Title: Concrete Common Noun
1Concrete Common Noun
2The Definition Function
- A concrete common noun names an object that can
be perceived by the five senses. - A concrete common noun makes the reader use their
senses. - A concrete noun has many functions. It can be
used as a subject, direct object, indirect
object, object of preposition, object of
infinitive, predicate nominative and object
3Examples of Concrete nouns
- 1.flower 11.car
- 2.dog 12.paper
- 3.computer 13.sand
- 4.pencil 14.music
- 5.pepper 15.backpack
- 6.bells
- 7.soda
- 8.pizza
- 9.shovel
- 10.mountain
4- The pizza was enough to feed 12 people.
- Pizza is the subject of the sentence.
The pizza was enough to feed 12 people. Pizza
is being used as a subject of this sentence.
5The peanuts tasted sour.
Peanuts is the subject of the sentence.
6Bill smelled the fragrance of the
flower. Flower is the object of preposition
because of is the preposition.
Bill smelled the fragrance of the
flower Flower is the object of the
preposition because of is the preposition.
7I felt the surface of the smooth rock.
Rock is the object of the preposition because
of is the preposition.
8I used sand as a part of my experiment
I used sand as a part of my experiment.
Sand is the direct object because it answers the
question I used what?
9We ate the cake that was on the table
We ate the cake at the wedding.
Cake is the direct object because it answers the
question ,we ate what?
10- We gave the dog a bone. Indirect object
- We gave the dog a bone. Indirect object
- The dog is the indirect object because it answers
the question We gave the bone to whom?
11- Tom is a professional football player.
- Player is the predicate nominative because it
refers back to the subject Tom and it follows
the linking verb is.
12On Saturday we went to go see a
movie. Movie is the object of infinitive
because it follows a verb see that is after the
verb to.
13We considered our parakeet family.
Family is the object complement because it refers
back to parakeet, We considered who, the
Sources Warriners English Grammar and
Composition Complete course