Title: LSRCP
1LSRCP Lower Snake River Compensation Plan
2LSRCP Hatchery Locations
Snake River
Clearwater River
Salmon River
Lemhi River
Middle Fork
Salmon River
South Fork Salmon River
Pahsimeroi River
Upper Salmon River
East Fork Salmon River
3LSRCP Compensation Objectives
25,260 Steelhead 8,000 Summer Chinook
Salmon 20,010 Spring Chinook Salmon
4LSRCP Broodstock Management
Chinook Salmon
-gtLocal Broodstock -gtBeginning with BY93, all
chinook marked Reserve Supplementation (Natural
) -gtResponsive to ESA, Supplementation
Evaluation -gtNon-local broodstock -gtAll
hatchery production (for fisheries) is
marked -gtUpper Salmon River only
5LSRCP Adaptive Management
Size at release Acclimation Location of
Release Hatchery Evaluation Studies -gtResearch,
Monitoring, Evaluation -gtSteelhead and
Chinook optimize hatchery operations to meet
compensation objectives minimize impacts
to natural populations recognize
conservation objectives
6LSRCP Hatchery Evaluation Studies
Steelhead Acclimation at Sawtooth Fish Hatchery
Management Obj. Number of returning adults can
be increased and adult straying can be reduced by
acclimating steelhead smolts prior to
release. Research Question Does acclimation of
steelhead prior to release affect juvenile
migration timing, juvenile migration success,
adult return rate, age at return, and sex ratio
of returning adults.
7LSRCP Hatchery Evaluation Studies
Steelhead Size at Release
Biological Issue Large steelhead smolts may be
more predacious, preying on naturally produced
salmonids, and may be more likely to residualize,
and further impact naturally produced
fish. Management Objective Produce hatchery
steelhead smolts for release at a size that
optimizes high adult return rates and low
residualism and predation rates. Research
Question Does hatchery steelhead smolt
size-at-release influence adult return rate, age
at adult return, sex ratio of returning adults,
juvenile migration timing, and juvenile PIT-tag
interrogation rate.
8LSRCP Hatchery Evaluation Studies
Squaw Creek Release/Acclimation Pond
(Steelhead) NATURES Rearing (Chinook) Chinook
Size at Release Chinook spawner distribution in
SFSR Recommendations for Steelhead Size at
9Sawtooth Fish Hatchery 2001 Broodstock Plan
Adipose Clipped 365 365 365 1,642,500 1,231,
875 1,232
Supplement. Marked 182 25 25 50 225,000 168,7
50 169
Unmarked (listed) 366 341 157 498 2,241,000 1
56,870 157
Forecast female return
BY01 females
Smolts (2003)
Adults (2004-2006)
Natural Spawning