Title: FISTERA http:fistera.jrc.es
1Foresight as a tool for developing common EU
strategies (in IST)
Experiences from FISTERA JRC Information Day,
AGH Univ. Science and Technology Kraków 27th May
2004 Brussels R. Compañó JC. Burgelman C.
Pascu Institute for Prospective Tecnological
Studies, Sevilla (IPTS) Joint Research Centre
FISTERA http//fistera.jrc.es/
Seville, Spain
3Present Project Lines
IPTS COMPETENCE providing direct advice to the
European Union's policy makers on ST issues in
Life Sciences and Impact on Society
EIPPCB-European Integrated Pollution Prevention
and Control Bureau
Environment and Society
Energy and Climate Change
Transport and Mobility
Support to the European Research Area
ICT- Information and Communication Technologies
4Information and Communication Technologies
This scientific area contains TWO MAIN ACTIONS (
- Prospective Cybersecurity Activities ProSecA
- The main focus of this action, considering the
role of the citizen in a European Information
Society, is on balancing the need for ensuring
the citizens security while respecting their
Foresight on Information Society Technologies in
Europe - FISTE It is a cross-cutting and
multidisciplinary foresight exercise in the field
of IST, in support for the policy making activity
of the Information Society Directorate General of
the European Commission (DG INFSO). JRC-IPTS
covers broad spectrum of topics including
eGovernment, eHealth, Mobility Sustainability
and eEurope. FISTERA (Foresight on Information
Society Technologies in the European Research
Area), brings together actors and insights in
national foresight exercises on IST.
- Contribute to ERA in IST research.
- Contribute to the open method of coordination by
finding common grounds (vision, priorities). - Bring in societal concerns and societal vision
into a hard core technical area
- Bring together (systematic and extensive), actors
and insights in national FS exercises on IST in
order to provide input to FP7. - Develop the common vision and approach to the IS
in an enlarged Europe in 2010 and beyond. - Involve as much as possible key IST policy makers
and players in the EU and at the national level. - Create a European forum for discussion
- ? Use foresight to get there
- A Thematic Network as Competitive action under
the European IST program (FP V) - 1st September 2002 - Duration of 3 years
- 51 Partners JRC-IPTS (EC), FZK-ITAS (DE),
ARC-sys (AT), PREST(UK), TILAB (IT), CGI (BE) - 14 Members TNO (NL), DTI (DK), TecnoCampus
Mataró (ES), OPET (PT), ARC Fund (BG), IQSys
TU-BITAK (TR), BRIE/UCB (USA), McCaughan Ass
(UK), PBF (PL), University of Aveiro (PT)
- Building blocks
- Reviewing national FS visions and SWOTs
- Building aggregate pan-European Technology
trajectories - Mapping RD capacity (IST actor space)
- Providing an IST Futures Forum for an integrated
scenario and for interaction. - Offering a SWOT of main factors in developing IST
Lisbon land - Using all available foresight knowledge
9(No Transcript)
10Findings from national FS studies
- Very much application oriented
- National visions in line with Lisbon objectives
- EU not a central dimension
- Many different priorities with some interesting
commonalities - Life-long learning
- Healthcare, support disabled/elderly people
- E-Government participation of civil society
- Tele-working, virtual companies
11Applications in the National FS
12Key Technologies identified
13Important points from national FS
- Forecasted Technologies are mainly extrapolations
of what exists already. - Visions in FS are often need oriented and in the
IST case point to areas in the public
interest. - ISTs are tools to reach social, eco etc.
objectives, not and end in itself - IST are a horizontal technology (generic)
14Technology Trajectories
15Technologies in the National FS
16Ex matching socio-related factors and IST trends
17Some Conclusions (1)
- How to avoid Zeitgeist problem?
- Is the sum of national FS a European vision?
Creating a European dialogue for the needed
vision is still a long way to go. - ? virtual communities do not function
sufficiently well. - What does the perceived generic character of IST
imply for innovation policy? - Foresight most promising if multidirectional?
Balancing technology driven approaches and
demand driven analysis requires a serious
research effort.
18Some Conclusions (2)
- Can FS decide on where to put RD effort?
- FS/Fistera suggests to start from commonalities
like the application areas and the needs driven
approach - Policy makers at national level tend to be
conservative in their technical FS ? added value
for EC? - Has FS predictive value?Foresight is most
valuable as a process of involving stakeholders
in discussions about possible futures and shared
future visions -
19 Spreading the word
Key tasks dissemination and platform
building Actions aiming to get there 10
roadshows workshops and 15 targeted meetings
(Commissions staff, politicians, industry,
economists, foresight community,..) Others
IST Days, DGINFSO meetings, ISTAG, academic
policy conferences, etc. email alert 600
people, web 100.000 hits thematic
Delphis Online !! 1000 people to be
contacted Technology Trajectories Online !!
20Further Info
- Dedicated Fistera Workshop
- This afternoon (27th May) at 1450
- AGH University of Science and Technology
- al. Mickiewicza 30
- A0 Building, Room 106
- Web
- http//fistera.jrc.es
- Contact
- R. Compañó ramon.compano_at_cec.eu.int
- C. Pascu corina.pascu_at_cec.eu.int
- J.C. Burgelman jean-claude.burgelman_at_cec.eu.int