Some Features of the Nile River Basin Decision Support Tool - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Some Features of the Nile River Basin Decision Support Tool


... rules for local, upstream, and downstream riparians; ... for the first time ever all the riparian states to use a common water resources assessment tool. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Some Features of the Nile River Basin Decision Support Tool

Some Features of the Nile River Basin Decision
Support Tool
BALWOIS 2006, Conference on Water Observation and
Information System for Decision Support Ohrid,
23-26 May, 2006
  • Mihailo Andjelic
  • Republic Hydrometeorological Institute of Serbia
    (formerly Senior Technical Officer of the Food
    and Agriculture Organisation of U.N, Rome, Italy)

FAO Nile Basin Water Resources Projects
Funded by Italy
Second phase, ended December 2003
Third phase, still ongoing
Ten participating countries Burundi, DRC, Egypt,
Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan,
Tanzania, and Uganda
Focused on Capacity Building for Integrated
Shared Vision Water Resources Management
Climate ranging from tropical rainforest to arid
Average annual flow 84 bcm
85 originating from the Blue Nile, within the
months of June to September
Extensive losses through evaporation in the Sudd,
Lake Nasser, and other lakes and wetlands
Main water uses irrigation, hydro- power,
transport, industrial development, environmental
protection, etc

General Data Some Comparisons...
Some More General Data
  • Shared by 10 African countries
  • Ranges from 4 deg south 31 deg north
  • Runoff generated from 20 percent of the basin
  • Major runoff contributing areas in
  • the Ethiopian Highlands- Blue Nile
  • Equatorial Lake Plateau - White Nile

Importance for NB countries
  • Rwanda, Uganda, Sudan and Egypt almost
    completely dependent on Nile - no other
    significant sources of water
  • In Burundi, Rwanda and Ethiopia 100 percent of
    water generated inside countries borders (
    zero dependence)
  • In Uganda 60, Sudan 23 and in Egypt only 3
    percent of runoff generated inside countries

Water Consumption
  • Present 82 km3/year
  • Year 2020 estimate 144km3/year
  • Average runoff 84km3/year
  • Corollary
  • many Nilotic countries are already rather closed
    to water stress
  • future water demands are physically untenable
    without water use agreements and integrated water
    management - in fact, this is an inevitable

Prerequisites for integrated water management
  • An institutional cooperative framework
  • Adequate monitoring system
  • A geo-referenced database and information system
    which includes relevant hydrometeorological,
    water demand and other data and information
  • Shared-vision planning and water resources
    modelling and management support tools
  • Technical expertise

(No Transcript)
Guiding Principles in Developing Nile-DST
  • Based on latest science technology able to
    handle the Nile basin size, complexity and
    multitude of water development options
  • Neutral technical decision support tool, whose
    overreaching purpose is to asses in unbiased
    manner the benefits and trade-offs of different
    water allocation/development strategies
  • Developed with involvement of users and
    stakeholders in the basin, thus promoting an
    environment of shared vision WD based on
    trustworthy knowledge base, data and information

Nile DST is able to generate
  • Estimates of natural water resources regime
    (rainfall, runoff and river flow) in the Nile
    basin this DST component is also capable of
    simulating the impacts of various climatic
    changes on water resources regime in the basin
  • Benefits and trade-offs of agricultural/irrigation
    development plans on other water uses and users
    in the Nile Basin
  • Benefits and trade-offs of hydropower development
    projects on other water uses and users with
    assessment of firm and non-firm energy generation
  • Benefits and trade-offs of cooperative and
    non-cooperative water management strategies
    (cooperative being understood as acceptance, by
    the Nile partners, of an integrated shared
    vision water resources management in the Nile
    basin aimed at maximising the benefits - as
    opposed to status quo, non-cooperation, and
    fragmented water resources management)

Nile DST is capable to generate
  • Benefits and trade-offs of potential, large
    scale, wetland conservation projects
  • Assessment of the existing information gaps in
    the Nile Basin and identification of an "optimal'
    water resources monitoring network able to
    satisfy the increased future data needs.
  • The system is capable of an easy and user
    friendly retrieval, storage, analysis and
    exchange of data, and information, including the
    DST outputs, between the Nile-DST and the
    geo-referenced database system established for
    the Nile Basin by the project
  • The whole Nile-DST package is PC Windows NT
    based, developed with a user-friendly graphics
    interface and fully integrated with the
    geo-referenced database

Main Characteristics of the Developed Nile-DST
  • Nile-DST has six main components
  • Database
  • River simulation and management
  • Agricultural planning
  • Hydrologic modeling
  • Remote sensing, and
  • User-model interface.

  • A comprehensive data warehousing structure
    capable of storing and visualizing
    meteorological, hydrological, climatological,
    agricultural, river basin management, demographic
    and spatial data
  • It is an object-oriented, data structure
    developed to
  • House all types of data (existing as well as
    future) required by water resources decision
    support tool
  • To optimize data entry, access, visualization,
    and analysis
  • All together, this database contains some 37
    gigabytes of information, the largest such
    collection ever compiled for the Nile Basin.

River simulation management
  • Simulates the Nile response under different
    hydrologic, development, and management scenarios
  • Its overriding purpose is to objectively assess
    the benefits and tradeoffs associated with
    various water development, sharing, and
    management strategies that may interest the Nile
    Basin partners individually or as an
    interdependent community of nations.
  • Tradeoffs exist among water uses in the same
    country and across the Nile countries

Selected applications of river simulation
  • RS M can provide answers to various important
    questions. Typical applications are
  • Value of various regulation, hydro-power, and
    irrigation projects along the White, Blue, and
    Main Nile branches Such assessments could
    quantify the incremental benefits from individual
    development projects as well as the combined
    benefits from various project configurations
  • Implications of reservoir regulation rules for
    local, upstream, and downstream riparians
  • Marginal value (gain or loss) of irrigation with
    respect to hydropower at various basin locations
  • Irrigation versus hydropower tradeoffs for each
    nation, region, and the entire basin.

Agricultural planning
  • AP component is developed to assess the crop
    yield potential and irrigation needs at different
    locations within the Nile basin. It can be used
    for the following applications
  • Crop growth and production can be simulated for
    11 crops at any point in the Nile Basin, based on
    historical climatology
  • The optimal quantitative relationship between
    crop yield and irrigation (the cropwater
    production function) can be determined as a
    continuous function from rain-fed to fully
    irrigated conditions
  • Optimized irrigation schedules can be found for
    all points on the crop-water production function

Agricultural planning
  • By simulating for multiple years of climatic
    data, variability of crop yield and irrigation
    needs can be determined
  • Irrigation management for individual farms or
    irrigation districts can include information on
    yield-irrigation relationships, irrigation
    schedules, and sensitivity to other parameters
    provided by the module and
  • Long-term planning decisions can include
    agricultural assessment results for questions of
    water availability and sharing.

Hydrologic modeling
  • Hydrologic watershed ( rainfall-runoff) models
    provide the means to describe the response of
    river basins (stream flow and soil moisture) to
    different conditions of rainfall and temperature.
  • A hydrologic rainfall-runoff model has been
    developed in a generic form and has been applied
    to selective Nile sub-basins where data allowed.
  • The model applications are showing the
    significance and necessity of good quality
    hydrologic and hydro-meteorological data. Thus,
    including other existing data and the need for
    data quality control are clearly illustrated.
  • Notwithstanding data limitations, the hydrologic
    model is applicable to any basin for which
    suitable data are available.

Remote sensing
  • RS component includes two remote sensing
    rainfall estimation procedures for all regions of
    the Nile Basin. The results are
  • demonstrating the value of remote sensing
    information for rainfall estimation, and
  • delineating the areas of the Nile Basin where
    estimation accuracy is fairly reliable (e.g.,
    Lake Victoria basin, Ethiopia) and those where
    better ground rainfall data are clearly needed.
  • An application over the Lake Victoria and its
    watershed shows that remote sensing can enhance
    the value of conventional data and support water
    resources assessments and management.

User interface
  • The interface and data visualization tool
    provides a seamless system to look at all of the
    databases and the results generated by each DST
  • At its heart is a tree-style exploring tool (data
    tree) that at once shows the entire contents of
    the Nile DST database and, equally importantly,
    allows the user to navigate down to greater and
    greater levels of detail.
  • Each database in the Nile DST has a
    geo-referenced component and time series
  • The geo-referenced data is viewed in the mapping
    tool, which holds a GIS. The time series data is
    viewed in the charting tool, which features a
    powerful chart and aggregation and statistics
  • Together, the charting tool, mapping tool, and
    the data tree work seamlessly to provide the user
    with an ability to view any piece of information
    in the system quickly and meaningfully

  • The Nile DST models the entire basin system
    and assesses the tradeoffs and consequences of
    various cross-sector and basin wide development
  • It allows the impacts of various levels of
    regional coordination/ cooperation to be examined
    and quantified, serves as a cornerstone for
    information integration and enables for the
    first time ever all the riparian states to use a
    common water resources assessment tool.
  • Assessments are expressed in quantities of river
    flow, water supply, food production, and energy
    generation. Building on these developments, it is
    now possible to introduce the next layer of
    assessment capabilities that can translate these
    physical outputs into economic and social
    benefits and impacts. Furthermore, a water
    quality component can be added to enable fully
    integrated assessments.

  • It is expected that these and possibly other new
    capabilities should be added to the Nile-DST
    through other projects in the basin, including
    the ongoing Water Resource Planning and
    Management Project being implemented under the
    Shared Vision Program of the Nile Basin
  • the tool also proved its value in assessing
    various information and data gaps in the basin.
  • Last but not least, this type of modeling
    tools/ systems is considered essential in
    dealing with numerous water resources management
    issues in other international river basins - in
    Europe, Balkans and elsewhere in the world.

History of Nile Cooperation
  • Colonial Period Treaties
  • Postcolonial Period
  • Hydromet (1965 - 1993)
  • TECCONILE ( 1993 - Feb. 1999 )
  • Nile 2002 Conference Series
  • Basin-wide Nile Projects
  • Nile Basin Initiative (since Feb. 1999)
    supported for the first time by all the riparian

Nile Basin Initiative
  • Organisational Structure
  • Governed by Council of Ministers ( Nile-COM)
  • Nile-COM supported by Technical Advisory
    Committee ( Nile - TAC)
  • Nile Secretariat - provides administrative and
    logistics support to Nile-COM and TAC
  • External PartnersWB,UNDP,CIDA, FAO, Italy
  • Financing the International Consortium for
    Co-operation on the Nile (ICCON)

Nile Basin Initiative Programme
  • Shared Vision
  • "To achieve sustainable socio-economic
    development through the equitable utilisation of,
    and benefit from, the common Nile Basin water
  • The Shared Vision thus puts economic development
    at its centre.
  • Action on the ground
  • Concrete Investment Projects at the Sub-basin and
    National level.

Shared Vision Projects
  • Confidence Building Stakeholder Involvement
  • Assessment of Opportunities for Power Trade
  • Environmental Analysis Management
  • Efficient Water Use in Agriculture
  • Socio-Economic Development Benefit Sharing
  • Nile Basin Water Resources Planning and
  • Management
  • Applied Training
  • Plus two ongoing basin-wide Nile projects
  • Italy/FAO Project Capacity Building for Water
    Resources Management in the Nile Basin
  • UNDP Project Legal and Institutional Framework
    for Cooperation in the Nile Basin
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