Title: Earthquake Data Integration
1Earthquake Data Integration
2Earthquake Data Integration
- Earthquakes and Structural Geology
- Beach balls and other plots
- Using GOCAD
3Earthquakes and Structure
Type of fault, orientation of fault plane
Location of faults
4Beach balls and other plots
5Beach balls and other plots
Dilational first arrival
Compressional first arrival
6Beach balls and other plots
7Using GOCAD
- For integration with other data (topography,
geologic sections, fault models, bore holes ) - For 3d visualization
- see demo
8Using GOCAD
Tutorial user information use SSH to login to
rupture user tutorial pw ask George rupture
01 cd beachballs/epslabX u\beachballs\epslabX\
9Using GOCAD
Typical raw data of focal mechanisms
- Input for psmeca module of GMT plotting
software -
- 33.75 -118.13 -10.86 220.00 75.00 -70.00 2.40
000 000 43732 - Lat. Long. Depth strike dip rake Mag.
Xmp Ymp Name -
- uses strike of nodal plane
- Output of FPFIT program
- 810223 1921 4.93 33-30.23 116-46.57 0.95
1.40 19 0 19.0 0.09 0.2 1.6 c 255 80 160
0.00 12 0.08 0.74 0.00 15 33 20C 0 - Date Time Sec. Latitude Longitude Dept
Mag A1 A2 A3 A4 h_e v_e M ddi dp rak
A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 EventID - uses dip direction of nodal plane
10Using GOCAD
Importing GMT style data into GOCAD rupture 85
cd gmt
- Convert geographic coordinates to UTM
coordinatesrupture 93 proj -r projutm
zone11 smb81_98.geo gt smb81_98.utm - Convert UTM file to GOCAD filerupture 105
/sger/tools/beachball.awk smb81_98.utm gt
smb81_98.gpbeachball.awk expects STRIKE
11Using GOCAD
More beach ball options rupture 85 cd gmt
- Produce larger beach ballsrupture 105
/sger/tools/beachball.awk RADIUS1000
smb81_98.utm gt smb81_98.gp - The variable RADIUS defines the radius of a
magnitude 1 focal sphere (default 200). - Produce nodal planes and P-T axesrupture 105
/sger/tools/nodals.awk smb81_98.utm gt
smb81_98.nodYou can use the variable RADIUS
with nodals.awk as well.nodals.awk expects
12Using GOCAD
Importing FPFIT style data into GOCAD rupture
85 cd fpfit
- Convert FPFIT file to GMT style filerupture
118 /sger/tools/fpfit2geo.awk smb81_98.fps gt
smb81_98.geo - Convert geographic coordinates to UTM
coordinates - Convert UTM file to GOCAD filerupture 105
/sger/tools/beachball_ddir.awk smb81_98.utm gt
smb81_98.gp - beachball_ddir.awk/nodals_ddir.awk expect DIP
13Using GOCAD
- Beach ball summary
- beachball.awk usagebeachball.awk
RADIUSmeter gmtfile gt gocadfilegmtfile
format any number of lines containingXm Ym
Zkm strike dip rake magnitude 0 0 Name - beachball expects strike, beachball_ddir dip
direction - nodals_ddir.awk produces nodal planes/P-T
axes, same usage - use proj to convert geographic coordinates into
14Using GOCAD
Importing large EQ data sets in GOCAD rupture
85 cd mining
- Convert FPFIT file to GMT style filerupture
118 /sger/tools/fpfit2geo.awk smb81_98.fps gt
smb81_98.geo - Convert geographic coordinates to UTM
coordinates - Convert UTM file to GOCAD point set
filerupture 144 /sger/tools/eq2vs.awk
smb81_98.utm gt smb81_98.vs
15Using GOCAD
Filtering large EQ data sets in GOCAD
change property used for colors
Choose color map or make one (Edit)
Custom color map for rake
normal sense
thrust sense
16Using GOCAD
Filtering large EQ data sets in GOCAD (example)
change to date
choose color map rainbow1
edit Low and High clip values
make transparent to display only earthquakes in
Use property regions to separate earthquakes by
date, magnitude ..
17Using GOCAD
Filter with a GOCAD script and export to GMT
style file
Type in script
Or load file gocadfilter.script
Convert smb81_98_mag3 to beach balls