Title: Master equation and initial factorization
1Master equation and initial factorization
- Paolo Facchi
- Università di Bari, Italy
- in collaboration with
- S. Pascazio, K. Yuasa (Bari)
- H. Nakazato, I. Ohba, S. Tasaki (Tokyo)
- G. Kimura (Sendai)
- Closed quantum system
- unitary evolution (reversible)
- Schrödinger equation
- small systems / discrete spectra
- Open Quantum Systems
- dissipation/decoherence (irreversible)
- system S reservoir B
- derivation of master equation
- for the reduced density ops.
infinitely extended systems
System S
- (Thermal) Quantum Field Theory
Reservoir B
3Master equation
4Derivation of master equation
- System S Reservoir B
- B is infinitely large
- Weak coupling
- Trace over B
- Nakajima-Zwanzigs Projection Method
- Weak-Coupling Markov Approximation
- van Hoves Limit
- No Initial Correlation between S and B
5Assumptions of Factorization
factorized initial state
factorization at later times
D.F. Walls and G.J. Milburn, Quantum Optics
(1994) M.O. Scully and M.S. Zubairy, Quantum
Optics (1997) C. Cohen-Tannoudji, J. Dupont-Roc,
and G. Grynberg, Atom-Photon Interactions
(1998) H.J. Carmichael, Statistical Methods in
Quantum Optics 1 (1999) H.-P. Breuer and F.
Petruccione, The Theory of Open Quantum Systems
(2002) C.W. Gardiner and P. Zoller, Quantum
Noise, 3rd ed. (2004)
6Reference State
- For a factorized initial state
- For a correlated initial state
- Liouvillians
- Projections
- Properties
8Projection Method
initial correlation
- F. Haake, in Quantum Statistics in Optics and
Solid-State Physics, Vol. 66 of Springer Tracts
in Modern Physics, edited by G. Höhler (Springer,
Berlin, 1973), pp. 98-168 - R. Kubo, M. Toda, and N. Hashitsume, Statistical
Physics II, 2nd ed. (Springer, Berlin, 1995) - L. Mandel and E. Wolf, Optical Coherence and
Quantum Optics (1995)
- 0 point spectrum of
- (absolutely) continuous spectrum
- is a bounded perturbation of
- Projection
Tasaki et al., Ann. Phys. 322, 631-656 (2007)
10Mixing reservoir
- is mixing (with respect to ).
- e.g.)
for any bounded ops.
11Mixing reservoir
is mixing (with respect to ).
for any bounded ops.
12Open system in a mixing reservoir
- Perturbations/correlation propagate away to
infinity. - There remains the mixing state and the system is
factorized. - Correlation through interaction.
- ? Mixing quickly in t.
System S
free evolution in t
SB looks factorized in
Reservoir B