Title: Victim-Offender Mediation Impact upon Youth Crime
1Victim-Offender MediationImpact upon Youth
- Presented by
- Betty Noreen, Mediation Advisor
- North Star Youth Mediation Program
- (907) 457-6797, fax (907) 457-6791
- nsycmed_at_mosquitonet.com
- www.mosquitonet.com/nsyc/NSYMP/
- Victim-Offender Mediation
- Based on Restorative Justice Principles
- Characteristics and Benefits
- Stages
- Effect of VOM on Juvenile Offender Recidivism
- North Star Youth Mediation Program
- Questions and Comments
3Victim-Offender Mediation is Based upon
Restorative Justice Principles
- Offense is against people/community
- All parties are affected
- They take an active role in restoration
- Offenders are held directly accountable
- Repairs emotional and material harm
- Restores losses
4Restorative Justice Questions
- What is the harm?
- What needs to be done to repair the harm?
- Who is responsible for the repair?
5VOM Characteristics and Benefits
- Collaborative, not adversarial
- Empowers Victims
- Holds Offender accountable
- Guilt/Innocence is not an issue
- Victims questions are answered
- Promotes mutual understanding
- Develops mutually acceptable restitution plans
- Provides closure for both victim and offender
6VOM Stages
- Referral and Screening
- Pre-Mediation Meetings
- Mediation
- Follow Up
- Review
- Closure
7The Effect of Victim Offender Mediation on
Juvenile Offender Recidivism A Meta-Analysisby
Bradshaw, Roseborough UmbreitConflict
Resolution Quarterly, Vo. 24, No. 1, Fall 2006
- This article reports the results of a
meta-analysis of the effects of victim offender
mediation (VOM) on juvenile recidivism. Analyses
were conducted on fifteen studies consisting of
9,172 juveniles in twenty-one service sites in
the United States. Participation in VOM
accounted for a 34 percent reduction in juvenile
8North Star Youth Mediation Program
- A program of North Star Youth Court in Fairbanks,
Alaska - Began in 2001 with Victim-Offender Mediation and
Peer Mediation - Parent-Teen Mediation added in 2005
9Program Characteristics
- Non-Profit Organization, 25 referral fee
- Co-facilitated by youth and adult mediators
- Provides basic and parent-teen mediation training
- Utilizes volunteer adult mediators
- Monthly Youth Mediator Corps meetings
- Develops youth leadership and competency
- Promotes community awareness of alternative
conflict resolution and restorative justice
10Program Goals
- To model good communication and conflict
resolution skills with courtesy and respect. - To demonstrate that conflict exists universally
and can have positive outcomes. - To teach the critical life-skill of how to
resolve further conflict constructively. - To identify and focus on the underlying needs
expressed in actions or positions. - To gain an understanding and appreciation of our
differences and to identify similarities. - To learn something new about the other person and
develop empathy and closeness. - To come to mutual agreement on how to resolve a
conflict or repair a harm.
11Potential Referral Sources
- Victim-Offender Mediation
- Youth Court Sentencing Option
- Juvenile Probation Officers
- Superior Court Juvenile Disposition
- Alaska State Troopers/Police Officers
- Peer Mediation
- Schools Youth Programs
- Resource Agencies
- Private Individuals
- Parent-Teen Mediation
- Children and Family Service Agencies
- Private Individuals