Viewed normally, the Sun seems
    peaceful and regular, but viewed through a
    telescope, the Sun is a teaming, explosive place
    where fountains of heated gas leap 100s of miles
    above the surface.

Scale of the Solar System
  • The Sun dwarfs the rest of the solar system.
    100 times the radius of the Earth, the Sun has a
    mass 300, 000 times that of our planet.

Solar Facts
  • The Sun is about 93 million miles from Earth.
  • Surface gravity on the Sun is about 30 times that
    felt by a body on Earth.
  • The Suns surface temperature is about 5,800 K.
  • The Suns core temperature is about 15 million K.
  • The Suns core is 100 times denser than water.

Solar Facts
  • The mass of the Sun is about 333,000 times the
    mass of the Earth.
  • It is estimated that the Sun releases about 4 X
    1026 watts into space from its surface.
  • The Sun is composed of 71 hydrogen, 21 helium
    and 2 heavier materials such as carbon and iron.

The Suns Interior
  • The Sun is composed of several layers
  • The Photosphere
  • The Chromosphere
  • The Corona
  • And two distinct zones
  • Radiative Zone
  • Convective Zone

The Photosphere
  • The outside of the Sun is relatively
    transparent, however, with increased depth the
    Sun becomes opaque. The cause of this is that at
    a certain depth the weight of the overlying gas
    crushes the underlying gases together so tightly
    that they can not be seen.
  • The photosphere
  • makes up the portion of
  • the Sun that we cannot see.

Radiative Zone
  • Near the Suns core, energy is moved by
    radiation carried by photons (remember those?).
    This area is called the radiative zone. Because
    the gas there is so dense, before most photons
    travel an inch, they are absorbed by an atom and
    stopped. The photon will be re-emitted later
    only to be stopped by another atom.

Radiative Zone
  • Like traffic stuck at a light, the photons are
    delayed. This delay is quite long, to the extent
    that the sunlight we see today was generated
    about 16 million years ago.

The Convection Zone
  • Just below the photosphere where the gas is
    cooler and less transparent, the flow of energy
    is slowed. In this region, photons are even less
    effective at moving energy.

The Convective Zone
  • Convection currents carry energy from this
    region toward the Suns surface. These are like
    similar currents within the Earth and the gas
    giant planets.
  • This is why the
  • region is called the
  • convection zone.

The Convective Zone
  • While we cant see these gases, we can infer
    their motion by observing tiny bright regions
    surrounded by darker areas that appear on the
    surface. These are called granules. These
    granulations form from bubbles of rising hot gas.

The Convective Zone
  • These rising bubbles burst and cool, emanating
    heat and light into space. The cooling gases
    subside and turn dark, creating the dark edges
    that surround each granule.

The Convection Zone
  • Using the Doppler Effect, scientists have
    measured how rapidly this granules rise and found
    that their average speed is about one kilometer
    per second (km/s).

The Suns Atmosphere
  • Scientist refer to the very low density gases
    above the Suns photosphere as the Suns
    atmosphere. This atmosphere, like the Earths,
    becomes gradually thinner the farther it extends
    into outer space.

The Suns Atmosphere
  • Youd think with the density of the gases
    decreasing, that the temperature would decrease
    too, but just the opposite occurs. Because they
    are more easily heated at higher altitudes, the
    gases burn with great intensity. The temperature
    immediately above the photosphere has an average
    temperature of several million Kelvin.

The Suns Atmosphere
  • The Suns atmosphere consists of two major
    divisions the chromosphere lies directly about
    the photosphere and it is the Suns lower

  • The chromosphere consists of millions of jets of
    hot gas called spicules. Spicules are generally
    thousands of kilometers long. The chromospheres
    red color comes from the strong emission spectrum
    of hydrogen.

The Corona
  • The outer-most layer of the Suns atmosphere is
    the corona. The temperature in the chromosphere
    is about 4,500 K, but only about 2,000 kms
    higher the temperature soars to 50,000 K.

The Corona
  • Since rising into the corona from the
    chromosphere, the temperature of a gas may have
    climbed 1 million degrees. Despite its high
    temperatures, the corona has very little energy
    due to its lack of density.

Stellar Equilibrium
  • Our Sun, like all healthy stars, exists in a
    state of equilibrium. Gravity pulls in the Suns
    mass toward its center with tremendous force.
    But, the Sun also pushes out (with heat and
    energy) with great force. It pushes out exactly
    as hard as gravity pulls it in.
  • This balance of forces
  • maintains the stability
  • of our star. This is known
  • as hydrostatic equilibrium.

Stellar Equilibrium
  • Equilibrium comes at a price, however. In order
    to maintain its outward force, the Sun has to
    consume itself as fuel. As an area of limited
    resources, the Sun will one day exhaust its fuel
    supply and die. Every second the Sun consumes 4
    million tons of itself.

Pressure in the Sun
  • The pressure that counter-balances gravitys
    forces comes from the rapid motion of atoms. For
    a better understanding of the Sun, we must
    understand pressure.
  • Pressure cooker

Pressure in the Sun
  • Pressure comes from atoms and molecules
    colliding. The more you compress something, the
    closer its atoms and molecules are and the more
    collisions that occur. This is called density.
    This creates pressure.

Pressure in the Sun
  • The more you heat something, the faster its
    atoms and molecules move and the more violently
    they collide. This creates pressure as well.

The Ideal Gas Law
  • Weve established the relationship between
    pressure and temperature and density. Stated
    formally, it is known as the Ideal Gas Law and it
  • Pressure Density X Temperature X some constant
  • Scientists have calculated that given the mass
    of the Sun and its tremendous gravitational pull
    inward, its internal temperature must be about 15
    million K to remain at equilibrium.

Warm Up
  • Define the following The Photosphere, The
    Chromosphere, The Corona, Radiative Zone
  • and Convective Zone
  • 2. What is the diameter and mass of the Sun
    relative to Earth?
  • 3. What are granules and how do they form?
  • 4. What are the two layers of the Suns
  • 5. What is stellar equilibrium? Why is it
  • According to the Ideal Gas law, what effects
  • What is the cost to the Sun for maintaining its
  • What is a spicule?

Powering the Sun
  • Energy created by the Sun is eventually lost
    into outer space by heat and light. If the Sun
    did not replace this lost heat, the pressure
    pushing the Sun out would diminish until the Sun
    eventually collapsed under its own gravity.

Powering the Sun
  • Many early astronomers believed that the Sun
    burned conventional fuels such as coal. The
    supply of coal would have been exhausted after
    about 10,000 years.

Powering the Sun
  • In the late 1800s, Lord Kelvin (English) and
    Hermann Helmholtz (German) independently proposed
    that the Sun was not at hydrostatic equilibrium,
    but was actually slowly collapsing.
  • The Sun could only
  • sustain itself for
  • about 10 million
  • years doing this.

Powering the Sun
  • In 1899, T.C. Chamberlin suggested that
    subatomic energy might power the stars, but could
    offer no explanation as to how.

Powering the Sun
  • It was not until 1905 that Albert Einstein
    proposed that energy might actually come from
    mass with his equation Emc2.

Einsteins Equation
  • E mc2, where E is energy (joules), m is mass
    and c is the speed of light (3X108 m/s2). The
    amount of energy that is available from nuclear
    reactions is staggering. One gram of mass (one
    paper clip) could be converted into 20 kilotons
    worth of
  • energy.

Follow Up Work
  • In 1919, Arthur S. Eddington showed that
    converting hydrogen to helium could provide
    enough energy to power stars including our Sun.

Follow Up Work
  • Physicists Hans Bethe and Carl von Weizsacker
    proposed that the Sun produced its energy by the
    process of nuclear fusion.

Nuclear Fusion
  • Under normal conditions, hydrogen nuclei repel
    each other due to similar electrical charges, but
    under conditions of extreme heat when these atoms
    collide their nuclei are driven extremely
  • close to each other.

The Proton-Proton Chain
  • Hydrogen fusion takes place in three stages
    called the proton-proton chain.

The Proton-Proton Chain
  • Stage 1 Two hydrogen nuclei collide to form a
    hydrogen isotope called 2H. This process
    converts one proton into a neutron and releases a
    positron (e) and a
  • neutrino (v).

The Proton-Proton Chain
  • Step 2 The 2H nucleus collides with a 1H
    nucleus to make an isotope of 3He. This process
    releases energy in the form of gamma rays (g).

The Proton-Proton Chain
  • Stage 3 Two 3He nuclei collide together and
    fuse. This forms two separate particle types,
    4He and two 1H nuclei.

Searching for Neutrinos
  • During Stage 1 of the proton-proton chain, we
    saw that the Sun generates neutrinos in the
    fusion process. Scientists have searched for
    these neutrinos as evidence of the fusion process
    in the Sun.

Searching for Neutrinos
  • Scientists calculated the amount of neutrinos
    that they expected to be generated by the Sun.
    Because neutrinos have so little mass, they can
    penetrate anything and are very hard to detect,
    like bullets shooting through tissue paper.

Searching for Neutrinos
  • The first neutrinos detectors were built in the
    late 1970s, one in Japan and one in the United
    States. They were built deep under ground for
    shielding from
  • cosmic rays.
  • The detectors were
  • filled with a solution
  • like heavy water.

Searching for Neutrinos
  • When a neutrino passes through the solution and
    collides with a neutron, it creates a flash of
    light from an electron. Light sensors count the

Searching for Neutrinos
  • Another thing that makes neutrinos hard to
    detect in that they come in three separate
    structures (called a, b and g-neutrinos). They
    transform themselves as the travel. Initially,
    scientist only detected a third of the neutrinos
    that they expected to find. They could only
    detect one of the types.

Summary of Point
  • Not until very recently have we discovered
    evidence of how our Sun actually manufactures its
    energy. We didnt even have a good guess until
    the 1950s. There is still a lot that we do not
    know about our star!

Solar Magnetic Activity
  • The Suns magnetic field gives rises to several
    solar phenomenon. These include Solar
    prominences, Solar prominences, Sun spots and the
    Earths aurora borealis.

Solar Phenomenon
  • Solar prominences Are magnetic disturbances in
    the Suns atmosphere. Gigantic plumes of hot gas
    from the lower chromosphere jump into the corona.
    Prominences form as cooling gas trapped within
    the Suns magnetic field. They are usually seen
    arcing between sunspots.

Solar Phenomenon
  • Solar flares These are not well understand but
    are thought to be the Suns magnetic field being
    twisted by hot, rising gas. The fields can only
    be twisted to much, before they readjust, forming
    a flare. Like a rubber-band toy.

Solar Phenomenon
  • Sun spots charged particles are attracted to
    the Suns magnetic field. These particles spiral
    down the magnetic field lines and slow the ascent
    of heat. This creates colder areas on the
    surface. These cool, black areas are known as

The Solar Wind
  • As the Sun burns, it releases heat and energy in
    several forms. One of these forms is as charged
    particles. These particles streak across space
    at the speed of light. They strike the Earths
    magnetic field and glow in an eerie phenomenon
    known as the aurora borealis.

Solar Phenomenon
Warm Up
  • What is the source of the Suns energy?
  • Describe the three stages of the proton-proton
  • What is a solar prominence? How does they occur?
  • What is a solar flair? How do they occur?
  • What is a sun spot? How do they occur?
  • What is a neutrino? Why are scientists looking
    for they so hard?
  • What is the aurora borealis?

Writing Assignment
  • Step 1 Within your group, discuss current
    issues in science. Focus on this question, Is
    science destructive?
  • Step 2 On a piece of paper, please write
  • Paragraph 1 State three examples that you
    discussed and tell why they are relevant to the
  • Paragraph 2 Explain your personal position
    concerning the question, Is science destructive?

Solar Cycles
  • We have lots of solar cycles.
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