Title: Presentations
720 745 Meeting Future Energy Demand in a
Climate-Constrained World The Role of Energy
Technology Dr Paul Runci Joint Global Change
Research Institute, University of Maryland
430 440 Welcoming Remarks 440 505
Introduction Dr George Fisher Department of
Earth and Planetary Sciences, JHU 505
530 Climates of the Past Dr Daniel
Kirk-Davidoff Department of Meteorology,
University of Maryland 530 555 The Kyoto
Protocol Dr John Boland Department of Geography
and Environmental Engineering, JHU 555
605 Break 605 630 Sustainability and
Health Dr Cindy Parker Department of
Environmental Health Sciences, JHU 630
655 Carbon Sequestration Dr Nathan
Hultman Science, Technology, and International
Affairs, Georgetown University 655
720 Nuclear Energy and the Publics Health Dr
Paul Locke Department of Environmental Health
Sciences, JHU
Dr Linda Hinnov Dr Darryn Waugh Department of
Earth and Planetary Sciences, JHU
About this event
The current study of climate change is both a
complicated and controversial phenomenon.
Newspapers, editorials, internet websites, and
television programs continue to grapple with this
issue, and through the complex science, seek to
provide relevant analyses. The purpose of this
symposium is to understand the issue of climate
change outside of polemic initiatives and instead
through its fundamental context. Although this is
impossible to accomplish in one evening, the
scope of the presentations today nevertheless
provide a standard narrative of the scientific
community that global warming must be first
analyzed as an objective phenomenon and second,
by the technology and policies that work to
mitigate its effects.