Title: Fourdimensional Variational 4DVar Chemical Data Assimilation Using STEM
1Four-dimensional Variational (4D-Var) Chemical
Data Assimilation Using STEM
Tianfeng Chai Center for Global and Regional
Environmental Research University of Iowa
- Introduction to 4D-Var data assimilation
- Early applications using Trace-P data
- Target-oriented adjoint sensitivity analysis
- New development for ICARTT data
- Model background error statistics
- 4D-Var Implementation of background error
statistics using TSVD - Top-down emission inversion
3Data assimilation Model Observation
To understand and/or forecast air pollution, we
- Measurements, samplings of the reality
- Chemical Transport Models (CTMs), describing the
physical and chemical processes - Data assimilation techniques, optimally integrate
models and observations - Background (a priori) error statistics
- Observation error statistics
- Model error information
4Data assimilation
(old forecast)
5Challenges in chemical data assimilation
- A large amount of variables (100 concentrations
of various species at each grid points) - Memory shortage (check-pointing required)
- Various chemical reactions (gt200) coupled
together (lifetimes of species vary from seconds
to months) - Stiff differential equations
- Chemical observations are very limited, compared
to meteorological data - Information should be maximally used, with least
approximation - Highly uncertain emission inventories
- Inventories often out-dated, and uncertainty not
6Computational aspects
- Parallel Implementation using our PAQMSG library
- The parallel adjoint STEM implements a
distributed checkpointing scheme
7Chemical Transport Model
- 3D atmospheric transport-chemistry model
where chemical reactions are modeled by
nonlinear stiff terms
- Use operator splitting to solve CTM
8Basic idea of 4D-Var
which measures the distance between model output
and observations, as well as the deviation of the
solution from the background state
- Derive adjoint of tangent linear model
Where fis the forcing term, which is chosen so
that the adjoint variables are the sensitivities
of the cost functional with respect to state
variables (concentrations), i.e.
- Use adjoint variables for sensitivity analysis,
as well as data assimilation
94D-Var application with CTMs
10Trace-P DC-8 and P3-B flights on 3/7/2001
- Simulated region East Asia
- Simulated time interval 12 hours (starting at
00000 GMT 3/7/01) - Meteorological fields given by RAMS
- Grid size 90 60 18
- Horizontal resolution 80 Km 80 Km
- Control parameters initial concentration
- Optimization algorithm L-BFGS-B
11DC-8 O3 observations and model predictions
12Effect on P3-B O3 model predictions
13Adjoint sensitivity analysis
Direct sensitivity analysis is a source-oriented
Adjoint sensitivity analysis is a
receptor/target-oriented approach.
14Influence functions (over Cheju O3 concentration
at 0000 UT, 3/07/01) of O3, NO2, HCHO at -48,
-24 hr
15Sensitivity Analysis
Adjoint sensitivities identify key species
affecting model predictions (NOy of P3-B).
16Selecting control variables
17NO and NO2 predictions after assimilating NOy
18Cone of influence Target 1600 GMT 8/6/04
International Consortium for Atmospheric Research
on Transport and Transformation of Pollutants
20Observational error
- Observational Error
- Representative error
- Measurement error
- Observation Inputs
- Averaging inside 4-D grid cells
- Uniform error (8 ppbv)
21Air Quality Forecasts for NMC method
22NMC method
- Substitute model background errors with the
differences between 24hr, 48 hr, 72 hr forecasts
verifying at the same time - Calculate the model background error statistics
in three directions separately
- Equivalent sample number 811,890
23NMC method results
- Equivalent sample number 360,840
24NMC method results
Vertical correlation
Horizontal correlation
25Observational (Hollingsworth-Lönnberg) method
26Implementation using TSVD
27Vertical correlation of model errors, Z (left)
and Zq (Right, after TSVD truncation).
28Assimilated observations
29RMS error changes of model predictions
30DC-8 Ozone and model results
31P3 Ozone measurements and model results
Quantile-quantile measurements and model results
32Ron-Brown ozone and model results
33Assimilating satellite data
We are now assimilating MODIS (AOD), MOPITT
(CO), SCIAMACHY (column NO2) to constrain model
and estimate emission
- Satellite data
- Global coverage
- Year-round operation
34STEM SCIAMACHY tropospheric NO2 column
35Mean SCIAMACHY tropospheric NO2 column in
36STD/Mean of tropospheric NO2 column
37NOx emission scaling factor
38Summary and future work
- 4D-Var data assimilation system developed for
STEM is able to assimilate chemical observations
into CTM - generate better reanalysis
- target-oriented sensitivity analysis
- Top-down emission estimation
- Background model error has been analyzed using
NMC and observational approaches. - The utilization of the model error statistics in
chemical data assimilation through TSVD improves
model analysis and air quality forecasting. - Adjusting initial concentration and emission
inventories simultaneously in assimilation is
being tested
This work is supported by NSF, NASA, and NOAA
39Thank you!
- Understanding model uncertainty is crucial in
chemical data assimilation - Model uncertainties are studied using STEM
forecasts during ICARTT - Model error correlation covariance through NMC
approach - Model error variance through observational
approach - This information is then utilized in 4D-Var
chemical data assimilation experiments - Truncated Singular Value Decomposition used to
solve ill-conditioning - Validation is performed by withholding
independent observations from the data
assimilation tests. The effect of such chemical
data assimilation on improving air quality
forecasts is also evaluated.
42Assimilating multiple species
Measurement uncertainties O3 8 NO
20 NO2 20 HNO3 100 PAN 100 RNO3 100
43Assimilating multiple species
(In lower panels, green lines shows the effect of
more iterations)
44Predictability as Measured by Correlation
Coefficient Met Parameters are Best
lt 1km
O3 predicted better than CO
Performance decreases with altitude
Carmichael et al., JGR, 2003