- The Effect of Disturbance on Weed Populations
along Roadsides, Right of Ways, and Easements - Rod Cook, La Plata County Weed Manager
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4Background Growing Days in Southwest Colorado
- Avg. last Frost (50 chance) May 25
- Avg. first Frost (50 chance) Sept. 22
- Avg. 120 frost free nights (1/3 of the year)
- Avg. 245 frosty ones (2/3 of the year)
- SW Colorado has a short growing season
5SW CO Annual Precipitation
- Top of San Juans 60 in. zone
- Purgatory Ski Area in a 25-40 in. zone
- Durango is in a 16-20 in. zone
- Cortez in a 12-16 in. zone
- 4 Corners is in a 7 in. zone
- Annual Precip. in the lower elevations for
growing plants is low without supplemental
irrigation - SW Colorado is a cold, dry, high mountain desert
with a short growing season -
6SW CO Soil Nutrition
- In most places Soil Nutrients are below what is
required to grow healthy grasses. - Historic desert conditions do not provide for
high organic matter and soil nutrients required
to grow robust plants
7SW CO has Fragile Lands
- SW Colorado generally has shallow or very little
top soil - Some areas have minimal top soil
- Top soil sources are limited or non-existent
- We have fragile lands that scar easily and take
decades for desirable vegetation to repair on its
8Weed Invasion Competition
- Weed invasion is generally caused by some
previous activity or event on the site i.e.
disturbance of some sort, recent or historic. - Most times, weeds do not invade healthy,
established balanced plant communities.
9Two Classes of Weeds
- I. Simple, Early Colonizers are weeds that
inhabit waste areas or disturbed sites. A weedy
and commonly introduced plant growing where the
vegetational cover has been interrupted. - II. Complex, Stress Tolerator. A weed that can
survive a single stress or multiple stresses.
Can become established and spread on disturbed or
non-disturbed sites. Over time, can dominate the
site or become a monoculture precluding all other
vegetation. Can even crowd out simple weeds.
10Webster Definitions
- Which definition best fits Disturb?
- To interfere with or interrupt
- To alter the position or arrangement
- To break up or damage
- To destroy the tranquility or composure
- To throw into disorder
11Definition Successional Domination
- Successional A group, type, or series that
succeeds or displaces another - Domination Supremacy or preeminence over
another - In the plant world, Successional
Domination may take several years, several
decades or several centuries to achieve a
balanced plant community.
12The Slow Silent Battle
- In the plant world, competition is not as evident
in stable plant communities. - On disturbed sites, the race is on to determine
which plant(s) will eventually dominate. - This is where successional domination comes into
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14Preventing Weed Invasion
- Making best land management decisions that
minimize disturbance and reduce the potential for
weed invasion. Example Deep Plowing - Evaluating and managing existing plant health.
- Managing for weeds you dont have is the cheapest
form of control.
15Disturbance, Natural
- Geological rock falls, landslides, earthquake
- Meteorological hurricane, tornado, hail, heavy
rain - Hydrological floods, avalanches
- Drought
- Fire
16Disturbance, Animal Caused
- Overgrazing
- Hoof compaction
- Rolling
- Large herd trails
- Pocket gophers
- Prairie dog colonies
17Disturbance, Human Caused
- OHV, dirt bikes, Mt. bikes
- Vehicle soil compaction
- Heavy equipment construction
- Imported soils filled with debris (or weed seeds)
- Excessive cultivation practices
- Snow removal
18Disturbance Keep in mind that some disturbances
are avoidable, and some are not and we do the
best we can with them.
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- 2002 Drought SW Colorado
- 500 year event
- 1.3 inches of precipitation January-July
- D-4 (Extreme Drought)
- Trees were measuring 7 moisture
- Kiln dried lumber products are 14
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- Missionary Ridge Fire Event
- June 9- 2002
- Burned for 40 days
- 72,962 Acres burned
- 56 homes destroyed
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30Hydrological Floods
- Topsoil removal and erosion
- Can be a major disturbance event
- Is this a bad thing?
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33Overgrazing, hoof compaction, animal caused
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37No Grazing or Mowing
- Makes grass plants un-challenged and unproductive
over time. - Then become subject to weed invasion
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40Pocket Gophers, P. dogs
- Pocket gophers eat grass, shrub and tree roots
causing damage or death. - P. dogs eat their weight in grass daily (5 lbs)
- 12 dogs A 60 lb. bale of hay daily
- They overgraze and weeds invade
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44Heavy Equipment Construction
- Major disturbance
- Soil compaction
- Equipment moves weed seed infested clay soils
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46Imported Dirt with Debris
- Usually is not top soil
- Sometimes filled with rock or concrete
- Difficult to establish desirable vegetation
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50Excessive Cultivation Practices
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53Snow Removal
- Can be a major roadside disturbance
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65What observations can be taken from the following
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67 Thank You,
Rod Cook