Title: Mid Atlantic Province Meeting
1Mid Atlantic Province Meeting
1. Welcome Intros and ritual Opening! Adam
Cognetta, Consul Kappa Chi
2. Overview of our province theme Risk and
Brotherhood Kurt
3. Overview of Risk and Brotherhood Ted
4. Small Discussion Groups
5. The Centurion Sean McChesney and Kappa Chi
- State of the Fraternity Bob Jones Grand Pro
Consul - Closing remarks and ritual closing
21. Welcome Risk Manage Team!
Seven facilitators and our Grand ProConsul to
offer a wide range of skills, backgrounds and
perspectives for our undergrads
Seven faculty Members to facilatate discussion
3Challenge the Process
No one ever made history by copying his/her
True leaders look for opportunities to innovate,
grow and improve themselves and their settings.
Challenging the process is not pointing out
failures or complaining about situations. It is
the practice of finding a better future and
taking steps toward transforming it into reality.
Corollary He who challenges processes must also
prepare for conflict. However, leaders allow
their commitment to the future to overcome the
obstacles of the present. When the promise is
clear, the price becomes easy.
Leaders learn by leading, and they learn best by
leading in the face of obstacles. As weather
shapes mountains, problems shape leaders.
Difficult bosses, lack of vision and virtue in
the executive suite, circumstances beyond their
control, and their own mistakes have been the
leaders basic curriculum. (pg. 17)
4Risk Management at BLTW
- Strategy Statement
- Education in risk awareness and the available
applicable resources will help each chapters
Risk Manager to address concerns with housing,
events, and personal safety. Collaborating with
the Betty Ford Center and the Leadership Training
Boards Curriculum Committee, The Risk Team will
present a program that utilizes both professional
academic insight as well as practical application
techniques. Case studies, speakers, and an
overview of our existing programs will be some of
the varied mediums in which this important
information will be disseminated.
5House Risk Management
- House Risk ManagementWhat special risks does
your facility present?-Kitchens-Cleaning
Chemicals-Structural issues-The Surrounding
Community-Other Students - Do you have a Facility Inspection checklist?
- Party Mgt.-Guest lists-Designated "party" areas
to reduce the risk of stolen property-Clear Job
Lists with people at every post for every
position at every time slot-Designated Drivers
for emergency situations and numbers to Taxi
companies and like      precautions - Do you have a PARTY CHECK LIST
- Personal Safety, sex, drugs and alcohol
-Again, Surrounding Community (violence, drug
use, theft)-Wet or Dry Campus? and the
applicable precautions that must be
taken.-Guests (whose guest are they?)-Alcohol
and Women. Are they girlfriends? Are they just
here to party? Are the people imbibing of proper
age? - - Am I, as the Risk Manager, able to put an end
to conduct unbecoming of a brother? - Do you have an emergency action/crisis management
- the Choices program is great because rather than
tell brothers not to drink, it gives information
on how to drink responsibly should they choose
to. - Choices is a research-based prevention program
that aims at making safer choices for alcohol. - Sigma Chi position on Drugs and Alcohol
9RISK Encourage the Heart
Leaders recognize that the process of leading and
changing established norms is a path strewn with
arduous obstacles. Effective leaders recognize
every team members contributions by
- Celebrating accomplishments
- Looking for little victories that demonstrate
momentum toward the overall vision - Demonstrating the courage needed for the team
to persevere - Providing challenges to bring out the best in
each person and to reward contributions
Kouzes and Posner went back and did a follow-up
study to determine which of the five practices
were the most salient and important
In 1995, they wrote Encouraging the Heart because
their research had shown that this practice that
did more to invigorate an organization than any
of the other four.
Additionally, this is the one practice that team
members deemed to be the most important.
10RISK.. Model the Way
Of the leadership practices mentioned in the
book, this is often the most familiar to people.
However, it is also the most misunderstood.
People tend to equate walking the talk and
living ones values with great leadership.
However, a person who models the way but doesnt
perform the other four practices is not
necessarily a leader. In order to be a leader,
one must have loyal people to lead.
Along the same lines, simply having a vision for
a better future is not enough to inspire others
to follow. Furthermore, possessing great
execution skills is also not enough.
We must employ all five practices of the
Leadership Challenge to become true leaders.
Modeling ones personal values is important for
building credibility amongst followers, but it is
also necessary to challenge processes, inspire
shared visions, enable others to act and
encourage the heart.
- Any topics requested by your discussion group
- Enlisting your supporters
- Being a role model for self-discipline
- Working with a RISK committee
- Working with a peer accountability partner
- Officer succession planning
- Educating brothers to be