Nuclear Chemistry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nuclear Chemistry


Atomic nucleus is very stable, it is not effected at all by any electron ... The effect of 1 Roentgen in human body (creation of 2.1x109 charges with radiation) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nuclear Chemistry

Nuclear Chemistry
  • Conservation of Mass-Energy
  • Nuclear Binding Energy
  • Band of Stability
  • Transmutation
  • Detecting and Measuring Radiation
  • Applications of Radioactivity
  • Nuclear Fusion
  • Nuclear Fission

Conservation of Mass and Energy
  • Atomic nucleus is very stable, it is not effected
    at all by any electron events.
  • There are some naturally radioactive elements
    which transforms other stable element.
  • Nuclear reactions are much more energetic
    compared to atomic and molecular reactions. Here,
    nucleons are rearranged instead of electrons.

Conservation of Mass and Energy
  • In nuclear reactions mass-energy is conserved.
    Mass and energy are convertible. Einsteins
    relativity theory redefines the mass
  • If the particle is at rest (v0), then mm0 (m0
    is rest mass). c is the speed of light which is
    the upper limit of speed. If the particles speed
    approaches c, its mass becomes infinitely large.
  • Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy
  • The sum of all energy and of all mass (total
    energy) is a constant.

Einstein Equation
  • Mass is converted into energy by Einstein
  • ?E ?m0 c2
  • The energy associated with a chemical reaction is
    proportional to mass exchanged
  • CH4 2O2 ? CO2 2H2O ?H -890 kJ
  • 890x103(kg.m2.s-2) ?m0(3x108m.s-1)2
  • ?m0 8.98x10-9 g (total mass of reactants80
    g 16 g CH4, 64 g O2)

Nuclear Binding Energy
  • The mass of atomic nucleus of an element is
    always less than the sum of masses of all
    nucleons, neutrons and protons. This energy
    difference is called the binding energy which is
    used to hold nucleons together as the nucleus.

Binding Energy per Nucleon as a Function of Mass
Example (BE of 4He)
  • What is the binding energy of He?
    (1amu1.66x10-27 kg)
  • Helium has 2 protons and 2 neutrons.
  • BE 4.031875 - 2(1.0073731.008665) 0.030369u
  • 0.030369u (1.66x10-27 kg/u) (3x108 m.s-1)2
    4.54x10-12 J
  • Energy needed to disintegrate one mole of He
    4.54x10-12 J (6.02x1023 at/mole) 2.73x1012 J

Electron Volt as an Energy Unit
  • 1 eV 1.6x10-19 J
  • 1 keV 103 eV
  • 1 MeV 106 eV
  • 1 GeV 109 eV

BE/u and Nuclear Stability
  • Binding Energy/Nucleon (BE/u) is a measure of
    stability of nucleus.
  • 1 u 931.5 MeV
  • BE(4He)/4 0.03069 u (931.5 MeV/u)/4
  • 7.147 MeV/u
  • BE(56Fe)/56 8.8 MeV/u (most stable)
  • BE(239Pu)/239 7.393 MeV/u

  • Nuclear force is the force which holds the
    nucleons in a nucleus. Nuclear forces are short
    distance and stronger than the Coulomb forces
    (repulsive between protons) in the nucleus.
    Number of neutrons increases as the atomic number
    increases. An isotope having more protons than
    neutrons is unstable and decays to a stable
    nucleus (radioactive decay).
  • Three important radioactive decay modes Alpha,
    Beta, and Gamma.

Alpha Decay
  • Very heavy nuclei (Agt200, Zgt90) decay by alpha
    particle (4He) emission.
  • 241Am ? 237Np 4He
  • Coulomb repulsion due to large number of protons
    (Z95) in 241Am is released by the emission of
    alpha particle.

Energy Released in Alpha Decay
  • 241Am ? 237Np 4He Q
  • Heat released in alpha emission
  • Q M(241Am) - M(237Np) - M(4He)
  • (1u 931.5 MeV)
  • Q 5.59 MeV

Kinetic Energy of Alpha Particle
  • 241Am ? 237Np 4He
  • Conservation of momentum (p ? pNp)
  • M?v? MNpvNp
  • Conservation of energy (Q KE? KENp)
  • Q 1/2M?v?2 1/2MNpvNp2
  • KE? QMNp/( M?MNp)
  • KE? (237/241)5.59 5.50 MeV

Beta Decay
  • One of the neutrons is transformed into a proton
    in the nucleus emitting a beta particle -10e,
    and antineutrino, ?.
  • Decay of tritium by beta decay
  • Emitted beta particle is like an electron,
    neutrino is chargeless and not detectable

Gamma Radiation
  • The nucleons of a nucleus are arranged in
    quantized energy levels as electrons in atoms and
    molecules. Alpha and beta particle decays are
    accompanied by a gamma ray emission.
  • Gamma radiation is an electromagnetic radiation
    like visible light emitted after excitation of
    electrons in atoms and molecules but at much
    higher energy.

228Th ? 224Ra 4He(Gamma Emission after Alpha
  • X-rays are atomic in origin. They are
    electromagnetic rays created by filling of a
    vacancy created in an inner atomic orbital by an
    outer electron. Electron hole is created by an
    electron beam.

Example (Beta decay)
  • Write the balanced nuclear equation for the decay
    of 9038Sr, a beta emitter.
  • Solution
  • Conservation of charge 38Z(-1) Z39
  • Conservation of mass 90A(0) A90

Radioactive Disintegration Series
  • There are three naturally occuring radioactive
    decay series
  • 238U series (half-life4.5x109 years) ? (9 ?
    10?) .. 206Pb.
  • 232Th series (half-life 1.4x1010 years) ? (6 ?
    5?) .. 208Pb.
  • 235U series (half-life7.0x108 years) ? (12 ?
    9?) .. 207Pb.

Natural Radioactive Elements
  • Synthetic radionuclides
  • Naturally occuring radionuclides

Positron Emission
  • Positron has the same mass of electron, but
    positive charge. Radionuclides with excessive
    proton may decay by positron emission. A proton
    is converted into a neutron in the nucleus
    emitting a positron and neutrino.
  • Positron is the antimatter of electron, they
    annihilate each other by emitting two photons 511
    keV each.

Exchange of Matter and Energy
Electron Capture
  • An alternative decay mode to positron emission is
    Electron Capture. A K shell or L shell electron
    is captured by nucleus and proton in nucleus is
    transformed into a neutron. An X-ray is emitted
    after electron capture.
  • EC is the only decay mode which depends on
    physical or chemical state of atom. Be in metalic
    form decays 0.3 faster than BeO. K electron is
    closer to nucleus in Be metal.
  • (7Be e- ? 7Li)

Neutron Emission
  • A very rare decay mode is by neutron emission.
    Here, the element does not change, but the mass
    number decreases by one.
  • 87Kr ? 86Kr 1n
  • The net effect of EC is the conversion of p into

Band of Stability
  • When stable isotopes of elements are sorted with
    proton and neutron numbers, a band of stability
    forms. No stable isotope of element 83, bismuth
    is present. Elements beyond 83 are radioactive
  • man made.
  • With increasing atomic number, N/Z ratio
    increases beyond 11. The increasing Coulomb
    repulsion with Z is compensated by excess N.

Stability curve
Band of Stability (cont..)
  • Isotopes above and the left of stability curve
    have access neutrons. The decay is by beta decay.
    (n ? p e-)
  • Isotopes below and right of stability line are
    rich in protons, they decay by positron emission
    or by electron capture. (p ? n e)

Beta and Positron Decay Around Stability Line
Odd-Even Rule
  • When the numbers of neutrons and protons are even
    they are more stable than when both are odd.
  • 264 stable isotopes
  • 157 even-even
  • 5 odd-odd
  • 102 even-odd
  • When the spins of neutrons or protons are paired
    they are more stable than spins are unpaired.

Nuclear Energy Levels and Magic Numbers
  • Nucleons are located in quantized energy levels
    like electrons of atoms.
  • Nucleons with magic numbers are extra stable.
    Magic numbers 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, and 126.
  • Extra stable nuclei
  • (Double magic)

  • Changing of one element into another is called
    transmutation. Beta decay and nuclear reactions
    are transmutations.
  • Nuclear reactions
  • Cyclotrons and linear accelerators accelerate the
    nucleus (positive ion) of an atom above the
    Coulomb barrier which induces nuclear reaction on
    a target nucleus.
  • 4He 14N ? 18F ? 17O 1p

compound nucleus
Nuclear Reactions
  • Formation of a compound nucleus
  • Decay of compound nucleus

Transuranium Elements
  • The naturally occurring radioisotopes above Z83
    have very long half lives (gt109 y).
  • All elements with Zgt93 (Neptunium) are synthetic.
    They have very short half lives.
  • Actinide series elements starting with Thorium
    are synthesized in lab (Z104-111)

Detecting and Measuring Radiation
  • Detection Devices
  • Geiger Counter Ionization tube to detect beta
    and gamma rays. Radiation produces ion pairs
    which are collected by the electrodes of Geiger
  • Scintillation Counters A NaI crystal or a
    plastic scintillator produces a flush of light
    upon the impinge of radiation. The light is
    amplified and counted electronically.

Detectors (cont..)
  • Solid State Detectors (GeLi or SiLi) Intrinsic
    semi conductors made from single crystal of Ge or
    Si doped with Li.
  • Film Dosimeters Photographic films darken when
    exposed to radiation. The darkness of film is
    proportional to the dosage received.
  • Cloud Chambers When a very high energy charged
    particle passes through a saturated vapor with
    water or alcohol, a trace micro droplets are

Units of Radiation
  • Unit of Activity
  • Becquerel (Bq) is the unit of disintegrations/seco
  • Curie (Ci) is the activity of 1 g of 226Ra.
  • 1 Ci 3.7x1010 Bq
  • Unit of Radiation Dose
  • Rad and Gray are the absorbed radiation energy by
    a matter
  • 1 rad 100 ergs/g
  • 1 Gy 1 J/kg
  • 1 Gy 100 rad

Units of Radiation (cont..)
  • Units of Dose Equivalent The demage radiation on
    tissue may differ with the type of radiation.
    Same energy alpha particle is more harmful than
    gamma ray when penetrated in tissue. It is
    additive for different types of radiation and
  • Sievert (Sv) Equivalent dose, H
  • H D Q N
  • (D absorbed dose in Gy, Q Quality factor, N
    Other factors)
  • Rem is the older dose equivalent. The effect of 1
    Roentgen in human body (creation of 2.1x109
    charges with radiation). D is in rad, H is in rem.

Radiation Sickness
  • Whole body dose of 100 rem causes nausea,
    vomitting, loss of hair, drop in white cell.
  • Exposure to 400 rem of radiation will kill half
    of the population. 600 rem kills the whole
  • Limits are set for radiation exposure
  • 2 rem for workers in nuclear facilities.
  • 0.1 rem for public.

Radiation Produced Free Radicals
  • The major effect of radiation absorbed by the
    body is the creation of ions and radicals.
  • Water cation is unstable and breakup path is
  • Radicals are very reactive and harmful to DNA

Background Radiation
  • Average radiation doses received

Radiation Protection
  • Intensity of radiation decreases with the square
    of distance
  • If I1 is known at distance d1, then the intensity
    I2 at distance can be calculated as,

Applications of Radioactivity
  • Radioactive tracers
  • A radioactive isotope of an element is used to
    trace the distribution of that element in the
    body or can be used in terapy. 131I is used for
    thyroid gland treatment. 99Tc (TcO4-) is used in
    detection of brain tumors.
  • Neutron Activation Analysis
  • When natural substances are irradiated with
    neutrons in a nuclear reactor stable elements
    capture neutrons and become radioactive. Very low
    concentrations in ppb range can be measured.
  • AX 1n ? (A1)X ? (A1)X ?

Activation of 39K by Neutron Activation
Radiological Dating
  • The half life of radioisotopes are constant over
  • Using half lives of some naturally occuing
    isotopes the age of geological samples and
    organic matter can be measured.
  • 40K/40Ar (Age of geological formations, t1/2109
  • 14C/12C (Age of organic matter, t1/25700y)
  • 210Pb (Sedimentation rate in lake and sea,
    t1/222 y)

Carbon-14 Dating
  • 14C is synthesized in upper atmosphere by the
    interaction of cosmic neutrons and 14N.
  • 14C is a beta emitter with a half life of 5700
    years 14C ? 14N ?-
  • Recent 14C/ 12C1.2x10-12
  • 14C/ 12C(t) 1.2x10-12 e-(0.693/5700)t
  • A samples 14C/ 12C3x10-13
  • 3x10-131.2x10-12 e-t/8270
  • t 12000 y

Nuclear Fusion
  • Two light nuclei fuse to form heavier nucleus
    with a large energy release.
  • High energy need to start reaction is provided by
    heat Thermonuclear fusion
  • Inertial Confinement heating by laser or X-ray
  • Magnetic confinement Tokamak reactor.

Nuclear Fission
  • Fission is discovered by Otto Hahn and Fritz
    Strassman in 1939. Soon after Lise Meitner and
    Otto Frish discovered the fission of 235U by
  • There are more than 30 possible decay channel.
    b, average number of neutrons is 2.47
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