Title: The Importance of Education in a changing environment
1The Importance of Education in a changing
Perspectives for a secretary in Asia
- Prof. Bo Kyung Bae
- Graduate School of Management
- KAIST, Korea
- A. The Importance of Education in a Changing
Environment - Four Goals of adults
- Career Career Development
- Opportunities and Changing Environment
- Traditional Career vs. New career
- The importance of Education in Career Success
- B. Educations for Administrative Professionals in
Korea - C. QA
3Four Goals of Adults
4Environment change
5Career Career Development
- Any job has its
- good not-so-good days
- To stay challenged,
- we must take change of our career
- 1. By dealing with career development
issues - on regular basis
- 2. By being open to participating in
professional - growth opportunities, which are
6Opportunities and Changing Environment
- Career development
- cannot be taken for granted
- It will not take care of itself
- Protean career, boundaryless career
- Our career must be planned, managed.
- The circumstance change and new events occurs
- Our goals should be frequently adjusted to the
changing environment. - We will be able to have plentiful career
7Protean Career vs. Traditional Career (Hall,
8Traditional Career vs New Career(Nicholson, 1996)
9Career Success Cycle Model(Hall Morgan, 1977)
10Psychological successful model for Career
planning (Gould, 1979)
11Psychological successful model for Goal
Setting(Gould, 1979)
12The importance of Education in a changing
environment Fit and Lead
- Corporate Strategy can be able to lead
Environment or - creates a new environment
- A good recommendation
- 1. Reevaluate our goals
- 2. Do not wait for other to develop
- When timing and luck seek us out, we will be
ready to - launch ourselves into next jobs.
13Education System for Administrative
Professionals in Korea
- Social Background
- Education System for Administrative
- Professionals
- By Academic University College
- By Vocational Organization
14Life Stage of Women (Super, 1957)
15Economic-activity rates by age in Korea
(ILO, Yearbook of Labor Statistics, 1999)
16Education System of University College
- Graduates about 1,300 persons since the year 1967
As of 2002. Ewha Womans Univ.
172-yr Academic curriculums Dept. of
Secretary Service, Inha Technical College
- Business Computing
- Word processor
- Spreadsheet
- Intro to Inl office Mgmt.
- Princ of Intl office Mgmt.
- Princ of Mgmt. I, II
- Human Relations I
- Office Management
- English Conversation I,II
- English Conversation Practice I,II
- Multimedia English I,II
- Image Making
1st year
- Seminar on
- Intl office Mgmt.
- Human Relations II
- Records Management
- Financial Management
- Comp-based Accounting
- Internship
- Business English Conversation I,II
- Japanese Conv I,II
- Multimedia English Practice I,II
- Sec English Practice I, II
- Business Manner
- Internet and Homepage
- Computer graphics
- Desk-top publishing
2nd year
184-yr Academic 2000s curriculums
Ewha Womans University, South Korea
Office Management
Communication Management
Web-based Information Management
- Princ of Intl office Mgmt.
1st year
- Understanding Intl affairs
- Business Communication
- Business English Conversation I
- Intro to Web Info System
- Internet and Homepage
2nd year
- Intl office Mgmt.
- Human relations
- Beginning Shorthand
- Business Writing
- Intl Conference Comm I,II
- Internet Plang Design
- Advanced Business
- Computing
- Web-info application
3rd year
- Planning and processing
- Business correspondence
- Seminar on Intl office Mgmt.
- Conference planning
- Intermediate Shorthand
- Advanced Shorthand
- Business
- English conversation II
- English Comm Clinic
- Database Management
- Project Management
4th year
194-yr Curriculums for 21st Centery
Ewha Womans University, South Korea
Office Management
Communication Management
Web-based Information Management
- Princ of Intl office Mgmt.
1st year
- Understanding Intl affairs
- Business Communication
- Business English Conversation I
- Intro to Web Info System
- Internet and Homepage
2nd year
- Intl office Mgmt.
- Human relations
- Conference planning I
- Beginning Shorthand
- Business Writing
- Conference English
- Inter-Human Comm.
- Intl Conference Comm. I,II
- E-commerce System
- Internet Planning Design
- Advanced Business
- Computing
- Web-info application
3rd year
- Planning and processing
- Business correspondence
- Seminar on Intl office Mgmt.
- Conference planning II
- Intermediate Shorthand
- Advanced Shorthand
- Business
- English conversation II
- English Comm. Clinic
- Web-based Advertising
- Database Management
- Project Management
4th year
20Education Program of Vocational Organization
- Korea Association of Administrative
21Program Contents
22Career Education
Vocational Education
Career Counseling
23? !