Pump Primer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pump Primer


Leaving behind many of the friends you've made, and all your teachers (some you ... Regal Books; Venture California. 2000. Holy Bible, The : King James Version. 1995. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pump Primer

Pump Primer
  • Define what the term character means to you?
  • Is someones character an important trait to you?
    Why or why not?

College Career
  • Character

Leaving Your Past Behind!
  • Just when youve mastered the high-school thing,
    you are ripped out of your comfort zone.
  • Leaving behind many of the friends youve made,
    and all your teachers (some you will miss more
    than others).

(Bruce, 16)
Leaving Your Past Behind!
  • The college/university or career you choose will
    impact, influence, mold , direct, discourage,
    energize, prepare, poop out, enlighten,
    frustrate, and change youall in the space of a
    few years. (Bruce, 31)
  • For eighteen years you have been defined mostly
    by what your family does and says and believes.
    (Bruce, 67)
  • As you go out into the world to make your mark on
    society you will no longer have your family or
    friends around to define you. (Bruce, 67)

  • You are still the same person inside, this
    might be hard to remember when everything starts
    changing so suddenly and drastically. (Bruce,
  • The most difficult issues youll face in life
    are going to be decided by your character.
    (Bruce, 68)

What is Character?
  • Character is the inward conviction of your
    beliefs that affects your outward behavior.
  • Character is revealed by
  • How you treat people who can do nothing for you
  • Your ability to accept personal criticism without
    feeling malice toward the person who gives it
  • Your response when you suddenly lose a lot of
    moneyand when you suddenly acquire a lot of
  • The kinds of things that make you angry
  • The kinds of things that make you laugh
  • How you respond to temptation
  • What you stand for and what you wont stand for
  • What you fall for and what you lie for
  • What you do with what you have
  • What you do when you have nothing to do
  • What you do when you know nobody will ever find

(Bruce, 68-69)
Essential Ingredients
  • Testing of your character and the pressure to
    compromise will increase
  • Develop and strengthen what you believe now
    ability to withstand temptations
  • Character is not something acquired genetically
    nor is there a one-size-fits-all formula for
    character development.

(Bruce, 69)
Working on Your Character
  • Start with
  • Integrity Doing what is right.
  • Honesty Being truthful.
  • Responsibility Being trustworthy.
  • Morality Being pure in thought and deed.

(Bruce, 69)
Your Faith Makes It All Work!
  • Faith gives you the ability to stand firm in your
  • Faith enables you to not worry about compromising
  • Faith gives you the knowledge to know that God is
    in control
  • What you believe affects the way you think.
  • The way you think affects the way you live.

(Bruce, 71)
Living in Truth
  • Living in truth means living your life with a
    Christlike character.
  • Even Paul struggled with character
  • For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,)
    dwelleth no good thing for to will is present
    with me but how to perform that which is good
    I find not. For the good that I would I do not
    but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now
    if I do that I would not, it is no more I that
    do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.
  • Romans 718-20

Living In Truth
  • Daniels uncompromising lifestyle stands in
    sharp contrast to the way many believers live out
    their convictions. Many Christians tend to waver
    and give ambiguous explanations regarding the
    reasons for abstaining from certain secular
    activities. But that was not how Daniel
    approached an opportunity to state his
  • Scripture is full of examples of how trust in
    God leads to unashamed boldness.
  • David said, I have proclaimed glad tidings of
    righteousness in the great congregation behold,
    I will not restrain my lips, O Lord, Thou
    knowest. I have not hidden Thy righteousness
    within my heart I have spoken of Thy
    faithfulness and Thy salvation I have not
    concealed Thy loving kindness and Thy truth from
    the great congregation (Ps. 40910)

  •      Name a contemporary person who has been a
    great inspiration to you regarding integrity.
    Explain briefly why you picked him or her. (The
    person may be someone you know personally or
    someone the rest of the group would also
  •     Todays culture seems to make it more and
    more difficult for us to know where to draw the
    line regarding certain beliefs and practices.
    Write about one such consideration that presents
    a special challenge for you.

  • If we hope to succeed in the pursuit of
    excellence and become people of integrity, we
    definitely must exercise mind over mood. The
    following are someclassic passages from the
    apostle Paul that further encourage us to be
    thinking Christians.
  • Do not be conformed to this world, but be
    transformed by the renewing of your mind, that
    you may prove what the will of God is, that which
    is good and acceptable and perfect.
  • Rom. 122
  • Walk as children of light trying to learn what
    is pleasing to the Lord.
  • Eph. 5810
  • Be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but
    as wise, making the most of your time, because
    the days are evil. So then do not be foolish, but
    understand what the will of the Lord is.
  • Eph. 51517
  • Whatever is true, whatever is honorable,
    whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is
    lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is
    any excellence and if anything worthy of praise,
    let your mind dwell on these things.
  • Phil. 48
  • Examine everything carefully hold fast to that
    which is good.
  • 1 Thess. 521

Mission Statement
  • You will be bombarded with new experiences,
    influences, and opinions.
  • In order to maintain balance in your life
    emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual. You
    will need to develop a mission statementa
    concise declaration of purpose.

(Bruce, 74)
Mission Statement
  • Writing your own personal mission statement
    (like a personal constitution) is a good way to
    keep your character in focus.
  • Some examples
  • My mission is to demonstrate Jesus love and
    compassion through my life to my family, friends,
    and peers. To prepare myself, I must focus on
    Jesus daily through prayer and devotion. I will
    attempt to do this by serving others with
  • I seek to lead a passionate, balanced life n
    which I accomplish excellence in the eyes of
  • With integrity and love I will emulate the will
    of God, walk in the footsteps of Christ, adhere
    to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and further the
    Kingdom of God with passion and reckless
    abandonment every day of my life.
  • I will seek to honor and glorify God by living a
    life which reflects truth (from studying his
    Word), integrity (by living His Word), and
    passion (in communicating His Word).

  • Write your mission statement.

Works Cited
  • Bickel, Bruce Stan Jantz. Real Life Begins
    After High School. Regal Books Venture
    California. 2000.
  • Holy Bible, The King James Version. 1995 .
    Logos Research Systems, Inc. Oak Harbor, WA
  • MacArthur, J. 1997. The power of integrity
    Building a life without compromise. Includes
    indexes. Crossway Books Wheaton, Ill.
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