Title: Just What the Doctor Ordered:
1Just What the Doctor Ordered Prescribing
Positive Changes to Medical Documentation Cheryl
Alto MS, RD Cheryl.l.alto_at_state.or.us
2Medical Documentation
getting the most out of this session
3Communication, Collaboration, Coordination
4Opportunity to Coordinate
- Please order Enfamil AR for my patient. Her
sibling had to have special formula. I assume
this child will need this formula as well and I
would like to have it available.
5Opportunity to Collaborate
- My patient is a premature baby with special
health care needs (congenital heart disease)
which requires increased calories to grow. He
will need 24 Kcal/oz formula to thrive. WIC will
need to give 12 cans of formula for this reason.
6Communication with providers
- Articles in healthcare newsletters, magazines
- State wide letters sent June 8 2009
- Key informant surveys
- Web page for healthcare providers went live June
7Feedback from providers
- The WIC food package changes are positive
- It is nice to have a form in place of
8Questions difficult issues
- What questions, concerns do you have?
- What issues have already come up for your clinic,
for you?
9 Qualifying conditions
10Special food packages for special participants
Tools in TWIST
11WIC Medical Documentation Form
12Initiation of the Med Doc form
- Healthcare provider
- WIC agency or the participant
13Nuts bolts of completing the form
- Medical diagnosis and signature to be completed
by HCP ONLY - WIC nutritionist can complete Section B as a
recommendation to the HCP
14Handling changes
- If medical diagnosis remains unchanged, OK to
receive follow up/changes by phone - Document any changes on the medical documentation
form with your name, date and indicate it was a
verbal order - Recommend documenting in med doc notes in TWIST
as well
15Case studies
- Case study A Maribel Torres 3 mo infant
(pg 102) - Case study C Quinton Tarintino 14 mo old child
(pg 106) - Case study E Johnny Jones 3 year old child
(pg 110) - Case study F Sommer Tyme woman (pg 112)
16Difficult questions activity
- Sample questions from the session
- Q What if a med doc form is received and the
medical diagnosis is missing? - A The two sections of the medical documentation
form that WIC staff cannot receive as verbal
orders are - Section A Medical Diagnosis, qualifying
condition - Section C Signature of healthcare provider.
- If either of these sections are blank, fax the
form back to the HCP to complete and fax back to
the local agency.
17Difficult questions activity
- Sample questions from the session
- Q Can the new medical documentation form be
used before August 1st? - A Yes-for medical formula. And after August
1st, participants who qualify for foods can
receive foods and formula, as prescribed by their
18Difficult questions activity
- Sample questions from the session
- Q Are current prescriptions on file still valid
after August 1st? - A Yes, for medical formula only. The current
prescriptions can be honored up until their
expiration date. If the participant qualifies
for the other WIC foods and wants to receive
foods and medical formula, then the new WIC
medical documentation form needs to be completed.
19Difficult questions activity
- Sample questions from the session
- Q Can a food package be issued while waiting
for medical documentation to be received from the
HCP? - A Yes. The first month of vouchers for the
special food package can be printed while you
wait for the medical documentation form to be
completed. A completed form must be received by
the WIC clinic before the 2nd month of vouchers
can be issued.
20Difficult questions
- Additional questions will be added to the website
in future months. - Please email any additional questions to
21Next steps
- Further discussion at future local agency
dietitian meetings. - Complete the required food package module.
- Further discussion at local agencies who will
approve the med doc forms, who will call for
clarification from healthcare providers? - Let State staff know what other job aids,
resources might be helpful.
22(No Transcript)
23Further communication with healthcare providers
- A listing of HCPs in your area who received
notification letters is available from the State
office. - If local providers in your area were not sent a
notification letter, notify your nutrition
consultant with their contact information and a
letter will be mailed to them. - Consider following up directly with your local
providers to assess whether they have questions. - The change in medical documentation provides an
opportunity for future communication,
collaboration, and coordination of care for our
shared clients.