1 Good Clinical Practice Regulation Update 2005
Joan Perou GCP Trainer Consultant November
2Clinical Trial Regulation - Who makes the Rules?
- 1977 Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued
proposed rules for investigators, and sponsors. - These were extended and became known as the Code
of Federal Regulations Title 21 Food Drugs - These FDA regulations laid down specific
obligations for investigators, sponsors and
ethics committees and were backed up by Federal
Law - FDA Inspectors conduct mandatory Inspections to
ensure compliance with the Federal Regulations.
4The European Commission
- Controls legislation on pharmaceuticals
throughout the EU - Recent Directive 2001/20/EC makes GCP a legal
requirement across 25 Member States from 1 May
2004 - The European Commission demands that every Member
State must appoint a Competent Authority to
ensure compliance with the Directive -
5The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory
Agency (MHRA)
- UK Competent Authority (CA)
- Based in London
- Grants licences to conduct trials
- Monitors safety aspects of trials
- Provides enforcement - mandatory Inspections
- (started May 2004)
6What are the rules ?
7Good Clinical Practice The EU Standards
- ICH E6 Document
- Scientific Guideline - Must be taken into
account - EU Directive (2001/20/EC)
- Law across 25 Member States from 1st May 2004
- EU Directive 2005/28/EC
- European Law from 29 April 2005 must be
transposed into Member States own Laws from 26
January 2006 - National Laws
- Member States must transpose Directives into
National Law and incorporate choices .
8The European Union25 Member States
- Austria
- Belgium
- Denmark
- France
- Finland
- Germany
- Greece
- Ireland
- Italy
- Luxembourg
- Netherlands
- Portugal
- Spain
- Sweden
- United Kingdom
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Estonia
- Hungary
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Malta
- Poland
- Slovenia
- Slovakia
- 400 million people
- 20 official languages
- An international ethical and scientific quality
standard for designing, conducting, recording and
reporting trials that involve the participation
of human subjects. Compliance with this standard
provides public assurance that the rights, safety
and well-being of trial subjects are protected,
consistent with the principles that have their
origin in the Declaration of Helsinki and that
the clinical trial data are credible. - ICH Guideline
10Milestones in Good Clinical Practice
- 1977 Federal Registers published in U.S. by FDA
- 1986 UK published guidelines Good Clinical
Research Practice - 1987 France and Nordic Countries published laws
- 1990 European GCP Guidelines published
- 1996 International Conference on Harmonisation
produced ICH GCP E6 document.
11- International Conference on Harmonisation
- of Technical Requirements for Registration
- of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
- ICH E6 GCP document
- one of 38 original documents - part of the ICH
process - The only document to cover Good Clinical Practice
standard - Signed off by U.S., Europe, Japan in July 1996
- Implemented on 17 January 1997
- The accepted standard for clinical trials from
January 1997 for registration studies - Law in Japan
- Recognised in US for data generated outside U.S
- Adopted by many other countries outside the ICH
region and incorporated into country laws by some
- potential global standard.
12ICH Good Clinical Practice Guideline (E6
- This guideline should be followed when
generating clinical trial data that are intended
to be submitted to regulatory authorities. - The principles established in this guideline may
also be applied to other clinical investigations
that may have an impact on the safety and
well-being of human subjects
TRIALS 2001/20/EC
14EU Directive (2001/20/EC)
- Published in the Official Journal of the European
Communities on 1 May 2001 - The Directive was implemented across Member
States on - 1 May 2004
- The Directive is applicable to all clinical
trials on human subjects involving medicinal
products. - The Directive does not apply to
non-interventional trials
15EU Directive (2001/20/EC)
- Makes GCP a legal requirement in European Member
States - Mandatory GCP inspections
- Added protection for vulnerable patients who are
unable to give legal informed consent - National ethics committees operating within a
legal framework with firm deadlines for approval - Applies to commercial and non-commercial clinical
trials involving investigational medicinal
16EU Directive (2001/20/EC)
- Standardises
- Regulatory approval system for clinical trials in
the EU - Manufacture and labelling of drugs in the EU must
comply with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) - Adverse event reporting in Europe via
Eudravigilance Database - Information exchange between member states by
means of a database of trial information
(EudraCT database)
17EU Directive (2001/20/EC)
- Protection of the Trial Subject
- Legal Representative required for those patients
unable to give legal informed consent - Emphasis on Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC)
- Insurance/indemnity to cover the liability of the
investigator and sponsor - Medical care and medical decisions must be the
responsibility of a qualified doctor or dentist - Prior interview referred to for informed consent
- Contact point for all trial participants
- Additional protection for vulnerable groups
18EU Directive (2001/20/EC)
- Commencement of a Clinical Trial (Article 9)
- The sponsor may not start a clinical trial
until - The ethics committee has issued a favourable
opinion - The Competent Authority of each Member State
concerned has not informed the sponsor of any
grounds for non-acceptance.
19EU Directive (2001/20/EC)
- Commencement of a Clinical Trial (Article 9)
- Prior to commencing a trial the sponsor must
submit a request for authorisation to the
Competent Authority of the Member State in which
the sponsor plans to conduct the clinical trial. - Competent Authority must consider application
within 60 days (maximum) - (some exceptions apply for certain medicinal
products) - Competent Authority approval and ethics
favourable opinion can run in parallel
20EU Directive (2001/20/EC)
- Amendments
- Sponsors may make amendments to the protocol at
any time. - Three categories of amendment have been
identified under the Directive - substantial
- non-substantial
- safety issues
- Sponsor must assess on an individual basis
whether or not amendment is substantial
21EU Directive (2001/20/EC)Substantial Amendments
- Defined as where they are likely to have a
significant impact on - the safety or physical or mental integrity of the
subjects - the scientific value of the trial
- the conduct or management of the trial
- the quality or safety of any IMP used in the
22EU Directive (2001/20/EC)Substantial Amendments
- Implementation of Substantial amendments
- Substantial amendments must be sent to Competent
Authority and Ethics Committee - Ethics Committee must give an opinion within 35
days - Competent Authority must notify sponsor within 35
days if there are grounds for refusal. - If the EC give favourable opinion and there is no
communication from the CA within 35 days, sponsor
may implement amendment - If the CA notify the sponsor of their objection
there is no time limit for CA to authorise
23EU Guidance on the request for authorisation of
a clinical trial on a medicinal product for human
use to the competent authoritiesENTR/CT 1
Revision 1
- Examples of Substantial Amendments
- The following five slides are examples of
substantial amendments which need to be
approved by the Competent Authority and/or
Ethics Committee
- Examples of Substantial Amendments
- (Amendments related to protocol)
- Purpose of trial
- Design of trial
- Informed Consent
- Recruitment procedure
- Measures of efficacy
- Schedule of samples
- Addition or deletion of tests or measures
- Number of participants
- Age range of participants
- Inclusion criteria
- Exclusion criteria
- Safety Monitoring
- Duration of exposure to the investigational
medicinal product or comparator - Change of posology of the IMP
- Change of comparator
- Statistical analysis
25Substantial Amendments
- Examples of Substantial Amendments
- (Amendments related to the IMP)
- Change or name or code of IMPs
- Immediate packaging material
- Manufacturer (s) of active substance
- Manufacturing process of the active substance
- Specifications of active substance
- Manufacture of the medicinal product
- Specifications of the medicinal product
- Specification of excipients where these may
affect product performance - Shelf-life including after first opening and
reconstitution - Major change to the formulation
- Storage conditions
- Test procedures of active substance
- Test procedures of the medicinal product
- Test procedures of non-phamacopoeial excipients
26Substantial Amendments
- Examples of Substantial Amendments
- (Amendments related to the trial arrangements)
- Change of the principal investigator or addition
of new ones - Change of the co-ordinating investigator
- Change of the trial site or addition of new sites
- Change of the sponsor or legal representative
- Change of the CRO assigned significant tasks
- Change of the definition of the end of the trial
27Substantial Amendments
- Examples of Substantial Amendments
- (Changes to non-clinical pharmacology and
toxicology data where this is relevant to the
ongoing trials (I.e. altered riskbenefit
assessment). For example concerning - Results of new pharmacology tests
- New interpretation of existing pharmacology tests
- Result of new toxicity tests
- New interpretation of existing toxicity tests
- Results of new interaction studies
28Substantial Amendments
- Examples of Substantial Amendments
- (Changes to clinical trial and human experience
data where this is relevant to the ongoing trials
(I.e. altered riskbenefit assessment ). For
example concerning - Safety related to a clinical trial or human
experience with the IMP - Results of new clinical pharmacology tests
- New interpretation of existing clinical
pharmacology tests - Results of new clinical trials
- New interpretation of existing clinical trial
data - New data from human experience with the IMP
- New interpretation of existing data from human
experience with the IMP
29EU Directive (2001/20/EC)
- Non-substantial
- Do not need to be sent to MHRA or ethics
committee - Must be logged (log may be requested by MHRA)
- Safety Amendments
- Can be implemented by sponsor/investigator in
emergency situations - EC and MHRA must be notified within 3 days and
retrospective approval sought
30EU Guidance on the European Clinical trials
Database - EudraCT
- Purpose of EudraCT Database (as quoted in
Guidance Note) - The European regulatory authorities require a
database in order to provide each of them with an
overview of clinical trials being conducted in
the community. - The database is needed to facilitate
communication on these clinical trials between
the authorities, to enable each to undertake
better the oversight of clinical trials and to
provide for enhanced protection of clinical trial
subjects and patients receiving investigational
medicinal products.
31EU Guidance on the European Clinical trials
Database - EudraCT
- Users will be Competent Authorities, European
Commission and the EMEA - EudraCT will provide users with information for a
given product, trials conducted by a given
sponsor, by patient population, by product type
and by therapeutic category. - EudraCT will be developed in two stages. Simple
version available now, more comprehensive version
32EudraVigilance Website
- Maintained by The European Medicines Agency
- (previously called European Medicines Evaluation
Agency) - www.emea.eu.int
- The site provides useful information on
pharmacovigilance, EudraVigilance, and reporting
33EU Directive (2001/20/EC)
- The EU Directive on GCP in Clinical Trials
- (provides a legal framework)
- The EU Guidance Notes (to support the Directive)
- (guidance on the processes)
- Also allows
- Flexibility for Member States to add their own
legislation within the framework of the Directive
34EU Directive (2001/20/EC)
- Legislation required by Member States
- Definition of an Investigator
- National laws to define legal representative
- Establishment and operation of ethics review
process - Definition of the powers of the Competent
Authority - Procedure for establishing and maintaining
Database for trial information to link up with
EMEA databases
35THE EU GUIDANCE NOTES(to support Directive
36Guidance Notes relating to Directive 2001/20/EC
- 9 GCP draft Guidance Notes were released for
consultation (June 2002) - 5 of those GCP Guidance Notes were issued as
final documents - The 4 remaining GCP Guidance Notes were
incorporated into a new GCP Directive
(2005/28/EC) published 9 April 2005.
37Guidance Notes relating to Directive 2001/20/EC
- The following are the 5 final Guidance Notes -
issued in final form and revised again in April
2004 - Ethics Applications/Documentation
- Clinical Trial Authorisation submission to CA
- European clinical trials database (EUDRACT
Database) - Adverse reaction reporting for clinical trials
- Database of SUSARs on clinical trials
(Eudravigilance) - Website http//pharmacos.eudra.org
39Directive 2005/28/EC of 8 April 2005laying
down principles and detailed guidelines for good
clinical practice as regards investigational
medicinal products for human use, as well as the
requirements for authorisation of the
manufacturing or importation of such products
- Published in the Official Journal of the EU on 9
April 2005 - Entered into force on the twentieth day
following its publication in the Official Journal - Member States must bring into force laws to
comply with this Directive by 29 January 2006
40Directive 2005/28/EC of 8 April 2005
- Confirms ICH GCP as the basis of clinical
research in the EU and EAA and states the
harmonised approach for Good Clinical Practice
from the E6 document shall be taken into account - Clinical trials shall be conducted in accordance
with the 1996 version of the Declaration of
Helsinki - Each individual involved in conducting a trial
shall be qualified by education, training and
experience to perform his tasks.
41Directive 2005/28/EC of 8 April 2005
- Allows specific modalities to be applied to
some non-commercial trials, specifically those
with authorised medicinal products on patients
with the same characteristics - Allows simplified provisions for GMP procedures
for non-commercial studies. - Confirms that the principles of good clinical
practice must still be applied to all studies and
refers to additional Guidance being forthcoming.
42Directive 2005/28/EC of 8 April 2005
- The sponsor may delegate any or all of the
trial-related functions but shall remain
responsible for ensuring that the conduct of the
trial and the final data generated complies with
Directive 2001/20 and 2005/28 - The protocol must define the monitoring and
publication policy. - The information in the investigator brochure
shall be presented in a concise simple objective,
balanced and non-promotional form to enable a
clinician to make an unbiased risk-benefit
assessment of the proposed trial. - If the IMP has a marketing authorisation a
summary of product characteristics may be used
instead of an IB. - The investigator brochure must be updated at
least annually.
43Directive 2005/28/EC of 8 April 2005
- The trial master file shall consist of essential
documents which enable both the conduct of a
clinical trial and the quality of the data
produced to be evaluated. - Those documents shall show whether the
investigator and the sponsor have complied with
the principles and guidelines of good clinical
practice. - The trial master file shall provide the basis for
audit by the sponsors independent auditor and
the inspection by the competent authority - The content of the essential documents shall be
in accordance with the specificities of each
phase of the clinical trial. - The Commission shall publish additional guidance
to specify the content of these documents
44Directive 2005/28/EC of 8 April 2005
- Essential documents must be retained by
investigator and sponsor for at least five years
after trial completion. - Documents must be retained for longer if
specified in an agreement between sponsor and
investigator - Essential documents must be archived to be
readily accessible by competent authorities - Medical files of trial subjects shall be retained
in accordance with national legislation - Transfer of data shall be documented and the new
owner shall assume responsibility for data
retention and archiving. - Sponsor shall appoint individuals within its
organisation who are responsible for archives - Access to archives shall be restricted to the
named individuals responsible for the archives
45GCP Documents - The standard
- European - applicable to all Member States
- EU Directive 2001/20/EC
- The Guidance Notes to support the Directive (Good
Clinical Practice and Good Manufacturing
Practice) - ICH Note for Guidance on Good Clinical Practice,
CPMP/ICH/135/95 (E6 document - legal status of
Scientific Guideline) - Directive 2005/28/EC
- Annex 13 of the GMP Guidelines (labelling
requirements) - U.K. only
- Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials)
Regulations 2004 - Governance Arrangements for Research Ethics
Committees (GAFREC)
46Implementing the GCP Directives
- The Directives do not give us process
- The processes that we work to will come from a
variety of sources - ICH GCP E6 document (which must be taken into
account) - Further official Guidance from the EU and MHRA
- Standard Operating Procedures produced by each
company or organisation must specify the process
for implementing the Regulations - Standard Operating Procedures must be compliant
with EU and UK Law and Guidance issued.
- The EU Directive is now law across the 25 Member
States of the European Union, plus 3 countries in
the EEA, and Switzerland (29 countries in total)
- The Directive has achieved harmonisation in some
areas but also gives Member States (limited)
flexibility to add in their own local laws - The supporting Directive (2005/28/EC) containing
the four missing Guidance Notes has been
finalised and must be transposed into U.K. Law
by January 2006 - Directive 2005/28/EC promises further Guidance to
give us details on the Trial Master File and
other unresolved issues. - Additional Guidance on the specific modalities
referred to will also come from the MHRA
48Summary of Differences with GCP Directive 2001/20
- Is Law and applies to all clinical trials with
IMPs (except non-interventional trials) - Legal requirement for every trial to have a
Eudract number - Every trial requires a defined sponsor
(collaborative arrangements acceptable) - The burdens of sponsorship are considerable and
carry legal penalties if not complied with. - Definition and process for dealing with
amendments different - The only process that has been fully harmonised
is the process for obtaining a Clinical Trial