Regional Flux Estimation using the Ring of Towers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Regional Flux Estimation using the Ring of Towers


Regional Flux Estimation using the Ring of Towers Scott Denning, Ken Davis, Scott Richardson, Marek Uliasz, Dusanka Zupanski, Kathy Corbin, Andrew Schuh, Nick Parazoo, – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Regional Flux Estimation using the Ring of Towers

Regional Flux Estimation using the Ring of Towers
  • Scott Denning, Ken Davis, Scott Richardson,
    Marek Uliasz, Dusanka Zupanski, Kathy Corbin,
    Andrew Schuh, Nick Parazoo, Ian Baker, Tasha
    Miles, and Peter Rayner

Regional Fluxes are Hard!
  • Eddy covariance flux footprint is only a few
    hundred meters upwind
  • Heterogeneity of fluxes too fine-grained to be
    captured, even by many flux towers
  • Temporal variations hours to days
  • Spatial variations in annual mean
  • Some have tried to paint by numbers,
  • measure flux in a few places and then apply
    everywhere else using remote sensing
  • Annual source/sink isnt a result of vegetation
    type or LAI, but rather a complex mix of
    management history, soils, nutrients, topography
    not seen by RS

Temporal Variations in NEE
  • Flux is nothing like a constant value to be
  • Coherent diurnal cycles?, but
  • Day-to-day variability of factor of 2 due to
    passing weather disturbances

Pesky Variability in the Real World
High-Frequency Variations in Space
  • Managed forests, variable soils, suburban
    landscapes, urban parks
  • Disturbance and succession fires, harvest, etc
  • Crops Wheat vs Corn vs Soybeans
  • Irrigation, fertilization, tillage practice
  • Wisconsin (ChEAS) flux towers Attempt to
    upscale annual NEE over 40 km
  • WLEF a1 WC a2 LC,
  • but only if a2 lt 0
  • decorrelation length scale is very small on
    annual NEE!

What Causes Long-Term Model Bias?
  • Parameters (maybe, but more likely to control
    variability than bias)
  • State!
  • Respiration soil carbon, coarse woody debris
  • GPP stand age, nutrient availability, management
  • Missing equations!
  • Physiology is easier to model than site history
    and management

Our Strategy
  • Divide carbon balance into fast processes that
    we know how to model, and slow processes that
    we dont
  • Use coupled model to simulate fluxes and
    resulting atmospheric CO2
  • Measure real CO2 variations
  • Figure out where the air has been
  • Use mismatch between simulated and observed CO2
    to correct model biases for slow BGC
  • GOAL Time-varying maps of sources/sinks
    consistent with observed vegetation, fluxes, and
    CO2 as well as process knowledge

Observational Constraints
  • Satellite imagery veg maps
  • spatial and seasonal variations
  • Flux towers
  • Ecosystem physiology for different veg types
  • GPP, Resp, stomates, drought response
  • Atmospheric CO2
  • Average source/sink over large upstream area

Continental NEE and CO2
  • Variance dominated by diurnal and seasonal
    cycles, but target is source/sink processes on
    interannual to decadal time scales
  • Diurnal variations controlled locally by
    nocturnal stability (ecosystem resp is
  • Seasonal variations controlled hemispherically by
  • Synoptic variations controlled regionally, over
    scales of 100 - 1000 km. Target these.

Seasonal and Synoptic Variations
Daily min CO2, 2004
  • Strong coherent seasonal cycle across stations
  • SGP shows earlier drawdown (winter wheat), then
    relaxes to hemispheric signal
  • Synoptic variance of 10-20 ppm, strongest in
  • Events can be traced across multiple sites
  • What causes these huge coherent changes?

Lateral Boundary Forcing
  • Flask sampling shows N-S gradients of 5-10 ppm in
    CO2 over Atlantic and Pacific
  • Synoptic waves (weather) drive quasi-periodic
    reversals in meridional (v) wind with 5 day
  • Expect synoptic variations of 5 ppm over North
    America, unrelated to NEE!
  • Regional inversions must specify correct
    time-varying lateral boundary conditions

Modeling Analysis Tools(alphabet soup)
  • Ecosystem model (Simple Biosphere, SiB)
  • Weather and atmospheric transport (Regional
    Atmospheric Modeling System, RAMS)
  • Large-scale inflow (Parameterized Chemical
    Transport Model, PCTM)
  • Airmass trajectories(Lagrangian Particle
    Dispersion Model, LPDM)
  • Optimization procedure to estimate persistent
    model biases upstream (Maximum Likelihood
    Ensemble Filter, MLEF)

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Frontal Composites of Weather
Frontal Locator Function
  • The time at which magnitude of gradient of
    density (?) changes the most rapidly defines the
    trough (minimum GG ?, cold front) and ridge
    (maximum GG?)

Frontal CO2 Climatology
  • Multiple cold fronts averaged together (diurnal
    seasonal cycle removed)
  • Some sites show frontal drop in CO2, some show
    frontal rise controls?
  • Simulated shape and phase similar to observations
  • What causes these?

Deformational Flow
gradient strength
  • shear
  • deformation
  • tracer field
  • rotated by
  • shear vorticity
  • stretching
  • deformation
  • tracer field
  • deformed
  • by stretching
  • Anomalies organize along cold front
  • dC/dx 15ppm/3-5

Ring of Towers
  • inexpensive instruments deployed on six 75-m
    towers in 2004
  • 200 km radius
  • 1-minute data May-August

Ring of Towers Datamid-day only June 9- July 5,
5 ppm over 200 km u 10 m/s ?z 1500 m 13
?mol m-2 s-1
Coupled Model SiB-RAMS-LPDM
  • SiB3 Simple Biosphere Model Sellers et al.,
  • Calculates the transfer of energy, water, and
    carbon between the atmosphere and the vegetated
    surface of the earth
  • Photosynthesis model of Farquhar et al. 1980
    and stomatal model of Collatz et al 1991, 1992
  • Ecosystem respiration depends on soil
    temperature, water, FPAR, with pool size chosen
    to enforce annual carbon balance
  • Parameters specified from MODIS Vegetation
    imagery (1 km)
  • RAMS5 Regional Atmospheric Modeling System
  • Comprehensive mesoscale meteorological modeling
    system (Cotton et al., 2002), with telescoping,
    nested grid scheme
  • Bulk cloud microphysics parameterization
  • Meteorological fields initialized and lateral
    boundaries nudged using the NCEP mesoscale Eta
    analysis (?x 40 km)
  • Deep cumulus after Grell (1995) Shallow cloud
    transports after Freitas (2001)
  • Lateral CO2 boundary condition from global
    SiB-PCTM analysis
  • LPDM - Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model
  • Backward-in time particle trajectories from
  • Driven from 15-minute RAMS output

SiB-RAMS Simulated Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE)
Average NEE
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Back-trajectory Analysis
  • Release imaginary particles every hour from
    each tower receptor
  • Trace them backward in time, upstream, using flow
    fields saved from RAMS
  • Count up where particles have been that reached
    receptor at each obs time
  • Shows quantitatively how much each upstream grid
    cell contributed to observed CO2
  • Partial derivative of CO2 at each tower and time
    with respect to fluxes at each grid cell and time

Treatment of Variations for Inversion
  • Fine-scale variations (hourly, 20-km pixels) from
    weather forcing and satellite vegetation data as
    processed by forward model logic (SiB-RAMS)
  • Multiplicative biases (caused by slow BGC
    thats not in the model) derived by from observed
    hourly CO2

Maximum Likelihood Ensemble Filter (MLEF)
  • Closely related to Ensemble Kalman Filter
  • No adjoint, forward modeling of ensemble of
    perturbed states or parameters
  • Propagate estimates of ?GPP(x,y) and ?Resp(x,y)
    along with (sample of) full covariance matrix
  • Model learns about parameters, state variables,
    and covariance structure over each data
    assimilation cycle
  • Explain on whiteboard?

Pseudodata Ring Inversions
  • 6 short towers plus 396 m at WLEF
  • 2-hour averaged data (from 1 min)
  • SiB-RAMS nest at ?x10 km
  • LPDM on RAMS output, convolve with GPP and Resp,
    influence functions integrated for 10 days
  • Add Gaussian noise to initial ?s and obs
  • Estimate ?GPP and ?Resp for 30x30 grid boxes
    centered at WLEF at ?x20 km
  • Nunk 30 x 30 x 2 1800

Synthetic Ring Experiment MLEF
  • Solve??for ?(x,y) on a 20-km grid
  • Truth divided in half (E vs W)
  • Noise added at different scales (8?x N vs 4?x S)
  • Prior ? 0.75
  • Prior smoothing 6?x solve

6 towers, obs every 2 hours
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MLEF Result after 70 Days
  • Easily finds E-W diffs
  • Some skill locating anomalies
  • Better N-S diff in covariance than prior
  • No flux over lakes, so no skill there!

NACP Mid-Continent Intensive (2007)
31 Towers in 2007
Next Step Predict ?
  • If we had a deterministic equation that predict
    the next ? from the current ???we could improve
    our estimates over time
  • Fold ? into model state, not parameters
  • Spatial covariance would be based on model
    physics rather than an assumed exponential
    decorrelation length
  • Assimilation would progressively learn about
    both fluxes and covariance structure

Coupled Modeling and Assimilation System
  • Add C allocation and biogeochemistry to SiB-RAMS
  • Parameterize using eddy covariance and satellite
  • Optimize model state variables, not parameters or
    unpredictable biases
  • Propagate flux covariance using BGC instead of a
    persistence forecast
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