Qualitative Response Regression Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Qualitative Response Regression Models


... than one which is nonsensical (this can be solved using probit and logit models) ... The normal or probit model. The model uses the normal CDF. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Qualitative Response Regression Models

Qualitative Response Regression Models
  • Lecture week 8
  • Prepared by
  • Dr. Zerihun Gudeta Alemu

The Nature of Qualitative Response Models
  • Binary, or dichotomous, variable
  • Trichotomous
  • Polychotomous
  • Differences in result interpretation and
  • Quantitative dependent variables expected or
    mean value given the values of the regressors.
  • Qualitative dependent variables probability
  • Is OLS appropriate to measure qualitative
    response variable models? Will there be problem
    of inference, will the conventional measure of
    goodness of fit be of value.
  • Approaches to developing a probability model for
    a binary response variable the linear
    probability model, the logit model, and the
    probit model.

Data for Qualitative Response Model
The Linear Probability Model (LPM)
  • The naming Assume a qualitative dependent
    variable (yes or no response by farm
    households on fertilizer application in crop
    production). The dependent variable takes a
    value of 0 or 1 reflecting ex post the choice
    made by the household, we can think of their
    being an underlying probability that a particular
    household will apply fertilizer or not given
    their level of income, education level, farm
    asset. Hence the name linear probability.
  • Estimation method OLS used to estimate LPMs.
  • The model Pi E(FERTILIZERi1/Xi) a1 a2
    INCOMEi a3 Education a2 Farmasset ?t
  • Result Interpretation the intercept (the
    probability of a household applying fertilizer
    given that income, level of education of
    household head, and farm asset are all zeros).
    The slope (the change in the probability of
    fertilizer application for a unit change in
    income or education level of HHH or asset base of
    the farm household.
  • Forecasting The probability of a FHH applying
    fertilizer for a given level of income, education
    level, and asset base).

The Linear Probability Model (LPM) Cont.
  • Problem of Estimation
  • The error terms are not normally distributed
    (follow a binomial distribution)
  • The error terms are hetroscedastic (can be solved
    with WLS)
  • Difficult to interpret R2 ,
  • The predicted values of the dependent variable
    (i.e. probability) can be less than zero or
    greater than one which is nonsensical (this can
    be solved using probit and logit models)
  • Probabilities increase linearly with the
    explanatory variables (not true at a low and
    high end of an explanatory variable, change in
    the probability is expected to be low) (can be
    solved using logit and probit models which show
    nonlinear relationships)

Alternative Models
  • To be chosen over LPM, probability estimates of
    alternative models must keep probabilities in
    the 0,1 range and must allow nonlinear
    relationships between the explanatory variables
    and the probabilities (i.e. must be asymptotic as
    probabilities approaches 0 and 1).
  • This requires that the alternative models be
    based on Cumulative Density Functions (CDF). CDF
    is nothing but the area under the probability
    density function (PDF) to the left of some
    pre-specified values which gives the
    probabilities that the value of a random variable
    falls below the specified values.
  • The logistic CDF (the logit model) and the normal
    CDF (the prpbit model) are best alternatives to
    the LPM.

The Logistic or Logit Model
  • The model uses the cumulative logistic function.
  • Estimation the model is nonlinear therefore use
    of OLS is not appropriate. Maximum Likelihood
    Estimation (MLE) technique is used instead.
  • MLE A numerical optimization algorithm used to
    choose values of the parameters which maximizes
    the likelihood of drawing that particular sample
    of observations.
  • The model the dependent variable is assumed to
    follow the logistic distribution. It is based on
    the formula of logistic PDF.
    1/(1e -(?1 ?2INCOME ?3 EDUCATION ?4ASSET))

The Logistic or Logit Model (CONT)
  • Interpretation Slope coefficient (the change in
    the estimated logit for a unit change in a value
    of a given regressor other variables held
    constant. To get meaningful result, take antilogs
    of the slope coefficients (i.e. ea) which gives
    you odds ratio (applying fertilizer to not to
    applying fertilizer) from which the change in the
    probability of applying fertilizer for a unit
    change in say education level can be calculated).
  • Prediction (plug the estimated coefficient say
    income and its value into the logit function,
    convert the logit value, compare the resulting
    probability with the threshold value such as 0.5
    and predict the outcome 0 or 1.

The normal or probit model
  • The model uses the normal CDF.
  • Estimation the model is nonlinear therefore use
    of OLS is not appropriate. Maximum Likelihood
    Estimation (MLE) technique is used instead.
  • Difference with logit model the dependent
    variable is assumed to follow the normal
    distribution. Therefore the likelihood function
    is based on the formula for the standard normal
  • The model Pi P(Fertilizer 1/ INCOME)f(?1
    ?2 INCOMEt)
  • Interpretation slope (the effect of a unit
    change in income on the probability that the farm
    household applies fertilizer is given by dPi /
    Dincomei f(?1 ?2 INCOMEi) ?2 . Where f(?1
    ?2 INCOMEt) ?2 is the standard normal probability
    density function evaluated at ?1 ?2 INCOMEt.
    Refer to the normal distribtuion table to get
    f(?1 ?2 INCOMEt) which is the density function
    of the standard normal variable and multiply this
    by the slope coefficient.
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