Title: The Iowa Professional Development Model
1The Iowa Professional Development
Model District Career Development Plan
AEA 9 April 7, 2004
2The combination of three concepts constitutes the
foundation for results1) meaningful teamwork
2) clear, measurable goals and 3) regular
collection and analysis of performance
data.Schmoker, 1996
3Model offers guidance to help districts implement
the required
- District Career Development Plans
- Individual Teacher Career Development Plans
- NCLB definitions for Quality Teachers and
Quality Professional Development
4District Career Development Plan Requirements
IAC 281--83.6(2)
- Incorporated into CSIP
- A long-term plan designed and implemented to
increase student achievement - Include all site and district personnel
responsible for instruction.
5The district career development plan documents
- PD is based on student data and other needs
assessment - PD is aligned with district student achievement
goals and - PD is focused on instruction, curriculum, and
6District Plans document that
- PD learning opportunities are research-based and
aligned with the Iowa teaching standards and
criteria. - Identification of the approved professional
development provider(s).
7District Plans describe
- a process that includes theory, demonstration,
practice, observation, collaboration, and the
study of implementation.
8District Plans describe
- a program evaluation design for formative and
summative evaluation processes.
9Read Discuss
- Review the District Career Development Plan
Requirements - Form a group of 3
- Discuss When fully implemented, how will the
District Career Development Plan differ from past
10CSIP 4 ?
How will we evaluate our programs and services to
ensure improved student learning?
What do data tell us about our student learning
How do/will we know student learning has changed?
What do we do/will we do to meet student learning
11Individual Teacher Plan
- Individual Plans are required July 2005
- Read the requirements in your handout packet.
12Individual Teacher Career Development Plan
- supports learning needs identified in the teacher
evaluation process - provides opportunities to personalize learning on
content and skills that are delivered through the
District Career Development Plan - supports learning needs that are unique to
his/her particular assignment
13District Career Development Plans Individual
- Both focus on the districts student achievement
goals - Both are based on the Iowa Teaching Standards
- Individual Plans
- should be a direct fit with
- District Career Development Plans.
14Consider the Individual Plan
- Check practices that are already in place in your
school - What will need systematic development?
15Ongoing Data Collection(Formative Evaluation)
- Ongoing, frequent measures of targeted outcomes
are used to guide training decisions - Select tools for collecting information about
student learning and teacher application - Determine a workable schedule for collecting data
16Monitoring Your Implementation
- Describe how you will collect data on both the
frequency and skill of use with your planned
change. - Who will collect these data and at what
intervals? - How will these data be shared and with whom?
- How often will you compare implementation data
with formative data on student responses to your
planned change? - Will this occur in collaborative teams,
school-wide, and/or district-wide?
17(No Transcript)
18What might you discover from studying formative
- Will you know what instructional and curricular
changes your students are experiencing? - Is each student getting enough instruction in
this strategy to yield positive results? - Will you know whether teachers are implementing
the PD content with sufficient frequency and
skill that students get the intended benefit?
19Formative ????
- Will you be able to track student progress/growth
on the targeted knowledge/skills? - Will you have enough information to adjust the
training and workplace supports to help those
teachers who are not transferring the skill into
their classrooms? - What else might you need to include in your
formative data collection?
20Teacher Implementation DataStudent Learning Data
- Combine 3 sources of information to get an
implementation level - Observations using a checklist (indicators of
implementation) Rate 1-5 for accuracy - Document Analysis lesson plans reviewed over a
set period of time ranked on fidelity - Minutes from collaborative team meetings rated
for evidence of strategies, problems solving,
etc - Combine the three sources High, Medium, Low
21Compare Implementation Scores to Student Data
- What patterns do you see?
- In every school, for various reasons there are
variations in implementation. - Discuss with your team if changes in training and
supports are needed.
22Program Evaluation(Summative Evaluation)
- Summative evaluation occurs at greater intervals
than formative process (yearly) - The effectiveness of professional development is
judged by student learning outcomes.
23Program Evaluation
- Determination of the efficacy of a professional
development program is based on two factors - whether or not the content was implemented as
planned and - whether or not students acquired the desired
knowledge/skills/behaviors. - This judgment is based on both formative and
summative evaluation data.
24Program Evaluation
- The quality of the evaluation is contingent upon
having clearly stated goals that target
improvement in student performance. - A professional development program is successful
when it achieves its student learning goals.
25Goal-Oriented Summative Program Evaluation
- CSIP materials on Web site http//www.state.ia.us/
educate/ecese/asis/csi/documents.html - Review list of questions in handouts
- Discuss with a partner how this list compares to
other processes you have seen.
26Analyzing and Reporting Our Data Program
- Worksheet for preparing your report
- Share results with faculty, board and community
- Data and findings become part of the next CSIP
Question 1 - Cycle begins again
27The Iowa Professional Development Model
- For Additional Information Contact
- Deb Hansen, Consultant
- Iowa Department of Education
- deb.hansen_at_ed.state.ia.us