Title: How Does Split Brain See The World
1How Does Split Brain See The World?
2Corpus Callosum
3- Roger Sperry (1958)
- Animal Studies.
- Human Studies.
4 Splenium resection Splitting visual world
5(No Transcript)
6Sagittal T2W/TSE MRI section of MDs brain. The
splenium andmost of the corpus callosum is
resected .
7Match-to-Sample ExperimentBilateral Condition
8Visual Crowding in Split Brain!Non-Crowded
9Crowded Condition
10Results of Crowding Exp.
11- Some Inter-hemispheric spatial interactions can
take place even without Splenium
12Distracter-Target-Distance (DTD)
13Results of Crowding Exp.
14Cortex lt gt Sub-cortex ?
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16Results of Texture-defined Crowding Exp.
17What remained unanswered
Crowding is a distracter effect! Is there any
gateway remained in the absence of splenium- for
transferring of spatial information? Looking
for a positive spatial effect!
18Visual Object Tracking!
Behrad Noudoost, S.R Afraz, M Vaziri P, H Esteky
19The task Fixate at the bulls eyeand track the
marked item covertly
202 seconds
218 more seconds with identical items
22Tracking one among three itemsSlightly better
performance for uncrossed trials
23Tracking one among three items But the crossed
trials was performed far above chance level!
24Tracking one among three items Even with a new
definition of chance level Destination Visual
Field Chance Level
25Control Experiment
- A strip of about 2 degrees in the vertical
meridian of the retina is shared between two
visual cortices.
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27Tracking one among three itemsin the presence of
Comparison of Crossed Trials between occluded and
non-occluded condition The performance was
slightly lower for occluded condition however it
was not significant (0.108). But the same minor
decrease in performance was observed for the
within hemifield up-down crosses.
28So, Transfer of Spatial Information is possible
in the absence of splenium of corpus callosum,
While transfer of shape information is lacking
29Next Question
- Possible contribution of a temporally coded
signal from one hemisphere to the other one at
the crossing time
More quantitative spatial and temporal
30Tracking one among five itemsin two conditions
Single and double controlled.
31Double controlled condition The target and
co-target are painted with different colors.
Please note that all balls are identical in the
main experimental display. The shifter bar is
also schematic.
32P 0.555
P 0.005
33Is the difference between single double
controlled crossed trials really imply that
there is a temporal signal?
- The objects are spaced relatively denser in the
double controlled condition!
34Analysis of spatial and temporal interactions at
the time of crossing
Logistic Regression of Distance among two
objects Temporal cross offset
p0.006 p0.498
Performance in five objects condition was a
little bit lower than conditions with three
objects But when another object escorts the
target this co-transfer in the midline leads to a
lower performance due to some spatial
interactions rather than temporal arrival
This experiment gives us some clue about
selective decrease of spatial resolution in the
vertical midline. But we need some more direct
36Match to position experiment
- Task
- Stimulus
- Three conditions
- Staircase method
- 6 steps of resolution
37Match to position experiment
Ln(Correct/1-Correct) 0.546 Hemifield 0.32
Spatial Offset 0.052