Title: General background
1Remote Sensing/Satellite oceanography Pete
Strutton, Burt 356 strutton_at_coas.oregonstate.edu
- General background
- Satellite examples
- Sea level
- Wind stress
- Ocean color
- New technology
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3Why Satellites?
- Oceans are vast and sparsely occupied
- Harsh environment for acquiring measurements
- Satellites can acquire measurements quickly over
large areas - BUT
- Cost, risk
- Must measure through intervening atmosphere
- Cant acquire sub-surface measurements
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5Components of a remote sensing system
raw data
processing / dissemination
calibration/ validation
6Geostationary Orbit Polar Orbit 36,000km
altitude (for wide view) 850km altitude Stays
over same location Travels over poles Can
document evolving systems Sees whole globe
High temporal resolution Low temporal
resolution Lower spatial resolution Higher
spatial resolution
7Sea Surface Temperature (SST)
- Perhaps the most standard measurement from
satellites - Traditionally used infrared (IR) emission
- obscured by clouds
- More recently using Microwave
- can see through clouds
- microwave also provides other data such as water
vapor, rain, ice - Temperature important because of its relationship
to heat budget (global warming) and because its
diagnostic of currents, upwelling etc
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9Advanced Very High ResolutionRadiometer (AVHRR)
- Passive measurement
- Obscured by clouds
- Requires averaging to get good spatial coverage
- Image at right is 8 days, Jul 2006
10Microwave SSTSees through clouds, but obscured
by rain
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13Sea Surface Height (SSH)
- Active measurement using microwave
- Pulse sent from satellite to earth, measure
return time - With appropriate processing and averaging, it is
possible to calculate - Deviations in ocean surface due to bathymetry
- Deviations in ocean surface due to internal
physical variability - Discern ocean currents, eddies etc
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15Global Map of Seafloor Topography Based on
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18Wind Stress
- Active measurement, using microwave
- Pulse sent from satellite to ocean surface, then
scattered depending on surface roughness - Surface roughness a function of wind stress
- Strength of return to satellite gives wind stress
and direction
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22Ocean color (chlorophyll)
- Passive measurement
- Measures light emitted from the ocean - its
color (careful to distinguish between
emission and reflection) - Most of the signal (gt90) at the satellite is NOT
ocean color - atmospheric interference
23Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor
SeaWiFS8-channels, 1km pixel
Main signals Atmosphere,reflection and ocean
24Measuring chlorophyll from space
The Sea-viewing Wide Field of view Sensor SeaWiFS
The satellite
The instrument
25What SeaWiFS sees in one day
26Other remote sensingMoorings, gliders, floats
and AUVs
- Critical problem in oceanography of undersampling
- Large ships are expensive (20K per day)
- Ocean is vast
- Extremely difficult to sample even small areas
- Satellites help, but only sample the surface
- Need more automated subsurface sampling
- Challenges Power, cost and hostile environment
- (salt water, fouling)
- Could potentially make huge advances in global
27Ocean observing technology Old school
28Ocean observing technology New school
29Ocean observing technology New school
30Awesome global coverage!
Imagine these floats with bio/chem sensors
31New technology Large Observatories
32New technology Autonomous underwater vehicles
- Oceanography has traditionally faced a sampling
limitation - Satellites allow us to observe large areas
quickly, but - Only surface, and careful calibration/processing
required - Careful data handling required for long term
data sets - Parameters include SST, altimetry, winds, ice,
water vapor, rain, chlorophyll, fluorescence
(productivity) - Other technologies evolving, both platforms and
sensors - Need to get smaller and more power efficient
- Need skilled people to analyze data and advance
the science