Title: Spectropolarimtrie Multiraies Frdric Paletou
1Spectropolarimetry at THÉMIS
Frédéric Paletou Guillaume Molodij
Latitude 2818 N Longitude 1630
W Altitude 2456 m
3THÉMIS an overview
- The telescope polarimeter
- The transfer optics
- The spectrographs detectors
4A unique design!
Ritchey-Chrétien pointing directly _at_ the Sun
Polarimeter location
With a 90 cm diameter light collector, THÉMIS is
the 2nd largest solar telescope worldwide
5Polarization Analysis
- The polarimeter is located _at_ the telescopes (F1)
Cassegrain focus
6The Polarimeter
- Consists in 2 achromatic quarter wave plates
which can be independently rotated over a 45
range, 22.5 stepwise followed by a calcite
7The Quarter Wave Plates
- Cristalline QWPs consisting in a pair of Quartz
MgF2 elementary plates (by Optique J. Fichou,
Phase degrees
Wavelength Ã…
8The Transfer Optics
- Re-imaging (f/63)
- Derotating
- Corrections of chromatisms
9The Spectrographs
2 in serie
- 1 predisperser (to choose from)
- 79 grooves mm-1 (63º)
- 150 grooves mm-1 (2º)
- 1200 grooves mm-1 (45º)
- 1 echelle grating
- 79 grooves mm-1 (63º)
10Transfer optics to the detectors
- Thomson TH7863
- 12 bits
- 384x288 pixels
- FW 8x105 e-
- Tnum 236 ms
11Active Regions Magnetometry
Courtesy Dr N. Meunier, OMP Tarbes (November 25,
NiI line _at_ 676.8 nm. The total FOV is 136x110
and the average seeing was about 0.6 during the
scan period
12Weak Polarization Signals
The enigmatic linear polari-zation of the D2 line
of NaI (measured at ? 0.15). F. Paletou G.
Molodij (April 7, 2000)
Resonance polarization of the SrI _at_ 460.7 nm line
at the northern limb (and depolariz- ation in the
nearby FeI line). J. Trujillo Bueno et al. (May
29, 2000)
13THÉMIS/MTR mode in figures
- Full-Stokes spectropolarimetry in 6 spectral
domains simultaneously, across a 260 nm range
(THEMIS bandpass is 450-900 nm) - High spatial spectral resolution (0.5)
resolving power 300000 - Vector magnetometry 2x2 scans in 10 mn (with
a 300 ms exposure time per frame) - Beam exchange for all the Stokes parameters
- 400-700 nm 600-900 nm achromatic quarter wave
plates available
New in 2001!