Title: Sudden Ionosphere Disturbance
1Sudden Ionosphere Disturbance
- Stanford Solar Center
- http//solar-center.stanford.edu/sid.html
Version 2.0 Slides by Ray Mitchell
2SIDSudden Ionosphere Disturbance
3The Sun, Ionosphere, and Radio waves
4Navy Radio Station, Jim Creek, WANLK 24.8KHz
Antenna Wires
200 Towers
5About 24.8 KHz
Sound file
Amplitude (Peak-to-Peak)
? Radio Signal ?
1 Cycle 7.5 Miles (12 KM)
? Distance traveled over time ?
How to make this Computation? Speed of light c
186,000 Miles/Sec (300,000 KM/Sec) Frequency f
24,800 Cycles/Sec Wave Length ? c / f
Miles (or KM) / Cycle
6The SID Shed (Reference)
Tuned loop Antenna
Observation Dates (Approx) 24-Jul-03 Present
Located in Stanford Hills next to The Wilcox
Solar Observatory
7Research and DevelopmentBuilding the SID
8Prototype SID Monitor Antenna
Box Dimensions 4w X 10L X 3h
30square, 50 turns of 26 wire Connected with
RG-58 Coax
Model SID_Beta-1
9SID Monitor Block Diagram
All frequencies
24.8KHz Filter
Band-pass, Only 24.8KHz (Amplitude Modulation)
DC voltage Level
Signal Strength
10 bit, Analog to Digital Conversion
Sample every 5 Seconds
10Normal 24 Hr. Day (No flares)
Local Noon
Time in UT
11Detecting Solar Flares SID(s)
SID Events!
However, not all SID events are explainable.
Research is needed to help answer What are these
12GOES-12 Weather Satellite
Detecting X-Rays
13Connecting SID to GOES Data
14Edited Events
Product 20030802events.txt Created 2003 Aug
05 0302 UT Date 2003 08 02 Prepared by the
U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Environment
Center. Please send comments and suggestions to
sec_at_sec.noaa.gov Missing data ////
Updated every 30 minutes.
Edited Events for 2003 Aug 02 Event
Begin Max End Obs Q Type Loc/Frq
Particulars Reg --------------------------
--- 1910 1529 1537 1545 G12 5
XRA 1-8A B8.1 6.3E-04 0424 1910
1533 1534 1553 HOL 3 FLA S17E71 SF
0424 1920 1604 1609
1617 HOL 3 FLA S18E70 SF
0424 1930 1625 1650 1726 HOL 3
FLA S18E68 SF 0424 1930
1637 1642 1650 G12 5 XRA 1-8A
C1.1 7.6E-04 0424 1940 1653 1653
1655 SAG G RBR 245 100
1950 1713 1714 1714 PAL G
RBR 245 87 1960
1727 1736 1744 G12 5 XRA 1-8A
C4.5 3.1E-03 0424 1960 1730 1734
1759 HOL 3 FLA S17E68 1F
0424 1960 1733 1733 1734 PAL G
RBR 245 56 0424 1970
1839 1839 1839 PAL G RBR 245
110 1980 1905 1918
1925 G12 5 XRA 1-8A B7.1 7.5E-04
0424 1980 1917 1936 2005 HOL 3
FLA S17E67 SF 0424 1990
1930 1946 1954 G12 5 XRA 1-8A
C5.9 5.9E-03 0424 2000 2112 2134
2140 G12 5 XRA 1-8A C3.8 3.1E-03
0424 2000 2115 2115 2115 PAL G
RBR 245 270 0424 2000
2116 2132 2156 HOL 3 FLA S17E66 SF
0424 2020 2249 2256
2303 G12 5 XRA 1-8A B9.0 5.9E-04
0424 2040 2341 2354 0002 G12 5
XRA 1-8A M1.3 8.5E-03 0424 2040
2345 2351 0031 LEA 3 FLA S17E63 1F
ERU 0424
15Sunspots (Active Regions)
Event Begin Max End Obs Q Type
Loc/Frq Particulars Reg ----------------
------------- 1960 1727 1736 1744
G12 5 XRA 1-8A C4.5 3.1E-03
0424 1990 1930 1946 1954 G12 5
XRA 1-8A C5.9 5.9E-03 0424 2000
2112 2134 2140 G12 5 XRA 1-8A
C3.8 3.1E-03 0424 2040 2341 2354
0002 G12 5 XRA 1-8A M1.3 8.5E-03
16SIDSudden Ionosphere Disturbance
17San Leandro High School
Observation Dates 01-Oct-03
01-Dec-03 Teacher Mr. Rick Styner Model
18Chabot College
Observation Dates 25-Nov-03
29-Dec-03 Teacher Mr. Timothy Dave Model
19Castro Valley High School
Observation Dates 10-May-04 ? Teacher Mr.
Sean Fottrell Model SID_Beta-1
20SIDSudden Ionosphere Disturbance
21Next Steps
- Build more Monitors
- Printed Circuit Board Layout and Design
- Assembly / Electronics Chabot College
- Software
- Computer Science students Cal. State University,
Hayward - Stanford University Data storage analysis
tools - Involve teachers to develop lessons plans
- Classroom activities
- Improve collaboration among the schools
- Tour more schools