Title: Overview of Title I Fiscal
1Overview of Title I - Fiscal
- Terri Proctor, Administrative Technician, DFP
- Alicia Lee, Administrative Technician, DFP
- Tracy Rodriguez, Administrative Technician, DFP
- Kelly Iorfida, Administrative Technician, DFP
- Yvonne Cobb, Administrative Technician, DFP
2Topics to be discussed
- Amendments
- Reservation of Funds (ROF)
- Selection of Schools (SOS)
- Budget sections
- Nonpublic Involvement
- Final Expenditure Reports (FERs)
- Accounting Requirements
- Reasons for Amendments
- Final Allocations from USDE
- Adjustment for Charter School Students
- New Programs added to Consolidated App.
- LEAs are notified via PennLink
5LEAs Contact for PennLinks
- To update this information contact
- Bunne Heimbach
- bheimbach_at_state.pa.us
- It is very important this info be accurate
- DFP will notify LEA with
- Program name project number thats being
amended - Amount of the amendment
- DFP Technicians will
- Create the amendment (update the amount)
- Put the consolidated application and program
back to - IN PROCESS status to allow editing by the
7Amendments and Nonpublic Sign-Off
- Anytime there is a change to LEAs Title
I allocation - - whether increase or decrease -
- LEA MUST share this info with Nonpublics
- AND get Nonpublic Sign off again
8Upward Amendment - LEA Action
- Go into the amended project(s) in eGrants
- Go through each section of project (ROF, SOS,
Nonpublic Budget - in the order they appear)
and update any necessary amounts/info - Update narrative, if necessary - (if new program
9Upward Amendment - LEA Action
- Submit project consolidated application in
eGrants - Print out amended rider
- Have Superintendent sign it
- Mail to DFP for processing
10Downward Amendment LEA Action
- Repeat same steps as upward amendment, through
and including the electronic submission on
eGrants. - Notify DFP that amendment has been submitted so
DFP can complete processing. - Superintendent does not need to sign LEA does
not have to mail hard copy to DFP.
12Transferability of Funds
- An LEA may transfer up to 50 of the formula
funds allocated under any of the following
programs - Title II, A
- Title II, D
- Title V
- Title IV
- LEAs may transfer into Title I but not out of
Title I
13Transferability of Funds
- If in School Improvement
- - LEA may transfer up to 30
- If in Corrective Action
- - LEA may not transfer any funds
- Transferred funds are subject to the district set
14Title I Project Menu
15 Title I, Improving Basic Programs Project Menu
A checkmark will appear in front of each section
after it has been completed.
Authorized Signoff
Contact Information
- Neglected Institution List
- Neglected Institution Narrative
View Project
Very Important Each section must be
completed in the order they appear on the screen.
Reservation of Funds
Selection of Schools - Detail
Nonpublic Involvement
Budget Descriptions
Budget Equipments
17Carryover Section
- General Budget
- Approved Indirect Cost / Operational Rate 0.0233
- Indirect Cost 2,263
- Max Indirect Cost 28,575
Maximum carryover Rate 15
- 15 Limit on Carryover of Title I Funds
- - 15 Limit Does Not Apply to LEAs
Receiving Less Than 50,000 - If Over 15 LEA may request a Waiver from DFP
- - once every 3 years
- - Written request stating amount, reasons
for excessive carryover and steps to ensure no
excess the following year must be submitted to
DFP - All Other Programs - No Limit on Percentage of
19Indirect Cost
- Costs associated with implementing programs -
that are not reflected in the program budgets -
may be reimbursed through Indirect Cost (I.C.) - LEAs may apply for I.C. each year
- - Via Annual Financial Report
- I.C. Schedule (page 91)
- - Approved by Comptrollers Office
20Indirect Cost
- LEA will receive I.C. rate in writing in Spring
of each year - Expenditures CANNOT be budgeted for I.C. if LEA
does not have an approved rate
21 22Reservation of Funds (ROF)
- Title I funds may be Reserved before monies
are distributed among districts school
buildings - Required Set Asides
- Optional Set Asides
23Reservation of Funds
- Parental Involvement - 1 of Title I allocation
if OVER 500,000 - Neglected Allocation if applicable
- Non-Highly Qualified Teachers 5 of Title I
allocation if any teachers in district are not
highly qualified - Homeless - mandatory set aside for students
attending Non-Title I Schools - (no minimum or
maximum) - School Improvement
24Required Set Asides for School Improvement
- School Choice
- - if in School Improvement 1 and above
- - minimum set aside of 5 maximum of 20
- - to provide transportation to school of
choice (within district) -
- Supplemental Education Services (SES)
- - if in School Improvement 2 and above
- - minimum set aside of 5 maximum of 20
(combined w/ School Choice) - - to provide SES to low-income students
25Required Set Asides for School Improvement
- LEA Improvement
- - if in District Improvement LEA must
set aside 10 of Title I for Professional
Development -
- Schools in Improvement
- - if in School Improvement 10 of school
buildings Title I allocation must be set aside
for Professional Development - These funds may come from other sources such
as State Local, Title II, A Title V, etc.
26Reservation of Funds
- Audit
- Community Day Programs
- Indirect Costs
- Operations Maintenance
- District-wide Professional Development
- Pupil Transportation
- Pre-school Programs
- Program Evaluation
- Salary Fringe Benefit Differentials
- Summer and Intersession Programs
- State Federal Liaison
27 28Selection Of Schools
- 4 sections to complete
- Section B - Identification of Low Income
- School Building Information Grade span, of
students, etc. - Section C School Ranking Info
- Title I Participants - Title I Participants
29Selection of Schools
- Section B Identification of Low Income Students
- Indicate which data was used to identify Low
Income Students - TANF
- Free and Reduced Lunch
- Census Poor
- Medicaid
- Combination of the above measures
- Feeder Pattern
30Selection of Schools
- Section B Identification of Low Income
Students - Indicate which data was used to determine
Building Eligibility - Attendance Area Data public plus nonpublic
students that reside in LEA attendance area - Enrollment Area public students only that
are enrolled in LEA - The same data source must be used consistently
across LEA
31 Selection Of Schools
- School Building Information
- Grade Span
- Category
- Number of Students
- Public
- Non-Public
32 Selection of Schools
- Select method LEA chose to use for School Ranking
and Target Area - Automatic Method
- Manual Method
- Note Automatic Method is recommended.
- Manual Method requires manual
verification by PDE staff of all data submitted
in this section. -
33Allocations to Schools
- Based on percentage of low income children
- LEAs are not required to allocate the same PPA
to each school - Must allocate a higher PPA to schools with higher
concentration of poverty
34Selection of Schools Section C
- Determine the Per Pupil Allocation (PPA)
- Available Funds Divided by of Low Income
Students - Available Funds
- From ROF Worksheet (Title I allocation
minus ROF set asides) -
35Selection of Schools Section C
- Number of Low Income Students
- Buildings your district will be serving
- From School Building Information section
- Please Note The PPA you get will only serve
as a starting point
36Selection of Schools
- If serving one or more buildings BELOW 35 Low
Income - 125 of average per pupil amount to every low
income child. - Last building served may receive less than
minimum if funds meet needs of students.
37Selection of Schools
- Determining Eligible Buildings
- 75 low income
- Standard Eligibility Rules
- District Average
- Grade Span Average
- 35 Rule
38- Special Rule/Exceptions
- Exempt from Building Eligibility
- Enrollment less than 1000 OR
- Single attendance area
- Grandfather Clause
- ED FLEX Waivers
39Procedure(s) used to select eligible schools
- age by District (50.73)
- age by Grade Span - Use Grade Average (53.51 for
Elementary, 53.36 for Middle, 43.55 for High) - age by Grade Span - Use District Average (50.73)
- 35 Rule
40District Average
- District Average and above are eligible for Title
I. - Ex. District Average is 37, then all schools 37
and above are eligible. - Using Grade Spans
- More Flexibility
4135 Rule
- All schools that are 35 or higher are eligible
for Title I, regardless of grade span. - Rank Order
42Skipping an Eligible School
- The school meets comparability requirements
- Receiving supplemental funding
- Equal to or exceeds funds from Title I
43Selection of Schools - Section C
- Available Funds - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
326,703.00 -
this is the amount from ROF page - Amount submitted last update -
326,700.00 - Amount Remaining - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- 3.00 - Amount Remaining MUST be Below 100
- Amount Remaining Cannot be a negative amount
- LEA must adjust PPA if Amount Remaining is
above 100 or in the negative
44 Selection of Schools Section C
- School Ranking page continued
- Nonpublic Shares
- Total Nonpublic share
- Nonpublic share of Professional Development
- Nonpublic share of Parent Involvement
- Nonpublic share of Summer School
45Title I Participants Staff
Selection of Schools
- Building Name
- Public and Non-public Students
- Neglected Students
- FTE Staff
46 47Title I NonPublic Menu
- LEA Action
- - Identify your Non Public Schools
- - Complete Nonpublic Selection of Schools
section - - Contact Nonpublic Representative to sign off
- If LEA is not serving any nonpublic
schools simply click on the link to mark the
section complete.
48Identify Non Public Schools
- 1st) LEA must first choose nonpublic
organization - Example Diocese of Harrisburg
- 2nd) LEA must then choose nonpublic school
buildings they will serve - 2 ways to do this
- - Name Search
- - Zip Code (first 2 digits)
49Complete Nonpublic Selection of Schools
- Enter nonpublic school info in SOS section
- - Number of economically disadvantaged students
- - Number of Title I participants
- - Type of Contracted Service to be provided
- - Location services will take place
- - Type of Instructional Service to be provided
50Nonpublic Selection of Schools
51Nonpublic Assurances
- Per Pupil Allocation (PPA) Assurance
- Nonpublic officials must read and mark Yes or No
- - Same PPA on budget was used to determine
allocation for public and nonpublic services? - - LEA Nonpublic Representative discussed
set-aside and determined equitable share for
nonpublic services for - - Parent Involvement
- - Professional Development
- - Summer School
52Nonpublic Narrative
53Title I NonPublic Menu
Here is a list of the Non Public Organizations
that you have selected.
54 55Budget Sections
- 3 Components to Complete
- Must hit Save and Continue at bottom of each
screen - Do Not hit your Back button you could lose your
data you entered
Budget Descriptions
Budget Equipments
56 Budget 3 Sections/Screens to go through
57Program Cost Descriptions
58Budget Equipments
59 60Budget Revisions
61Budget Revisions
- Two reasons for Budget Revisions
- 20 Variance Rule
- Equipment Changes
62Budget Revisions
- LEAs Consolidated Application must be in
Approved Status in order to do a budget
revision - We suggest LEAs wait to do budget revisions until
just before they do the projects Final
Expenditure Report
- Quarterly Reports
- Final Expenditure Reports (FERs)
64Quarterly Reports
- Due Dates
- - The 10th working day of January / April /
July / October - Completed on Financial Accounting Information
System (FAI) or Web Portal - Comptrollers Office
- Processed by Comps Office not DFP
65Quarterly Reports
- Contact
- Kathy Lore
- Comptrollers Office
- klore_at_state.pa.us
- (717) 214-9334
66Final Expenditure Report Menu Page
67Final Expenditure Reports (FERs)
- FER Instruction Guide
- - Located on PDE Website and eGrants Main
Menu page - Web Portal
- - Contains project info needed to complete
68Final Expenditure Reports
- Due Dates 30 days after end of project period
or after money is spent - Carryover project end date is extended an
additional year
69Final Expenditure Reports
- Online submissions
- Mandatory starting 2006-2007
- For projects completed in eGrants system
- Hard copy submissions
- Only for projects completed in paper form
- FER forms and instruction guide are
located on DFP website at - www.pde.state.pa.us/PreK-12 tab/Federal
Programs/General Info
70Accounting Requirements
71Program Records
- All records must be retained
- For the current year plus previous six years
- Until any pending audits have been completed
- Until all findings and recommendations from
audits have been resolved
72Program Records
- These records would include
- Student identification and selection worksheets,
- Annual applications,
- Financial reports,
- Assessment/performance reports,
- Local Title I Plans and their amendments,
- Self-review,
- Quality Program Review data,
- Reports, etc.
73Inventory Control
- All equipment must be tracked and inventoried
- Inventory must be current and available for
review - LEAs must conduct an annual physical inventory
- A control system must be developed to ensure
adequate safeguards to prevent - Loss
- Damage
- Theft
- Adequate maintenance procedures must be developed
to keep the property in good condition
74Equipment Definition
- Equipment tangible, nonexpendable, personal
property having a useful life of more than one
year and/or an acquisition cost of more then
1,500 - Small and Attractive met the physical
definition of equipment but cost between 300 -
- An LEA may purchase or lease equipment with NCLB
funds if - it is reasonable and necessary to operate its
federal program effectively, - existing equipment will not be sufficient and
- the costs are reasonable
76Equipment and Other Programs
- Equipment purchased with NCLB funds may be made
available to other educational programs or
projects providing it does not - interfere with its use for the NCLB program
- significantly shorten the equipments useful life
77Disposition of Equipment
- Items of equipment with an acquisition cost with
less then 5,000 which is no longer effective may
be - Retained
- Sold
- Purged
- With no further obligation from the LEA.
78Disposition of Equipment
- Items of equipment with a fair market value in
excess of 5,000 which is no longer effective may
be retained or sold and the awarding agency shall
have a right to an amount calculated by
multiplying the current market value or proceeds
from sale by the awarding agencys share of the
79Obligation of Funds
- May begin on start date indicated in LEAs
Substantially or Final Approved Letter signed by
the Division Chief. - Start date will normally be when application was
received by DFP or the date it was signed by
Superintendent - whichever is later. - All applications received prior to July 1st will
receive a July 1st start date. - No obligation of funds may be made prior to the
approval date.
80Payment Schedule
- Funds will be electronically transferred via FAI
(Financial Accounting Information) system. - First payment will be upon Comptrollers approval
of the Consolidated Application. - Payments are calculated based on the start date.
- First payment may include additional months.
81Contact Information
- Terri Proctor 717-787-7135 tproctor_at_state.pa.us
- Alicia Lee 717-783-6901 alee_at_state.pa.us
- Tracy Rodriguez 717-787-7117 trodriguez_at_state.pa.
us - Kelly Iorfida 717-783-6543 kiorfida_at_state.pa.us
- Yvonne Cobb 717-783-6907 ycobb_at_state.pa.us
82 Resources
- Title I Laws (No Child Left Behind Act)
www.ed.gov/legislation/ESEA02/index.html - 2. OMB Circular A-87, Attachment B
- www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a087/a087_200
4.pdf -
- 3. EDGAR
- http//www.ed.gov/policy/fund/reg/edgarReg/edg
ar.html -
- 4. Compliance Supplement
- http//www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a133_compl