Mission and Science Measurement Technology 2004 MSMT2004 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mission and Science Measurement Technology 2004 MSMT2004


Large Radiometer and Radar Systems - Large antennas for space-based radio ... Filled Aperture Antenna Radiometers. Code Y: Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Mission and Science Measurement Technology 2004 MSMT2004

Mission and Science Measurement Technology -
  • Advanced Measurement and Detection Technology
  • Large Aperture Technology
  • Low Power Electronics

Large Aperture NRA Overview
The Large Space Systems Project develops concepts
for large, ultra-lightweight space structures and
apertures to expand mission capabilities, and to
enable new visions of the Earth and the Universe.
Technology development includes advanced
materials, deployable and inflatable structures,
multifunctional and adaptive structures, and
ultra-lightweight optical systems. The Large
Apertures Element focuses on lightweight optics,
adaptive optical, RF systems, wavefront
correction, and concepts for deployment and
assembly of large antennae and telescopes.
Large Optical Systems - Large, lightweight
scalable optical systems for imaging and
monitoring celestial objects throughout the
electromagnetic spectrum, but with an emphasis on
visible through far-infrared. Also,
moderate-sized optical systems for
far-ultraviolet mirrors and lidar receiver
applications. Large Radiometer and Radar Systems
- Large antennas for space-based radio astronomy
and remote sensing of the Earth and other planets
with radar and radiometers. Wavefront Control -
Active wavefront control to achieve and maintain
the required surface precision/wavefront error of
both telescope and antenna apertures in the
presence of dynamic and quasi-static disturbances.
Technology For Large Apertures
Metrics - lower mass (X3) - lower package
volume (X10) - lower cost (reduced part
count) (smaller launch vehicle)
Lightweight Space-Durable Materials
Actuation And Sensing
Structural Deployment and Assembly
Wavefront Control
Adaptive and Resilient Systems
Table A.3.1 Goals for future NASA Optical
  • Optical Aperture Technology
  • Deployment Technology
  • System Distributed Cooling

T 4oK

Data is not met to be restrictive on novel ideas.
X-ray Mirrors
Structure and Evolution of the Universe
Micro-Arcsecond X-ray Imaging Mission (MAXIM),
MAXIM Pathfinder
  • Science Questions
  • to probe the environment in the vicinity of
    black holes
  • to image a black hole
  • Current Mission Con-X
  • Minimum effective area 1,000 cm2 from 0.25 keV
    to 10 keV
  • 15,000 cm2 at 1.25 keV
  • 6,000 cm2 at 6.0 keV
  • 1,500 cm2 from 10 keV to 40 keV
  • Mission Needs
  • MAXIM Pathfinder
  • Technology Required
  • Large, lightweight X-ray mirror technology
  • Wavefront sensing and control technology
  • Reduced manufacturing time
  • 0.05-15keV, 1-4 m, lt0.5 kg/m2/grazing incidence,

UV Mirrors
Structure and Evolution of the Universe, Origins,
Sun Earth Connection Stellar Imager (SI)
  • Science Questions
  • to image surface features of other stars and
    measure their spatial/temporal variations
  • to enable improved forecasting of solar/stellar
    activity and its impact on planetary climates and
  • Current Mission
  • Mission Needs
  • SI - 10-30 microsats with 1-2 meter apertures
  • Technology Required
  • Lightweight, high precision aperture technology
  • Reduced manufacturing time
  • 100-400 nm, 1-2 m, lt 10 kg/m2, l/300 at l 300nm

Visible Mirrors
Astronomical Search for Origins Space
Ultraviolet Optical Telescope (SUVO) Next Hubble
Space Telescope (NHST), HST2
  • Science Questions
  • to study stellar populations and galaxy
    formation and evolution
  • to follow the chemical evolution of the universe
  • Current Mission HST - 2.5m fixed aperture at
    250 kg/m2, manufacturing time 1year/m2
  • Mission Needs
  • SUVO - gt 6 meter deployable aperture
  • Technology Required
  • Large lightweight deployable aperture technology
  • Wavefront sensing and control technology
  • Reduced manufacturing time
  • 400-700 nm, 6-10m, lt5kg/m2, l/150 at l 500nm

Scanning Lidar Telescopes
  • Code Y Follow-on to Vegetation Canopy Lidar
    (VCL) Follow-on to ESSP3, Follow-on to AIRS
  • Several lidar instruments envisioned for future
    launch require meter-class (0.7 1.5 m) scanning
    telescopes to achieve desirable coverage and
    accurate measurements. Lightweight optics
    combined with novel telescope designs may allow
    scanning the laser beam on a space platform
    without substantial penalty of momentum
    compensation. Such telescopes must maintain a
    high degree of optical quality and pointing
    accuracy in the thermal and vibration environment
    of space.
  • Landcover characterization for
  • a. terrestrial ecosystem modeling,
  • monitoring and prediction,
  • b. climate modeling and prediction.
  • Global reference data set of topographic spot
  • heights and transects

355-2050nm, 0.75-1.5m, lt10kg/m2, l /10 at l
Near IR Earth Science Systems
  • Code Y
  • NASA is also studying future missions for earth
    science observatories.  These observatories will
    enable studies that include vegetation, ocean
    "color" - the study of dissolved organic matter
    and atmospheric aerosols.  Wavelengths from the
    UV through the near infrared will be used.  The
    study of these physical systems at the
    20-500-meter spatial resolutions illustrates the
    need for large optical systems.  Observations are
    planned from geosynchronous, near-geosynchronous
    orbits and Lagrange points. Large apertures are
    needed for 1 to 10 km spatial resolution from
    these orbits for full earth coverage.
  • Atmospheric temperature measurement follow on to

0.7-4 microns, 3-4m, lt5kg/m2, l/75 at l 1microns
Far Infrared to Submm Systems
Astronomical Search for Origins, Structure and
Evolution of the Universe Single Aperture Far
Infrared (SAFIR) Observatory, Cosmic Microwave
Background Polarization (CMBPOL), Submillimeter
Probe of the Evolution of Cosmic Structure (SPECS)
  • Science Questions
  • to study the birth and evolution of stars and
    planetary systems
  • to determine the connections between space, time
    and matter
  • Current Mission JWST - 6m deployable aperture
    at lt 50 K
  • Mission Needs
  • CMBPol - gt 5 meter apertures, lt 10 K
  • SAFIR - 10 meter primary mirror, lt 10K
  • SPECS - 15-20 meter apertures, lt 10K
  • Technology Required
  • Large lightweight deployable aperture technology
  • Cryogenic cooling and thermal management
  • Wavefront sensing and control technology
  • 20-800microns, 10-25m, lt5kg/m2, 4K, l/14 at l

Table A.3.1 Goals for future NASA Optical
  • Optical Aperture Technology
  • Deployment Technology
  • System Distributed Cooling

T 4oK

Data is not met to be restrictive on novel ideas.
Large Optical Systems
  • Favorable technology system traits include
  • High packaging efficiency for small launch
  • Design traceable to space-durable materials
  • Robust system response to re-pointing of the
  • High surface reflectivity after repeated
  • Increase the collection area while maintaining or
    reducing costs and minimizing mass
  • Reduce the time required for precision mirror
    fabrication per unit area
  • The ability to perform metrology and test for
    such large aperture mirror technologies
  • Diffraction limited quality of mirrors.
  • Integration of two or more of the following are
  • scalable large apertures
  • metering structures
  • active/passive cryogenics (if applicable)
  • deployment methods and mechanisms
  • modeling to show scalability of the proposed
    technology to larger apertures.

Table A.3.2 Goals for NASA Radiometers and Radars
  • Deployable Antenna Technology
  • Integrated Electromagnetic and Structural Design

Data is not met to be restrictive on novel ideas.
Filled Aperture Antenna Radiometers
Code Y Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO)
Earth Science Technology Integrated Planning
System (ESTIPS) Code S Structure and Evolution
of the Universe ARISE
  • Science Questions
  • Soil Moiture
  • Ocean Salinity
  • Very Long Baseline Interferometry
  • Current Mission Mission Needs
  • 25-30 m diameter filled aperture
  • 20m Synthetic apertures
  • Technology Required
  • Stable lightweight deployable mesh/ membrane
    aperture technology
  • 1.4-300 GHz, rotationally symmetric 25-30m,

Filled Aperture Radar
Code Y Global Precipitation Mission (GPM)
  • Science Questions
  • to study the water cycle and surface
  • to parametrize convection to determine latent
    heating profiles
  • Current Mission Airborne Rain Mapping Radar
  • Mission Needs
  • GPM - 15-20 meter cylindrical apertures
  • Technology Required
  • Stable lightweight deployable aperture
  • 1.2-94 GHz, parabolic cylindrical 6-25m/
  • planar gt100m, lt3kg/m2

Table A.3.2 Goals for NASA Radiometers and Radars
  • Deployable Antenna Technology
  • Integrated Electromagnetic and Structural Design

Data is not met to be restrictive on novel ideas.
Large Radiometer and Radar Systems
  • Favorable technology system traits include
  • High packaging efficiency for small launch
  • Design traceable to space-durable materials
  • Robust system response to re-pointing of
  • Deployment risk mitigation
  • Scanning of large apertures
  • Control and stability of rotating antennas in
  • Widest possible wavelength range with 1 antenna
  • Minimum beam side lobes
  • Maintaining high beam efficiency with single and
    multiple beams

Wavefront Sensing and Control
  • Active and adaptive systems focused on high
    dynamic range correction applicable to large,
    lightweight deployable apertures of dual or
    single curvature, including control of primary or
    other optical elements
  • achieve diffraction-limited performance for
    wavelengths from the sub-mm through the visible.
  • proof-of-concept demonstration of correction of
    errors of gt10 l to l /15 at the focal plane
  • stability gt1hr in the presence of specified
  • Active and adaptive systems focused on high
    dynamic range correction of radar apertures
  • to l /20 from errors of 100 l
  • alignment of the ground plane and the array plane
    to l /2
  • with errors lt l /20.
  • Reaction/support structure with integral
    actuation and metrology
  • provide the dynamic and quasi-static geometry
    control necessary for the precision wavefront
    control to be within the capture range.

Wavefront Sensing and Control
  • Favorable technology system traits include
  • Integral actuation with extreme precision (lt 100
    nm) and high range (gt 1cm)
  • Integrally designed electromagnetic/structural
    compensation systems
  • Low thermal load actuation of optical systems
  • Low reaction force actuation
  • Integrated metrology and actuation.

Technology Readiness Level
http//technologyplan.nasa.gov (Appendix B)
9 Actual system "flight proven" through
successful mission operations   8 Actual system
completed and "flight qualified" through test and
demonstration (ground or space)  7 System
prototype demonstration in a space environment
 6 System/subsystem model or prototype
demonstration in a relevant environment (ground
or space)  5 Component and/or breadboard
validation in relevant environment  4 Component
and/or breadboard validation in laboratory
environment  3 Analytical and experimental
critical function and/or characteristic
proof-of-concept 2 Technology concept and/or
application formulated 1 Basic principles
observed and reported
4 TRL 3 TRL 2 TRL 1
System Test, Launch Operations System/Subsystem
Development Technology Demonstration Technology
Development Research to Prove Feasibility Basic
Technology Research
Sources of Note
  • Code S (http//spacescience.nasa.gov)
  • Structure and Evolution of the Universe (SEU)
  • Astronomical Search for Origins (ASO)
  • Sun Earth Connection (SEC)
  • Code Y (http//esto.nasa.gov/estips)
  • Solid Earth Science,
  • Global Water and Energy Cycle,
  • Oceans and Ice,
  • Atmospheric Chemistry Solar Radiation.
  • Code R
  • MSMT (http//www.aero-space.nasa.gov/)
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