Title: Leadership
1(No Transcript)
3Our Text Says
4Our Text Says
- Titus 15 For this reason I left you in Crete,
that you should set in order the things that are
5Our Text Says
- Titus 15 For this reason I left you in Crete,
that you should set in order the things that are
lacking. - What is lacking in the church in Crete?
6What Is the Work of the Leaders in the Church?
7What Is the Work of the Leaders in the Church?
8What Is the Work of the Leaders in the Church?
9What Is the Work of the Leaders in the Church?
- Several words describe the roll of elders.
10What Is the Work of the Leaders in the Church?
- Several words describe the roll of elders.
- Elders Titus 15
11What Is the Work of the Leaders in the Church?
- Several words describe the roll of elders.
- Elders Titus 15
- Bishop Titus 17
12What Is the Work of the Leaders in the Church?
- Several words describe the roll of elders.
- Elders Titus 15
- Bishop Titus 17
- Shepherd Acts 2028
13What Is the Work of the Leaders in the Church?
- Several words describe the roll of elders.
- Elder Titus 15
- Bishop Titus 17
- Shepherd Acts 2028
- Overseers Acts 2028
14What Is the Work of the Leaders in the Church?
- Several words describe the roll of elders.
- Elders Titus 15
- Bishop Titus 17
- Shepherd Acts 2028
- Overseers Acts 2028
- Presbytery I Timothy 414
15What Is the Work of the Leaders in the Church?
- Elders in Every Church
- Acts 1423
16What Is the Work of the Leaders in the Church?
17What Is the Work of the Leaders in the Church?
- Work of an Elder
- I Timothy 32 to teach
18What Is the Work of the Leaders in the Church?
- Work of an Elder
- I Timothy 32 to teach
- I Timothy 35 take care of the church of God
19What Is the Work of the Leaders in the Church?
- Work of an Elder
- I Timothy 32 to teach
- I Timothy 35 take care of the church of God
- Acts 2028 to shepherd the church of God
20What Is the Work of the Leaders in the Church?
- Work of an Elder
- I Timothy 32 to teach
- I Timothy 35 take care of the church of God
- Acts 2028 to shepherd the church of God
- I Peter 53 but being examples to the flock
21The Word Office in
I Timothy 31
22The Word Office in
I Timothy 31
- This is a true saying, If a man desire the
office of a bishop, he desireth a good work.
23The Word Office in
I Timothy 31
- Vines Dictionary of New Testament Words Office
24The Word Office in
I Timothy 31
- Vines Dictionary of New Testament Words Office
- In I Timothy 31, the word office, in the
phrase the office of a bishop, has nothing to
represent it in the original.
25The Word Office in
I Timothy 31
- Greek-English New TestamentI Timothy 31 (Elder)
26The Word Office in
I Timothy 31
- Greek-English New Testament I Timothy 31
(Elder) - pistoV o logoV ei tiV Faithful
is the word If anyone
episkophV oregetai, kalou oversight
aspires to, a good ergou epiqumei. work he
27The Word Office in
I Timothy 31
28Leadership is a work in the life of the church.